My Second Life As A Secretary

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: He Doesn’T Agree With A Check, But He Doesn’T Agree That It Works…

“Huh?” He Zining’s mind had already seen countless episodes. “Then are you going?”

Bai Yinan hesitated for a moment, then said with a hesitant expression, “Let’s go, after all, Mrs. Gu is an elder.”

“That’s true, so do you still have lunch?

“Don’t eat, go straight after work.”

As soon as the lunch break came, Bai Yinan packed her bags and left the company. He Zining went to the restaurant alone, and had dinner and chat with Song Miaomiao and several girls from the HR department.

She always thought that she was a low-level employee in Zhenfeng. After all, the secretary had no real power, but when she listened to Song Miaomiao and the others chatting, and thought about her daily experience, she suddenly found that It seems that I have unknowingly detached from the mass base, and the things I have contacted with my colleagues are completely different.

“By the way, have you heard about He Mi? Cheng Dong is coming back to be the vice president.”

“Dong Cheng is the one who has been abroad?” The information source of the personnel department has always been very fast, but she does not know Cheng Dong, nor did she meet him when he opened the board of directors, only on the list of board members I have seen a surname Cheng.

“Yes, you have only been in the company for half a year, and you haven’t seen Director Cheng.” Song Miaomiao is an old employee of Zhenfeng, and she has a good understanding of the internal affairs of the company, so she asked He Zining to popularize science Cheng Dong’s legendary experience, when Mr. Gu was still in the company, Cheng Dong was the general manager of the company. Three years ago, in the year when Gu Siye became the president, he temporarily left the company for personal reasons.

“Speaking of now, several directors and ministers of the company are brought out by Cheng Dong.”

“That’s really powerful.” He Zining said with admiration that in her limited knowledge, Lu Zhanyuan is the most powerful. Gu Siye is not bad, but Lu Zhanyuan is a generation + high There are too many auras on the scientific and technological talents, but if Cheng Dong can bring out so many high-level executives, he must be very good.

“Director Cheng is indeed very powerful, it’s just…” Song Miaomiao’s expression hesitated.

“What’s wrong?” He Zining asked curiously.

Then, He Zining forgot about Cheng Dong.

She went back to the office after eating, and found that Bai Yinan had not come back, so she took a nap for a while, and it was not until the start of work in the afternoon that Bai Yinan was late.

She greeted Bai Yinan: “You’re back, have you eaten at noon?”

Bai Yinan replied uninterestedly, “Yeah, let’s eat outside.” She silently returned to her seat, woke up the sleeping computer, and didn’t move her hand on the mouse for a long time.


After a while, He Zining heard Bai Yinan ask her in a strange tone: “Zining, do you think it is more important to be rich or happy?”

Do you need to think about this? She answered without hesitation: “The material foundation determines the superstructure. Without material conditions, it is useless to be happy. What do you say is more important?”

“If it’s just for money, is it okay to be unhappy for the rest of your life?”

“I have to tell the truth, emotions can change over time, it may take a long time, but there will be changes, but poverty will not, poverty will not change with time It gets better and gets worse, you get poorer! I’ll give a simple example, if you’re sad right now, if you have money, you don’t have to go to work, shut yourself in the house every day, use alcohol, cigarettes, or whatever Expensive things can paralyze you, but if you don’t have money, you don’t even have the qualification to be so sad! You have to work and earn money to eat, is that the truth?”


“Why didn’t you speak, I said the wrong thing?” She quickly recalled her own words, and it seemed that there was no problem, the reality was like this. Just like this document in her hand, she really wants to tear it up, but for the salary, she has to work hard to do it,

“You’re right, but I’m too naive.” Bai Yinan has never worried about money. Before her mother died, she left a lot of property for her, and her father didn’t pay any cents for the money. Untouched, she gave it all to her when she became an adult, so she never needed to think about asking her about it. She used to think that as long as she and the people around her were happy, it would be fine.

“Why do you ask this question suddenly? Did Mrs. Gu tell you something?”

“It’s nothing.” Bai Yinan shook her head: “I just thought of this question all of a sudden, and felt that I was naive before.”

In the past, she thought she would spend her whole life with Tang Zhian, get married, then quit her job to concentrate on being a full-time wife, and then raise a lovely child with him. In half a year, my life has completely changed.

He Zining comforted her: “Well, people have different ideas at each stage. When I didn’t graduate, I felt that I was very good. Look at me, I haven’t been smoothed out by society. Don’t think too much, it’s the most important thing to do the things in front of you. ”

The two chatted for a while, and Bai Yinan started to work after thinking for a while.

When she was about to get off work, He Zining received a text message from Lu Fang, asking her what she was going to do at night. Such caring and caring, this is a new experience, she looked at the phone and smiled unconsciously.

But unfortunately she is not free these days, she quickly replied to the message.

[Overtime today. ]

[What time will it be? ]

[I don’t know, maybe eight or nine o’clock, I can leave after finishing things. ]

[What are you going to do about dinner? ]

[Order takeaway. ]

[I will pick you up later? ]

[No, the company is only a few steps away from the community, I will send you a message when I go back. ]

Although it feels good to be cared for, but if everything is in charge, she feels a little uncomfortable. It’s not that Lu Fang’s actions are bad, but she is a lot of things. I’m used to dealing with it alone, and I don’t think it’s necessary to have another person.

For example, after get off work late, her new residence is not far from the company. It would be a waste of time if Lu Fang came to pick her up and send her back, but she also understood that Lu Fang was worried that she would return at night The home is not safe, so this scheme is proposed.

She was also thinking when she sent a message. At this time, she really felt a little bit of love. She didn’t need to think so much about getting along with friends. It is necessary to have a thorough understanding, and every small detail needs to be run in, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the accumulated problems. Fortunately, Lu Fang also accepted her proposal and told her to be careful on the road.

It seems that the first phase of communication went very smoothly!

She put down her phone and was about to concentrate on her work. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Bai Yinan was still sitting in front of the computer and didn’t want to leave, so she asked, “Are you going to work overtime?”

“No, take a seat, do you want to work overtime? Do you want me to help you?”

“No need, the rest are more complicated, and it is not as easy for two people to do it alone.”

“That’s true. When you’re not around, I’ll handle things for you and I think wow, you’re really good, so many things can be done.”

“It’s nothing, it’s just practice makes perfect, and you can do it in the future.”

“Well…then I won’t bother you, you can be busy.” Before Bai Yinan left, he looked at He Zining’s busy appearance, and finally swallowed the words in his mouth.

He Zining didn’t go home until after eight o’clock that day, and the work was not completed, and she still needed to finish it tomorrow. She went home and sent Lu Fang a message and fell asleep. The next day When I woke up in the morning, I saw Lu Fang and later texted her back.

She replied one, got up to wash, changed clothes and went out. She came to the company early, thinking that she would die if she did not submit the documents before the deadline, and she immediately arrived at the office Turn on the computer and work hard, not caring about anything else.

Because Bai Yinan knew that she was rushing to work recently, she would not bother her, and the two of them would chat a few words during their lunch break, but today Bai Yinan’s condition is obviously not very good. Is it because she was careful and made a few small mistakes on the document, or it was Special Assistant Zheng who found out and reminded her.

During the meal, He Zining looked at Bai Yinan still uneasy and did not return to her previous state. “Don’t you know that you didn’t sleep well yesterday? I feel very bad.”

“Yeah, I had a dream last night.”

“It’s so hard? It’s very tiring to dream. Sometimes I have a dream all night, and I wake up and find that although my body is rested, my spirit is still very tired.”

“Well, that’s pretty much how I am.”

“Then eat quickly and take a break at noon.”

Gu Siye has a meeting to attend in the afternoon. Bai Yinan should have accompanied him to attend, but he didn’t know where Bai Yinan had provoked Gu Siye. Gu Siye called He Zining and asked him to She prepares documents.

As usual, He Zining will definitely do it without saying a word, but now she really has no time, so she has to prioritize her work. Attending the meeting is definitely not as important as documenting, so she euphemistically Said: “Mr. Gu, I still have a lot of things I haven’t dealt with, and you know that I have rested for so long before…”

Gu Siye’s face darkened and he said in an unhappy tone, “Call Bai Yinan in.”

“I’ll call right away.” She ran away immediately and called Bai Yinan in.

She didn’t know what happened next. Bai Yinan didn’t come back until late after meeting with Gu Siye, and she still received news from Lu Fang before she got off work today. After a conversation similar to yesterday, she couldn’t help sending another message to Lu Fang.

[Are we going to message like this in the future? ]

[Not used to it? ]

[No, if this is the case, then I have to take the initiative to send you a message, I can’t let you revolve around me every day. ]

[Okay, then I’ll wait for you to message me tomorrow. ]

[No problem~]

He Zining suddenly understood one of the benefits of being in love. In addition to having someone to accompany you to eat and live on weekends, there is also someone who can act as a lubricant to regulate your emotions when you are busy. After a hectic and intense work, a little chat with someone can also help relieve stress.

Another day of hard work, on the third day, the last day of the month, all documents must be completed today, which is the legendary Deadline Day. He Zining was even more focused. She thought that even if there was an earthquake today, she might choose to save it on the computer first, and then hide under the table.

Just when she was working passionately, there were two taps on the desktop, which pulled her out of work temporarily.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Gu Siye standing in front of the table, and said the greeting naturally: “Mr. Gu, good morning.”

“Where’s the Bai Yannan people?” She could hear the anger in Gu Siye’s tone.

He Zining glanced at the opposite side, there was no one in the seat, the computer was not turned on, and there was no her bag on the hanger, logically speaking, she did not come, but Bai Yinan was never late for work, and she said Since Gu Siye is here, it should be nine o’clock now, and if he doesn’t come, he won’t have to go to work today.

These thoughts flashed through her mind, and she quickly replied, “Mr. Gu, she hasn’t come to work yet.”

“Call her and find out what’s going on.”

“Okay.” After instructing Gu Siye to stride into the office, He Zining immediately dialed Bai Yinan’s arc on the landline, but it was not connected, so she had to send a message to Bai Yinan on her mobile phone, Continue to work while waiting for the other party to reply.

But after a morning, Bai Yinan still didn’t reply, which is a bit strange. The more He Zining thought about it, the more wrong she became. Fortunately, she had saved Tian Jing’s number before and dialed it immediately.

The other party was very enthusiastic when she heard her voice, but when He Zining asked about Bai Yinan, she immediately hesitated.

“That…it’s better for you to ask her about it.”

“If I contact her, she won’t call you.” He Zining was upset because of work, and had to help find someone. She will naturally not be in a happy mood after setting up the Dragon Gate Array, and her tone is inevitably a bit strong: “She is not coming to work now, the company is of course obliged to confirm the safety of the employees, you can tell me if I need to call the police now. Bar?”

The other party was forced by He Zining’s momentum and hesitantly replied: “It’s not necessary to call the police, Nan Nan… she should resign.”

Just go.”

“I don’t know that. She moved out of my house last night. Miss He, Nan Nan also has her own difficulties…”

“Okay, I see.”

He Zining hung up the phone and didn’t have time to think about why Bai Yinan resigned (she didn’t bother to think about it), and called the personnel department to inquire about related matters, the colleague who answered the phone said that he had indeed received Bai Yinan’s resignation application , everything is going through the process, but the electronic application has not been sent to Gu Siye. Bai Yinan didn’t come to work today, and it was only recorded according to the ordinary absence.

She chatted with the other party a few words, suggesting that the other party could submit the process earlier. In theory, there is no problem with the process of the personnel department. Who would have thought that someone would run away after handing in the resignation letter on the first day .

This is not a small workshop, this is Zhenfeng! Sure enough, as long as you change the angle, many of the heroine’s behaviors are incomprehensible.

Not long after she gave the hint, Song Miaomiao hurriedly walked in from the outside, and saw He Zining showing her a pitiful expression, it seemed that she was sent a message by Gu Si Found it at night.

He Zining shook his head and continued to work. After Song Miaomiao came out, the other party took the initiative to come over to talk to her and complain, “He Mi, fortunately, you let us report in advance, otherwise I would be really unlucky. .”

“She really resigned? Why?”

“I don’t know about that.” Song Miaomiao struggled for a while, and then added: “Actually, this matter was not handled by me, it was arranged by the minister…” The subtext is Saying there is something tricky, resignation is not necessarily a personal act.

“Then have you told President Gu?”

Song Miaomiao showed an embarrassed expression, although Mr. Gu’s rank is higher than that of the personnel minister, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. After all, her direct superior is the minister. If so, it will be difficult to work in the future.

He Zining nodded understandingly: “I see, I won’t say that you said it.” Since Song Miaomiao took the initiative to tell her about this, of course she would also reciprocate and help at a critical time. her hand.

Hearing her say that, Song Miaomiao also breathed a sigh of relief, greeted her and left.

He Zining continued to rush to work, seeing that it was time to get off work, and she was almost busy with her work, she breathed a sigh of relief, shook her hands that had become sore, holding Go to the pantry and prepare to make yourself a cup of coffee to refresh yourself.

After soaking, I just ran into Gu Siye who came out of it. Gu Siye stood in front of Bai Yinan’s desk and didn’t know what to think. He Zining didn’t have time to think just now, but now he calms down and combines Bai Yinan’s performance in the past two days. It is not difficult to speculate that the problem should be with Mrs. Gu, but I don’t know if Gu Siye knows about these things.

As soon as she approached, Gu Siye noticed it and turned to look at her.

He Zining greeted him with a coffee cup: “President Gu.”

“Working overtime?”

“Yes, all reports will be out today.”

“It’s hard work, I’ll call for dinner.”

“Thank you, Mr. Gu.” There have been several times before that Gu Siye invited him to dinner after working overtime late. The size of the take-out ordered by the president was different from hers. Every time she was in a small restaurant around the company It is called Xiaochao, and Gu Siye will also call a familiar hotel to order delivery, in short, the food is quite good.

“Bai Yinan’s things help her put away, she resigned.” He Zining noticed that his hands were clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were prominent, but he himself seemed to be unaware.

She replied in a low voice, Gu Siye glanced at Bai Yinan’s desktop again, turned and entered the office, her back was even full of determination.

Seeing this scene, He Zining didn’t have any thoughts of gossip. She didn’t see the plot, but Gu Siye’s emotions were indeed felt. She had never seen Gu Siye’s emotions so out of control.

She continued to work after drinking coffee. An hour later, Gu Siye’s takeaway arrived. The three dishes and one soup were very rich. When she saw this dish, she thought that Gu Siye was planning to eat with her. Yes, but when she knocked on the door to ask, the other party said no, and Gu Siye didn’t eat until she finished her get off work and went home from work.

She didn’t forget to send a message to Lu Fang during the meal. She briefly talked about her situation today, and asked how the other party was today. Lu Fang’s answer was not what she expected. What surprises can two office workers share? It’s not the same as sharing supercharged events at work.

After returning home, Bai Yinan finally returned the news to her, first apologizing for her sudden disappearance, and then saying that she left something in the drawer for He Zining, so that she should remember to get it.

As for He Zining asking where she is now and what she plans to do in the future, Bai Yinan did not answer.

What Gu Siye couldn’t solve, she naturally didn’t have hope for herself, she just told Bai Yinan that no matter what decision she made, she hoped that she would be happy and happy.

On the second day, the first thing she did when she arrived at the company was to organize Bai Yinan’s things. She also saw the gift in the drawer that Bai Yinan mentioned. It was a square jewelry box with a colorful jewelry bracelet in it. Each gemstone was connected by a multi-claw setting. It looked colorful and beautiful.

He Zining sighed, although she sometimes felt that Bai Yinan was speechless, and sometimes caused her trouble, but in general Bai Yinan was still a very good girl, two people There has never been a dispute in an office, and Bai Yinan can’t make small moves or anything, and it’s quite pleasant to get along with.

, this is a check, and it’s a cash check, drawn from a personal account, and the amount of the check says thirty million.

He Zining read it several times and made sure that he did not count the wrong zero. It was indeed thirty million. The account number of the drawer needs to be checked to know that the money is paid.

But this is 30 million, He Zining couldn’t help but tremble. Is this the unevenness of the world? When she is still working hard for thousands of yuan of rent, other people’s lives are already in the turnover of millions and tens of millions.

She tried to adjust her mentality, put away the check and planned to wait for Gu Siye to hand it over to him. Before, it was inconvenient for her to tell Gu Siyeming that all this must be caused by your mother. Now that she has a check, many problems will be solved easily.

She was very careful when picking up the rest of the paperwork, lest she miss the rest of the check or something.

However, the rest are very ordinary documents, she quickly collected them according to the type, and waited for Gu Siye’s arrangement. In theory, after Bai Yinan leaves, the company will have to hire one or two more Secretary to the President.

As soon as Gu Siye arrived at the office, He Zining immediately offered the check with both hands. Before she could explain the situation, Gu Siye only glanced at it, his eyes instantly became sharp and deep, he took the check into the office.

He Zining didn’t know what happened after that. She only knew that Gu Siye seemed to have been on the phone for a long time, so that many calls to find him came to the office phone. Especially Fu Han, who complained impatiently: “I care about the situation, let me find someone, why can’t I get through my phone? Is this the attitude of asking for help!”

He Zining had to apologize for Gu Siye.

Fu Han naturally knew that it was not good for him to express his anger like this, so he didn’t say anything after complaining a few words, and instead started chatting with her.

“It seems that a lot of things have happened to me recently. Zhenzhen is also capable. Is she engaged to Lao Gu?”

He Zining answered very rigorously: “I haven’t heard the official announcement of this matter.”

“At least now Uncle Gu and Auntie have a very clear attitude. They have taken Zhenzhen to dinner with you and Secretary Bai. That’s approval.”

“But Mr. Gu doesn’t agree.”

“He doesn’t agree, but doesn’t he agree to work?” Fu Han sighed and said, “Don’t look at Lao Gu, he’s actually quite filial. If uncles and aunties make up their minds to force him, they will It’s really possible that Zhenzhen will get her wish, I just don’t understand the world.”

In the afternoon, Song Miaomiao suddenly called He Zining and told her that the personnel department was registering new employees. The relationship between the two of them gradually became closer for an unspeakable reason. It is better to say that it is a community of interests than a good relationship.

Of course, general new employees do not need to notify the president secretary.

“The entry position is… Secretary to the President.”

“So soon?” He Zining had a bad premonition: “You wouldn’t tell me that Jiang Peizhen was hired by Miss Jiang, would you?”

“Haha, how is that possible.”

Song Miaomiao’s words made He Zining breathe a sigh of relief, also, how could the storyline be so catchy. Following another sentence from the other party, her blood pressure soared.

“I don’t know the person who joined the job. His name is Bai Feifei. Do you know Secretary He?”

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