My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 160: The Seed Urn Ceremony

Chapter 160: The Seed Urn Ceremony

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Chapter 160: The Seed Urn Ceremony


Anything within his control has a certain variable called resistance, everything he wants to control will produce an opposing force resisting that control which increases his Nen consumption within his domain.

It all depends if his input can handle that necessary consumption, if his brain can handle that amount of input, that's something Yasuo always trained across the years until his brain reached its limits unable to handle any more input.

However, those limits are no longer there, his transformation negated ever having those limits and even increased his input significantly, he was already able to handle the input needed to control Nenless humans and even some of the weaker Nen users but after the transformation, he became able to do much more.

So controlling a few drops of blood to appear next to him proved to be quite easy with no one able to notice anything at all. His domain range that can reach over a mile around him allowed him to do so, and just as he did previously, he drank their blood and his genes and Nen started doing what he wanted them to do.

Even though the silver snake family's base of operation was changed from the Kakin empire to the Mitene Island, they of course didn't retract their already tight control from the empire or any other place in the known world.

There is still a smaller base in the empire and everywhere in the known world with plenty of henchmen to keep their control over the underworld and also keep the lookout for their legitimate businesses all over the world.

The silver snake specifically kept a tight hold over the Kakin empire as Yasuo knows it will be the center of the expeditions to come. The ship that will transport people to the dark continent is being built and is not far from completion, just no more than ten days.

The ship is called The Black Whale, it's able to carry 200,000 passengers and will serve as the main grounds for Kakin's war of succession, and it's only the first of ships to sail as many more are under construction.

The Seed ceremony is on the 8th of July and Yasuo double-checked just to make sure and he also made sure no one knows he's here as his plans have changed. Previously he wanted to get the Seed urn forcefully and experiment on it across the previous years but he couldn't so he decided to change his plans.

If his genetic structure manages to absorb the royal family's bloodline allowing him to get a guardian beast of his own then a new possibility will be opened to him, an opportunity he will definitely take.

So instead of taking the Seed urn forcefully, he decided to instead borrow it without anyone noticing just for a few seconds but that's hard to do as either Natsubi is always near it or his personal butler who happened to be the messenger responsible for delivering all the details of the ceremony as well as watching over the princes as they undergo it.

And he knows he needs to be cautious in this as any mishap could lead to the succession contest getting canceled which he doesn't want as the benefits are too tempting to miss. He knows Natusbi can cancel the contest if he suspects anything but only before it started, if it already did however he won't be able to do anything as that goes against how the urn works.

This is where Yasuo's space control comes into play. He already knows how the ritual plays so while Natsubi's personal butler was heading towards the room of one of the princes with a chest in his hands and the urn is within that chest which made things easier, Yasuo started what he wanted to do as he prefers to try this when it's near the butler than near Natsubi.

First, one needs to offer a drop of their blood to the urn by dropping it inside so Yasuo controlled a drop of his precious blood to move in space ignoring any barrier in the way and he was easily was able to teleport it to within the urn without making even a faint sound.

This of course needs for the butler to be within Yasuo's domain but that's easy due to the latter's space control and his portals ability as he can just teleport to an empty place within the palace and that's it as the chest was not an obstacle to his domain, in fact, it made things much easier as the butler can't see what's inside the chest.

That allowed for everything to go perfectly especially the next step which is arguably the hardest but not to Yasuo. Then they need to put their hand in its mouth-like opening which was easy for Yasuo as he created a source portal in front of him and a destination portal in front of the urn's mouth the inserted his hand through the portal.

His hand of course appeared through the portal going into the urn's mouth fulfilling the condition. He retracted his hand and waited for the next phase of the ritual though he had to do something before.

He created another source portal except that the destination portal this time is slightly above the urn because if he doesn't do so, the butler will definitely notice especially considering as Yasuo judged, he's a quite strong Nen user.

At this point, a purple smoke started fuming from the urn going and due to the portal being in its way, it went through it appear before Yasuo. Within the purple smoke is a tiny female sprite dressed in Kakin traditional clothing holding a small egg.

Instantly, Yasuo created a small amplification domain around her and observed the spirit as well as the purple smoke and especially the small egg she's holding.

Conjuration, that's what he determined, he already knows the urn is a conjuration ability of the first Kakin King but even the spirit being a conjuration is certainly interesting, a conjuration ability that can conjure something else.

The tiny spirit flew close to his mouth and inserted the egg and strangely, the egg dispersed after entering his mouth like smoke spreading all over his body. Yasuo noted that even though it dispersed, the egg actually didn't hatch nor did his guardian beast appear.

Instead, that transparent smoke seem to move everywhere in his body while consuming his Aura at an extremely slow rate and as the smoke absorbed it, it started gaining a color, his color and it was at that moment that the tiny spirit disappeared with Yasuo doing the same.

He appears in his relatively small house compared to the mansion on the Island, then sat down and closed his eyes focusing on the strange smoke within him, he can see it clearly, he can even see its color clearly.

None of the princes could see the tiny spirit or even the egg that was inserted in their mouth, in fact, they didn't even feel it going into their mouth like it didn't happen and they won't be able to see their guardian beasts.

Other people can see them if the beasts show themselves but none of the Kaki royal family can see them except Natsubi who can see every guardian beast of his children which is likely due to the fact that he already survived the previous succession contest.

Yasuo can also see them just like he could see Natsubi's guardian beast a while ago, he could see the tiny spirit clearly but not by his eyes, by his control domain.

Years ago, he could only see a vague shape of Natsubi's beast while now, he can see them clearly, he can see their natural color and every speck of their existence, his sense within his domain became quite strong.

He started pushing his control domain to its new limits trying to control that strange smoke, and even with how much stronger he became after the transformation, it still proved to be a bit of a challenge.

But once he got the hang of how to control it, it became much easier just like how he found controlling space extremely complicated before while now, he can easily do so.

And it proved to be quite beneficial because as he started manipulating it in a certain way, it started to consume his Aura at a much faster rate gaining Yasuo's color quite quickly though as he continued to do so, he noticed that even though the fumes have become almost completely purple, it showed no signs of getting any close to hatching.

It appeared as if it didn't matter how much Aura the smoke consumes, perhaps a certain time span needs to pass before the guardian beast can appear but that didn't make Yasuo stop what he was doing, on contrast, he started trying to accelerate the process.

"This could be interesting." Remarked Yasuo as a small smile appeared on his face knowing the implications of such a thing.

If how much it consumes determined how strong the resulting guardian beast is then Yasuo is basically a walking cheat code that managed to find holes in every ability of his and push them beyond what they were supposed to.

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