My Servant System

Chapter 143 142: Two Weeks (1)

Kat PoV

After discussing some things with the seamstress, I reluctantly handed over 2 Platinum and 11 Gold, my heart bleeding at the expensive day we just had.

Granted, Leone's dress and the adjustments being made to Jahi's suit were the main expenses, as Anput's deep violet dress cost only 42 Gold...

Chuckling wryly at that number, I shook my head at the cost; that was more than normal families made in over three years...

All on a singular dress; albeit one made from quite silky cloth and incredibly detailed lace...

Anyways, after that day spent inside the clothing store, Jahi dragged us over to a restaurant for dinner, ordering another golds worth of food...

Sighing more to myself as she and Anput devoured the mountain of meats in front of them, I glanced over at Leone, who was picking at her own meal.

Seeing her crimson eyes flicker over to my wrist, I rolled my eyes and offered it to her, enjoying the feeling of her fangs sliding into my flesh as she drank.

The meal was, thankfully uneventful, as was the walk back home to the cottage; no random people jumped out and tried to either hit on us or assault us, nor did we run into any weird older people offering too good to be true artifacts for simply exiting in their general vicinity.

Was it bad that, now every time I walked outside, I had a feeling that something would happen?

After that talk with the system about my selection, it sounded more and more like those novels I had read, so for the time being, I was paranoid about the weird happenings that occurred inside them.

Thankfully it seemed to be just my imagination going haywire with the thought, as the day ended peacefully enough.

We entered our home, and after I bathed I heard Jahi walking towards Leone's room, making me smirk as the Demoness swiftly 'devoured' the Princess.

As for me, I slipped into Anput's room, the Jackalkin both surprised and excited to see me.


Anput PoV

Waking up with something warm pressing against my body, I grinned as I saw Kat's voluptuous form, her lemony taste still on my tongue as I recalled marking her again.

Feeling satisfied with the previous night, I slipped from the normally diligent maids arms and entered the bath, getting everything started up before she awoke.

Leaning against the doorframe, I stared over her sleeping figure, enjoying the sight and scent of my disheveled room.

Seeing her ears twitch as the sound of running water gently entered the room, I grinned as she sat up, her amber eyes bleary as she looked around.

Yawning, she got up and stretched, making me groan at the sight and turn away.

"Come on Kat~! No fair!"

Whining, I entered the bath and set about washing myself, only to jump as I felt something soft press against my back.

"We have some time available~!"

Feeling her warmth spread around my body, I grinned back at Kat before pushing her down, easily losing myself to her.

Thankfully enough for both of us, I finished up quickly enough to allow a relaxing bath, both basking in the afterglow of a pleasurable morning.

"Kat, what do you think about this whole banquet thing?"

My arm was around her shoulders, and she was currently leaning into me, her long silky hair tickling my side.


Narrowing her eyes, she stared out towards the wall for a few moments before saying "If anything, this will just be a trap set for one of us; be it a way to mess with Jahi, a way to 'get back' at Leone, or attempt to get you or I to do something... honestly though, as long as we stick together and are careful, this should be relatively easy to deal with."

I nodded, my thoughts going to the snobby elf in our class; Jillian was more of an open book then she realized, and her strength...

Well, if she applied herself well, I think she might be able to easily become a problem; her skill with a dagger was good, and she seemed pretty agile and dexterous...

I think.


"Wasn't she looking at you with lust during that last spar?"

Recalling the way Jillian's hazel eyes had shone with lust as she looked at my mate made me angry, only to frown as Kat chuckled.

Lifting her giant breasts, Kat smirked at me as she sensually whispered "I AM quite the curvy beauty, aren't I~?"

Staring over at her, I was not only incredibly aroused by her voice, but rather irritated that she was taking it lightly.

"Kat, re-"

Rolling her eyes, she leaned her head back on my shoulder, saying "I know, Anput. I'll be careful; I'm even less fond of the way she looked at me, you know. Quite creepy..."

We both chuckled before getting out, swiftly drying off and dressing for the Academy.

Entering the kitchen, we were greeted with the sight of a blushing Leone sitting on Jahi's lap, the two eating breakfast; Leone's fangs sinking into Jahi's wrist while she ate a bowl of oatmeal.

Seeing the other two bowls set out, Kat and I sat down and dug in.

After that quick meal, we found ourselves at the Academy, where I gradually lost all interest in this thing called 'consciousness' as I fell asleep, uncaring of history.

I was a fighter, not a damn politician.

I didn't care if the person I was stabbing enjoyed opening the door on the left side or the right side; they bled the same way.

Of course, Kat kicked my chair multiple times during the lecture, making me glare back at the Dogkin who, just hours prior, was writhing under me.

However, as I turned to glare at her, I would also catch glimpses of Jillian staring at all four of us intently, her face sometimes twisted into a sneer.

Whenever I turned to see her, I simply grinned at the woman, wondering if today would be another day of sparring the other weapon styles in Combat Class; I wanted to beat that look off her face so badly...

Which, it seems that the gods were listening, as I found myself opposite her on the black sand of the training grounds.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance as I spun my blade, her eyes serious as she carefully observed me.

Waiting for her to approach first, I stood still, my blade held loosely by my side.

Dashing forwards, she slashed the dagger out towards my chest, a small grin on her face as I blocked it with my sword.

Her leg shot out towards my side, however I twisted into her, making the girl stumble backwards.

Pushing her further, I pounced on her as she tried to roll away, my blade slamming painfully against her side.

Grinning down at her as I pinned her under me, I whispered "You lost quite easily there, Jillian~"

The Elf glared up at me, her eyes murderous as she tried to stab her dagger upwards, only to gasp as I clenched her wrist, twisting it hard.

Gritting her teeth, she clamped off any other sounds, not giving me that satisfaction.

However, I just grinned as I got up, standing over the defeated Elf, letting out a soft "That was easy~" before walking away, finding a new partner.

Hearing her get up with a growl, I waited for another attack, only to sigh as none came.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw her make her way towards that adventurer Greselda, likely wanting to release her pent up frustrations on someone her own level.

Smirking at that, I found myself next to Kat again, watching as she guided Leone through the basics yet again, the Vampire frowning as she stared at the sword in her hands.

Since no one was open yet, I continued to watch as the two voluptuous women sparred, my eyes flitting between the two as I admired their beauty.

Kat was actually rather enchanting with that stoic face, her long brown hair pulled into a tight bun as she easily parried Leone's clumsy thrust, the wooden blade moving past her ample chest.

As for Leone, the sight of her flushed cheeks and sweat stained features was... alluring, to say the least.

She was currently the center of attention for the various men in the class, as well as some women.

Seeing that, I smirked as Jahi stalked over, saying "Leone, let me teach you."

When the giant Demoness appeared beside her, the rest of our classmates turned away, the previous 'tournament' still fresh on their minds.

So, that left Kat and I to pick up from our spar yesterday, changing our styles in an attempt to improve.


So, quick question; would you rather have longer lemons be one chapter that reached ~2k words, or have them be two separate chapters at who knows how long, but less than 1.5k?

Because either way they'll cost more than normal, so I was just wondering what people would prefer; should I draw them out over two days or just drop one giant chapter?

Just know that I don't plan on ALL lemons being that long, but some will be; think the threesome and eventually foursome, as well as any more... in depth scenes.

Anyways, I was just curious of people would rather I drop it ALL at ONCE or split it into two separate chapters...


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