My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 24: Avoiding problems

When I finished eating the lasagna, I rated it as one of the most delicious things I had ever tasted. It had something special, though I couldn't pinpoint what it was. Perhaps it was a new type of seasoning that I wasn't aware of. 

The stalker girl was sending me not-so-subtle looks, but I happily ignored them and also Peyton's aggressive looks towards her.

I enjoyed how lucky I was that no one was talking at the table. There was just a quiet tension, but I was used to this kind of tense atmosphere, almost familiar with it, so it didn't bother me in the least, I almost felt comfortable.

However, my good fortune came to an end.

"Alex, why are you flirting with my girlfriend?" I heard the boy sitting across from me say.


"Are you deaf?" he retorted scathingly. "I said, why are you flirting with my girlfriend?"

I looked at the girl I was supposedly flirtinging and saw a slight smile on her face. She was enjoying this conversation, and I could feel my patience wearing thin. Peyton seemed to be in the same situation, judging from the way he was looking at her.

But I kept my composure and responded reasonably. "I'm not doing anything, your 'girlfriend' is the one showing interest in me," I explained.

And that was true, I could feel her gaze on me, but I seemed to be the only one who could feel her gaze on me.

The boy snorted and gave me a scathing look. "Maybe it's because you were moaning like a slut earlier!" he yelled, and the atmosphere became silent.

The surrounding tables turned their gazes toward our table, curious to know what was going on. To be honest, it was a little intimidating to have so many eyes on me, judging me. However, when I found myself momentarily stunned, Peyton rose from his seat with indignation on his face.

“What did you say?!”

"Alex is a slut!" Remarked the boy angrily.

"Take that back!" Peyton shouted. "Alex isn't doing anything. Your girlfriend here has been teasing him since he walked into this cafeteria."

The boy seemed to hesitate a little. "Is that true?" he asked his girlfriend.

She threw up her hands. "I didn't do anything, these are false accusations, babe."

He got his smug look on his face again as he turned his gaze back to us. "See?"

I felt this situation was starting to get ridiculous. Even if I said anything, I could see that this guy was just plain stupid. He was the kind of guy who only sees reality when it hits him in the face. Knowing this, I stood up. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kevin stand up as well, determination in his eyes for a possible insult fight. However, I had to let him down. I didn't feel like getting into one of these fights. Since I had already finished my lasagna, I had no more dealings here.

"Let's go away," I said simply.

Peyton gave me a look. "Are you sure, after they told you that?"

I turned to look at the indignant boy with a smile. "Is it true what he said about me, Peyton?"

He looked at me in amazement. "What? Of course not!"

I shrugged, picked up my tray, and started to walk out of the place. "So why bother?"

This was quite simple. As I said, the best fights are the ones you avoid. And this one was clearly avoidable. When people got mad at me for nonsensical things at my job, I would simply tune out the talk until it seemed like they could be reasoned with. However, this time I was not obligated to reason with them.

I heard Peyton and Kevin running to catch up with me, as well as the boy's indignant voice, which I simply ignored as I walked out of the place. I hoped that the boy would realize how stupid he was when his relationship blew up in his face.


After that unpleasant incident, classes went on as normal until the end. The information was successfully compiled in my brain, and for the first time since I started school, I felt that the information received would be of use to me in life.

I walked through the halls of the school after slipping away from Peyton and Kevin, who, although they proved to be good friends, were too clingy. For someone like me who spends a lot of time alone, I'd prefer a little more space. As I was thinking about this, my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket, and on the caller ID, it was Peyton. Has something happened?


"Alex," Peyton's voice sounded on the other end of the phone. "I've already talked to my dad. I'll pick you up later," he informed. 

What was he talking about? However, I remembered something about a sleepover or something? I remember saying I couldn't or something, didn't they get my message?

"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well again. I think I'll pass this time," I said, even though my mind hesitated for a second about whether to accept or not. But magic was more important.

"Really?" Peyton asked in a concerned voice. "How about going to the mall tomorrow?"

I was about to refuse, but I really had no excuse this time. I couldn't just say that I would feel bad that day. It was a cheap excuse.

"Sure, tomorrow might be fine," I said after a while.

"Great! Take care then, see you tomorrow!"



I hung up the phone with a sigh and realized that I had already reached the exit. I didn't see Luna anywhere, so maybe she had already left? I thought so, but in reality, I stood to the side as I watched the other students leave. Surely she would walk me home or something. It was something she would definitely do in this world.

I sighed as I waited, idly checking my phone until a voice and a slight gasp brought me out of my trance.

"Sorry. I'm late," Luna apologized.

I was about to answer when I looked at her face. She had a slight scratch on her face, something like a cut, but less clean. Was that a bruise?

"Are you okay?" I asked, bringing my hand up to her face and touching her cut lightly. She didn't even blink and instead stared at me with a slight blush.

"Ah... yes, just a slight fall," Luna said after a while, and since I sent her a narrow-eyed look, she swear to me. "I promise, nothing major."

I looked at her for a moment before nodding, but with the feeling that I would have to keep a closer eye on my younger sister.

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