My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 51: A Slight Conversation

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me in confusion, "Your grades? Of what? Besides, that's your teacher's responsibility, not mine."

I shrugged. "As far as I know, she's not back from her trip yet, so I thought you might."

Mrs. Smith resumed her work. "Why not wait until he gets back?" she asked absently.

"I need them now."

Mrs. Smith gave me a weak smile, "And?"

I rolled my eyes. "I thought we were friends now."

She gave me a shit-eating grin. "If all it took for two people to be friends was a light conversation, I'd be the most popular person in this school."

I sighed in annoyance. "So? Acquaintances."

She thought for a moment. "An appropriate term for our relationship, yes."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, since my teacher doesn't consider me a friend, I'll have to pull out the 'man' card."

She stopped typing to look up, seemingly interested. "'Man' card?"

I nodded proudly. "I recently learned that if you cry, people will give you what you want," I said, "Ah, but that only works if you're a man or a boy." I clarified.

She scoffed. "That's a pretty lame threat, you wouldn't be able to..." She saw the slight smile on my face before she sighed. "You know what, yes you would be able to, so just follow me, let's go to your teacher's office and rummage through her files."

"Great," I smiled.

"Don't look so happy, our relationship went from acquaintances to strangers again." She said with a smile.

"Ouch, did I lose Smith points with this conversation?"

"Now you're in the negative." She joked.


We walked in relative silence through the halls of the school after leaving the classroom. They were moderately crowded, but emptying quickly due to the short lunch hour and the lack of tables. I wasn't too worried, after all Kevin and Peyton were setting up a table.

We stopped at an empty classroom, away from everything else, but looking inside it looked like a small office with a computer and a few things, quite small.Professor Smith locked the door and moved quickly. "Come in." She said, suddenly nervous for some reason, her eyes scanning the room.

I was confused for a moment, but when I looked back, I could see a few students chatting and apparently looking in our direction, and I could only assume that she was afraid of rumors spreading or something.

However, I ignored those looks and quickly entered the classroom, the teacher quickly closing the door and walking to her seat, motioning for me to sit down, which I did without asking too many questions. "Alex...Alex... "She hummed, typing quickly on the computer before stopping. "Wow..."

"Wow?" I asked confusedly, leaning forward hoping to see her computer screen, but I couldn't.

She wasn't hiding anything from me, though, as she quickly recovered and shook her head. "Ah, it's just that your grades are good."

I raised an eyebrow, "Is that a surprise?"

She nodded casually. "Of course." I gave her a flat look and she shrugged, "I know it's a cliché, but life is ruled by clichés, isn't it?"

I nodded at her, finding her thought process quite reasonable. "True." After all, that's life, so I didn't take it personally, and I couldn't, because it wasn't me who had gotten good grades, but the Alex of this world. Anyway, I asked a question expectantly, "What's my GPA?

"You got a 7.4."

I gave her a flat look. "That's not good at all."

"Stereotypes, remember? "I sighed, suddenly her way of thinking was annoying."

Would I be good enough for a good college?"

She raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Do you want to go to college?"

"Well, those are my aspirations, yes."

She gave me a long look before nodding to herself. "If you're not looking for anything otherworldly, you should be accepted."

Thinking about the former Alex's life goals, I said something similar. "Actually, I want to get into Polarica College."

Professor Smith shook her head and chuckled slightly before stopping and looking at me quizzically.  "Are you serious?" She asked after a few seconds. "Then you're not getting in, not in a million years."

"Hey, don't be cruel."

She smiled at me. "I'm just being realistic, this university is elite, and even if they don't say it, they don't accept humans...".

I sighed. "Racism again, huh?"

"Welcome to the real world." She shrugged.

I sighed when I saw that the former owner of this body's goal was not feasible. "So, what, I should seek the humble life of a househusband?" I joked.

"I don't particularly care," she shrugged. "But if you want to have the illusion of being something more in this life, you can get into a local college."

"So I only have two choices - to be mediocre or a househusband?" I laughed.

"Hey, the limits are set by you or whatever." She said with the false attempt to comfort me.

"You know, you suck at comforting" I laughed.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not even trying."

Raise an eyebrow. "So you're holding back... holding back your true potential so they won't suspect you... like in a thriller series?"

Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but a sound resembling a chuckle escaped her mouth before fading as she coughed to cover it up. "Ahem."

I wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily, though. Leaning out of my seat, I brought her face close to mine and, with genuine disbelief, traced it to her beautiful purple eyes. "A laugh! For a moment there, I thought you had a taboo against it."

She didn't answer for a while as she just stared at my eyes and face in that I think about it, she was very beautiful, nice lips, mature but sexy face.... We were so close, should I?.....


Then two very familiar boys came through the door.

"Stay away from Alex, you pervert!"

I sighed sadly as I looked at Peyton and Kevin.

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