My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 171: Pulling The Trigger

Chapter 171: Pulling The Trigger

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Chapter 171: Pulling The Trigger


And he can make that process much faster by just assimilating more bloodlines especially the ones that are rich with Nen and the same is happening to his input pushing how much information and Aura his brain can handle in a certain amount of time significantly, constant evolution.

At this point in time, the only people from the silver snake family left on the ship are Orilin and three of his subordinates, Yasuo even sent Morena back to the Island as the plan was never for her to be here for long.

The previous two weeks were but a mere vacation to the two and they spent most of it with each other but now, Yasuo needed to start his work and Morena needed to go back and oversee the preparation of the Silver family.

So she used the ability she absorbed from Luini which allows her to teleport to any place she's been in before under the condition that she's in a locked room and few other restrictions.

Yasuo slowly opened his eyes after dozing off for a bit under the warm sun as he rested atop the ship and it was at that same moment that a portal appeared not far from him.

Illumi followed by the completely unconscious Hisoka walked out from it, "You're enjoying yourself I see." Remarked Illumi seeing Yasuo's state of relaxation with no care in the world.

"Well, why not?" Yasuo just shrugged his shoulder while standing up, "Anyway, as I texted you, I already got what I wanted from him so just keep him."

Illumi raised his brows again but didn't question the man, in fact, he's quite happy he can keep Hisoka as he will help a lot in the path he chose though it will never really be Hisoka, just a living body under his complete control.

"Ok, also, can you heal him, he still needs some work." While asking that, Illumi walked behind Hisoka and put his hands on the latter's head as to make sure the black needles stay put where he put them.

Yasuo didn't mind doing so so he just activated his negative rose and without even moving, purple lines appeared all over Hisoka before disappearing after restoring his body to its peak state.

"Did you need something?" Questioned Illumi after that because Yasuo created a portal for him to pass through and it leads to him even though he doesn't want Hisoka anymore so he must've wanted something from him and he was right.

"Yeah, I want you to hypnotize someone and make him kill a particular person, I believe you already have general information about the passengers in the first tier, send a needle through this portal, and make him kill Camilla Hui Guo Rou the 2nd prince. That person is the first prince by the way and he should be easy to manipulate." While explaining, Yasuo created a small portal just enough for Illumi's needles to go through.

Illumi didn't question why someone like Yasuo would need to do such a thing as he can simply kill any one of them easily, instead, he brought a small yellow needle up and started focusing his Aura into it before throwing it into the portal.

Yasuo closed the portal before saying, "Thanks and also, take this and drink it later when you're alone, don't waste even a drop of it, ok?" Instructed Yasuo while handing him a test tube with a concentrated milky liquid within, a liquid he also gave to Morena though at a much larger quantity, the leftover of the liquid he extracted from Nitro rice, and he already gave some to the rest of his family, just the older ones that actually need it as well as Zigg who need it the most.

Illumi nodded before going through the portal that just appeared leading to where he was before so he can continue his study over his chosen path, the path of the dead.

Yasuo changed his field to vision to another location where his sole existence gave birth to chaos again, the whole fifth tier was completely massacred just because of him, just so Chrollo can prepare several backup plans for him and he needed numerous bodies to do so.

Now, the simple action of Illumi sending that specific needle through the portal will lead to greater consequences down the line, he watched as Benjamin, the first prince walked through a certain hallway feeling a deep rage within him ignoring the questioning looks of his subordinates that noticed his strange behavior.

The small yellow needle that was inserted in his head was hidden beneath the high forest that his long spiky orange hair. The thoughts of Camilla simply couldn't leave his mind, she not only tried to kill him, she actually has the audacity to challenge him in court even after all of that.

A rage came out of nowhere and seemed to want to consume him in his entirety, he also wasn't known as a calm person, in fact, he is easily provoked and it's hard for him to control his anger if not for his loyal guards.

However, the slight push Illumi's needle did on him was enough for him to slightly lose his sense of reason and do something he wanted to do for a long time, he broke into Camilla's quarters finding her there and he didn't even give her a chance to react nor a chance for his subordinates to stop him, he broke her neck.

Even though she's also a Nen user, he was still easily able to do so due to a few reasons, she didn't expect him to do such a thing at all but most importantly, she just rarely puts her guard up because of her strange ability.

The moment she died is the moment something strange happened as a huge cat-like Nen beast appeared behind the unresponsive Benjamin and squished him into its paw and started extracting his life energy before pouring it again into Camilla's mouth.

An interesting ability with its activation condition as her death but as that life essence was fully poured in her mouth, her twisted neck started going back to its previous normal shape and only a second passed before she opened her eyes with arrogance apparent in them, "I always thought you're the stupidest of the bunch and it appears I'm right."

His subordinates were left agape watching all of this happen without being able to do a thing, this was just too confusing to them, and where are his body and guardian beast? Because after the huge cat disappeared nothing was left in its place, not even a drop of blood from Benjamin was left or his clothes.

Yasuo still didn't understand how the cat ability works so he of course took some percussions because it kills the one responsible for its host's death and absorbs their life force to resurrect Camilla, and he didn't know if it will target Illumi or Benjamin or both so he looked into the future a few times until he made sure it's alright.

He also made sure to observe how Camilla's Nen behaves when the car manifests as well as teleporting a few drops of her blood to him, and also do the same to Benjamin before his body disappears completely.

He also found out something interesting and logical, Benjamin's guardian beast tried to protect him against that Nen beast but it failed to do anything against the cat simply because the condition for it to work was already met and that the guardian beast just isn't strong enough to change that.

And the only reason this ability even work against someone who is part of the succession contest is that that's not Camilla's guardian beast, it's an ability she created as she was already a Nen user before all of this, the rule that no guardian beast is allowed to fight or kill another one or a human who a guardian beast is protecting doesn't apply to this ability.

Yasuo then retracted his vision from there and allowed things to take their natural course, of course, he will continuously manipulate things until only one prince is left alive.

In the meantime however, he will continue to collect different bloodlines and also drink the blood of the creatures he brought from the dark continent as well as study them thoroughly.

There are many things he has studied yet that still lie unveiled in his lab, from some fascinating plants life forms, and creatures and the numerous large trees he brought as well as the soil Nitro rice has grown on.

So many things to research and since he can teleport back to his lab in minutes, he of course will take advantage of that and research them thoroughly.

There are also so many interesting targets in the ship he needs to study, he doesn't really need to kill them to take their blood but when he feels like it, he will do so. so many targets with so many interesting abilities aren't something he will miss.

Natsubi found the next sequence of events quite strange as everything happened so quickly. However, he knows he can't really predict his children's guardian beasts' full capabilities or how the succession contest will go but he didn't expect everything to happen so fast...

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