My second chance in a strange reverse world!

Chapter 7: On the way to school

We got out of the house. A strange feeling of unease is brewing within me. I still had a glimmer of hope that we were in a similar reality to mine, but that glimmer of hope was fading, its flame extinguishing.

My younger sibling, Luna, unaffected by my inner turmoil, strolled down the pavement with a lively gait, her black skirt— which I deemed to be inappropriately short,— fluttering with the movement of the air, her undulating strides carrying her toward the school in a carefree manner.

Fortunately, the surroundings were devoid of people. However, this was also due to our somewhat isolated location, with only a few houses and businesses nearby. Nonetheless, I couldn't help but notice that everything appeared very clean. This was at least one good thing about this new reality.

Returning to the topic at hand, I was slightly uncomfortable about Luna's attire. Though I agree that people should be free to dress however they want, the unfortunate reality is that there are some unsavory people in the world, and I couldn't help but worry about her safety in such an exposed outfit.

I hurried my steps closer to her, my gaze darting around the surroundings, on the lookout for anyone who dared to cast a lecherous glance at my sister. The thought of someone defiling her pure and innocent form with their eyes... Well, based on what I'd heard from her and Nola's previous conversation, maybe she wasn't as pure and innocent as the one from my previous world, but she was still my little sister, so I was ready to poke someone's eyes out anyway.

Fortunately, there was no one there, just a woman and her daughter walking a little ahead of us.

And, taking advantage of the fact that there were almost no people around, I tapped my younger sister on the shoulder. "Luna," I spoke softly. "Don't you think the skirt is a little too short?" I asked slowly because I didn't want her to be upset with me, but she needed to know.

Luna's perplexity was palpable as she turned to face me, her golden eyes narrowing in a questioning stare. "Huh?" she asked. I could see her mind working as she tried to figure out what I was saying. Luna let out a light, musical laugh, and the confusion vanished as quickly as it had appeared. "Oh come on, Alex, it's not that short," she joked, dismissing my concerns.

"Huh..." I stole a glance and quickly lifted my head as the cool morning breeze lifted her black skirt and revealed her white panties for a split second. "I'm sure it is considered short." I replied hesitantly.

"Heh, we're talking about clothes huh." Luna hummed, her amusement visible in her eyes as she turned around and walked backwards, hands clasped behind her back. The sun was shining down on her, illuminating her golden eyes and making her skin glow even more. "What about you, big brother?" Her eyes darted around my form, her smile mischievous. "Don't you have a lot of cleavage?" Luna shook her head, pretending to be disappointed. "It's just not appropriate for a man to show that much skin. How unseemly, big brother." She scolded playfully.

I shook my head and let out a light chuckle. I knew she was ignoring the fact that her skirt was too short, but I still laughed. I decided to play along for a while. "Cleavage, you say?" I reached for one of my shirt buttons and undid it. "Is that better?"

Luna's eyes widened as she watched me undo the button on my shirt, and she looked surprised. "Big brother, what are you doing?" she asked, a nervous tone in her voice.


A new voice shouted and Luna was startled. She turned the head over her shoulders and after seeing who was calling her, she looked back at me. "Big brother, I have to go, but button up, okay?"

“Huh… okay.”

Luna nodded, then turned and began running towards the voice, which turned out to be a small group of girls when I looked up. I realized we were already close to the school when I noticed several children and teenagers with backpacks making their way towards the building.

Well, I'll let her catch up with her friends.

I kept a slower pace behind her, taking in the sights and sounds around us. That is, until I heard laughter coming from my sister's group of friends. I looked over at them, and they were indeed watching me as they laughed; however, they had the decency to avert their gaze when they noticed my stare.

I frowned, slightly irritated. Sure, I'd been treated like this before, but never so shamelessly. Kids with daddy issues needed somewhere to vent their frustrations, and people like me were easy targets.

However, I was no longer helpless; I had years of maturity ahead of them, and years of similar experiences accumulated in a mental repertoire made me an old hand at this sort of thing.

I gave them a scornful look. 

Instead of ducking my head as I used to, it was a breakthrough.

Although I managed to make the girls who kept staring at me turn their heads, I still grimaced; I didn't like my sister hanging out with these types of people, but there was nothing I could do if she did, so I kept walking slowly towards the school.

I was lost in my thoughts, trying not to notice how everyone around me seemed to be staring at me. 

My sisters were acting strangely, almost as if they were someone else... I had a slight itch inside my head that I couldn't get rid of, the feeling that I had seen something similar somewhere but couldn't remember where.

Perhaps it was in a novel or anime I once watched, but let's be honest: slice-of-life anime wasn't my thing. It felt wrong to me to watch the typical harem protagonist spend quality time with their friends laughing and enjoying life while I was cooped up in my house hating myself.

I was more of the villain genre stealing heroines and stuff like that, power fantasy for all men like me frustrated with life. And now that I think about it, my favorite novel that I couldn't finish was about some siblings who had transmigrated into little villains. What a shame.

As I was thinking, going through every novel I could remember in the hope of recalling some scenario similar to the one I was living, a rather cute voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Mommy, I wuv him, I wanna marry him when I big!"

I shifted my gaze to the right, where a little girl with a backpack was pointing at me while tugging at the dress of what I assumed was her mother. Her mother gave me an awkward smile before whispering something to her daughter that I couldn't hear, but the girl giggled happily as she smiled at me.

I returned her smile; perhaps she was pointing at someone behind me, but I didn't turn to check and instead enjoyed the sensation. After all, it was a victory for me that she didn't point at me and say, “he looks funny!”

It was still depressing, no matter how many times I was told.

I didn't realize that I unconsciously started walking faster, away from the mother-daughter pair, when I realized, slow down, my instinct to run away from a possible misunderstanding that I was a pedophile pervert or something just because of my appearance was more ingrained in me than I wanted to admit.

Sure, they were misunderstandings, and I could just say, "I'm innocent!" but when there's a swarm of hot-blooded guys like in high school who would gladly beat someone up just to look cool or score points with a girl by playing hero, I prefer to avoid this sort of thing.

As I sank into my thoughts, I realized that I had already caught up with my sister and her group of friends, and while I didn't want to interrupt, I didn't see anything wrong with calling out to her since she was literally at my fingertips.

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