My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 53: Ada’s club

Meeting Lineth here was a real surprise. Although I knew she was in the same school as me, I thought our interactions would be severely limited, and although I could tell I was somewhat attracted to the girl, with so much on my mind, the somewhat silly girl basically took a back seat.

But now that she was here, I saw no harm in talking to her, hopefully her stupid plan to pose as a lesbian to get fucked had been discarded.

"What are you doing here?" I asked casually, walking toward her.

"Uh well, I was just checking out the clubs and stuff... and you?" she replied, with a smile if somewhat stiffly.

Ada, who had been watching us from the side, looked at us in confusion. "You know each other?"

We exchanged glances with Lineth and I simply shrugged. "Yes."

"Um, okay." Ada nodded, turning slightly to look at Lineth. "So. Where were we..." She brightened at the accomplishment of remembering where they had left off, but wilted as she remembered the content of the conversation. "Oh, right... you didn't like my club."

"No, no, no, of course I like it!" Lineth announced with a smile, flicking her eyes between me and Ada, "Just to clarify, Alex is part of the club, right?"

Ada gave me a sad look before replying dejectedly, "Oh, well, no..."

"I just come here from time to time." I clarified.

Lineth's enthusiasm was clearly waning, but it wasn't completely gone. "Oh, never mind, your club charmed me!" Lineth nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at corn.

Ada smiled from ear to ear, leaned closer to the girl, and looked almost as if she had stars in her eyes. "Really?!"

Lineth leaned back slightly, turning her face away from the overzealous girl. "Yeah! The whole html text thing or whatever. Very interesting, yep."

I gave Lineth an amused look because she clearly didn't understand what the club was all about, but I didn't blame her....I didn't fully understand either.

"So? Are you going to join?!" Ada still seemed overly enthusiastic, practically invading Lineth's personal space.

"Yes... "Lineth replied hesitantly, "But stay away from me." She said, nudging Ada, who didn't seem particularly upset, just clenching her fist in celebration.

"Great! I'm only 3 members short and my club won't be closed!" She exclaimed.

That sentence caught our attention, "Wait, your club is closing?" I couldn't help but ask.

Ada's enthusiasm faded as she nodded sadly, "My teacher says that because it's a one-member club, it will officially close in April. Bad use of resources and all that."

Lineth glanced at her phone before looking at Ada a little concerned. "Isn't that next month?"

"Yes, that's why I made the posters... they didn't attract many people though." Ada sighed.

Well, now that I knew the reason for the posters, I was glad that I had made the decision not to ignore the promise I had made to Ada and come here, it would be a shame if this club closed down. Even though I didn't have much of an idea what Ada was supposed to be doing here.

"So Lineth?" I asked, she gave me a questioning look, so I continued. "You're going to join this club, right?" I gave my best smile.

"Uh, yeah, yeah! Of course!" She said hastily, and I smiled even more.

I nodded in satisfaction and sat down in one of the seats, cracking my knuckles. "Now, do either of you know anything about deceptive advertising?"


"This... Alex, isn't that a bit..." Lineth hesitated, looking at the poster I had created in a few minutes in an editing program.

I gave her a puzzled look. "Isn't it attractive?"

"I mean yes, but... there was a need to put all those men... it feels like ripping people off." She said that, but her look practically exuded lust.

"Pfft, I'm just using all available resources." I waved my hand. Who knew that typing "cute guys" was all it took to get lingerie pictures of men! Disturbing, but useful.

"I like it." Ada said from the side, running a finger across the screen, touching a man's face. "I think a lot of people will come to my club if I put this on the mural."

"Yes, but when they realize that this club is boring... "Lineth quickly corrected herself when we both turned to look at her. "I-I mean, it doesn't have boys, they'll be disappointed."

It was a good question, but it had a simple solution. "I've already thought of that, I'll just join this club too. That way it won't matter, right?"

"Will you join us?" Lineth brightened before turning away and giving me a thoughtful look. "I forgot, but you're in the cheerleading club, doesn't that take up a lot of time? How can you be in two clubs at the same time?"

My smile froze as Lineth brought up an issue I wished I had buried when I had the chance. I had to deal with it soon... maybe today, after all, it wouldn't take long.

"Eh, I plan to leave it. "I shrugged casually.

"Eh?!"Lineth was startled for some reason, "But what will they do without the captain?"

I was the captain?!.... I instinctively grimaced.

"Eh, they'll manage." I said and spoke quickly again. "But changing the subject! It's time to print it out and fool people!"

Ada clapped her hands at my enthusiasm, and Lineth followed hesitantly.


I finished the meeting with Ada's club and left immediately to walk to my other destination... the less said about it the better, I liked living in denial. Trying to disconnect for a moment, I checked my phone and besides the messages from my constant friends, there were two others, both from different platforms.

The first was from Luna, telling me that if I didn't come home at a certain time, she would pick me up, to which I could only reply with a reassuring message. The other was from CallaMeMaybe.

Although I had deleted the contents of my page, it would apparently take a few days for my page to be completely deactivated and deleted, so people could still donate and send me messages.

CallaMeMaybe: Is it okay if we chat on slowgram from now on?

That was her message. I didn't see a problem with that, after all I would be meeting her in person very soon, so what a pimple on the salt shaker. After texting a simple "sure", I saw that I had arrived at my destination and could hear a lot of movement inside.

I peeked in and immediately regretted it when I saw several men in extremely small shorts with even smaller shirts and pom-poms jumping around and practicing a choreography. But I had to face it one way or another, so I had to go in despite myself.

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