My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 41: The end of the shopping trip

Finally, we left the arcade, my right hand holding the stuffed toy Lineth had given me, and my left hand holding my shopping bag, since I couldn't fit anything else in the tiny bag. As we walked along, chatting idly about some games or funny moments we spent in the place, I felt my phone vibrate in my pants. Juggling my belongings, I managed to pull it out when Lineth kindly offered to hold some of my load. The caller ID said 'Besti' and a heart symbol as I checked who the call was from. Having an idea who it was, I quickly answered.


"Alex, where are you? Why did you disappear all of a sudden?" Peyton's voice sounded a little angry through the phone.

"Sorry, I wanted ice cream and Lineth went with me to buy it." I explained.

"So Lineth is with you," Peyton sighed. "That's good, I was afraid we'd have to go looking for her since she's not answering. Anyway, let's meet on the first floor at the exit, Dad's on his way to pick us up."

So it was about time, in the end, I ended up having a good time. "We'll be there"

"All right! Hurry up, Alex!"

When I heard those last words from Peyton, I hung up the phone and put it away. I took the moon stuffed toy out of Lineth's hand and spoke, "Peyton's dad is on his way to pick us up," I said and at that moment something came to my mind, "You... are you coming with us?"

"Oh, well, Mr. Jordan knows me, so I could hitch a ride..." She said absently.

I felt like slapping my face, "Even him? How ingrained is your lie?"

"Oh, well, a couple of people think so, not that many, yep." Lineth said nervously.

With nothing else to do, I just sighed, "Let's go to the first floor, they're waiting there."

"Ah... okay." Lineth said, looking a bit depressed.

"Lead the way." I said, slowing down so that she was the one walking in front of me.

"Okay..." Lineth said, sounding rather dejected.

I felt a little sorry for her, sure, I could have reassured her by telling her we could go out some other time, but while I had fun with her, I wasn't really looking for a serious relationship right now.


"Ah, there you are Alex!" Peyton said with a smile as he ran up to me and hugged me for some reason, shopping bags adorning his arms so it was quite awkward.

I awkwardly returned his hug, and after he pulled away, I asked the question that was plaguing my mind. "What about the others?"

"Oh well, they're still buying." He replied. I shrugged then, leaning back slightly on a support at my side.

Almost instinctively, I pulled out my phone again and checked my social networks. My slowgram feed was littered with men and women, quite hideous by my standards, modeling some pretty flashy clothes. Shirtless women trying on underwear was still new to me, especially since they weren't wearing bras, which made me reflexively look over my shoulder every time one of them appeared as I slid down, causing a slightly confused look on Peyton's face.

I just shrugged it off without giving him an explanation. Finally, after Kevin left the store with a few more of my "friends," they raised their arms in satisfaction and announced that they had had enough for the day, for which I was grateful.

Finally, this silly trip to the mall was over.


"H-hello, Mr. Jordan." Lineth said, holding out a hand to Peyton's father, quickly pulling it back when the man didn't return the gesture.

"Lineth." The man said with a forced smile, his voice a little colder than usual. "What are you doing here with the boys?"

"Ah. Well- I”

"I invited her Dad!" Peyton jumped to Lineth's defense, "We needed her point of view, after all!"

Jordan sighed. "So, Lineth, do you want a ride or something?"

"Well, if it's possible, yes." Lineth gave me a look as she said that.

Perhaps seeing the look on her face, Peyton's dad smiled again, "It's okay! But keep your hands in your pockets or else..."

“Dad!” Peyton interrupted his father with a laugh, giving Lineth an amused look, "He's kidding."

“Oh, haha.”

Lineth let out a nervous laugh and I just snorted, and then we all got in the car.

After that, we went back to Peyton's father's house, waited a while, and watched a show that was actually a bit entertaining, since it was a comedy, and because of the similarity to a famous science sitcom I knew, it was fun to watch it as a kind of parody. I enjoyed watching TV for about half an hour until finally the sound of a car was heard and shortly after someone rang the doorbell.

"I'm going ~" Peyton jumped up from his seat and practically danced to the intro music of the TV show.

Just as he was out of sight, I heard him open the door, and after a brief conversation, he walked back into the living room, followed by my older sister.

"Looks like you're leaving, Alex." Peyton said with some regret.

"Looks like." I nodded.

I got up from my seat and took my stuffed animal that Lineth had given me, my sister raised an eyebrow at my new acquisition, but I ignored it and made my way to follow my sister after saying goodbye, first to the boys with a hug and then to Lineth, who surprisingly had some courage and hugged me as well.

However, that was perhaps a slip on Lineth's part, for my sister stared at her, her gaze colder than a glacier. Lineth, who had blushed before, now shrank from Nola's gaze.

And so the seconds passed with my older sister Nola staring at Lineth while the shy girl squirmed on the couch. Lineth asked for my help with her eyes, which I didn't hesitate to give, catching my sister's attention with a hug to say hello, which fortunately diverted Nola's attention to Lineth.

"Why don't we go?" I said, looking at her with a smile.

Nola nodded, not saying a word before nodding to the others in the room, who nodded back at her, but stiffly and uncomfortably.

I couldn't help but frown, I knew Nola wasn't very well liked in this world, but if her mere appearance was enough to provoke these reactions, they weren't worth it as friends. The only ones who didn't have a visible reaction were Peyton, Kevin and Lineth, the last one just nervous from the death stare Nola gave her and trying to make herself as small as possible on the couch.

I decided to stop hanging out with this group of friends in my head and started walking behind Nola, my stuffed toy and shopping bag in each hand.

I got into the car and buckled my seat belt. My sister, quiet as always, started the car. As soon as the car accelerated, we drove down the road at a moderate speed. I wanted to check my phone, I didn't want to fall asleep this time as it might mess up my sleep schedule, so as I was getting ready to check my phone, Nola called out to me.

"So..." She started awkwardly. "Who was that girl?"

Oh, how did I not see that coming?

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