My Servant System

Chapter 166 165: Back In The Caverns


First things first...

That headache thing is still there, but it's not to the point that I can't write; I'll only get one chapter out today though.

Also, I know timezones are different and all, but for me its still before New Years Eve night, so happy New Years everyone~!

Yeah, that's all for now, enjoy~!


Our days at the Academy were surprisingly uneventful; the only notable things were that Jillian was quieter then expected, as she constantly avoided us during all classes.

Besides that, those three days were rather slow, with each professor getting us prepared for the first exam of their classes.

Magic Theory would be, surprise, creating and changing multiple different sequences, answering questions about what certain things are or their importance to spell casting as a whole, and a few miscellaneous items as well.

History would be a long, boring essay about one of three topics, all chose and random when we entered; the founding of the Empire, the different regions of the Empire, or the Labyrinthian. That essay would also be paired with different short answer questions that we would need to answer.

Finally, Combat Class would be a spar against one of the professors to determine whether or not we've improved during our time here. Each person was graded differently, as the professors had a list made for each person based on how they started the year and where we were at now.

So of course, Anput and Jahi were rather bored each day, and when our free day came by they were both wanting to let loose, one way or the other.

As amazing as another day of pure pleasure sounded, I would rather stretch my other muscles and I had a hankering for blood recently...

We hadn't been down in Zhu'Rong Caverns since the encounter with Lord Pele, which was a few weeks ago.

I needed another kind of release, and I also wanted to get my level closer to Level 25; the shop feature was piquing my curiosity, and I was also wondering what the system meant by a change in the system itself when I reached that milestone...

Would I be given harder tasks?

Maybe a set of goals to reach before I level up again?

Or perhaps it would be a 'class change' from just a Maid to something more?

I was rather curious, so I wanted to rush on down to the Zhu'Rong Caverns and begin my massa-

I mean, my grind to become Level 25...

Yes, that's what I meant...

We had also discussed this before we entered the Caverns, but we would be traveling only into places we had been to before for today; no exploration, just going down to the Plains of Yama, where we would be able to satiate my thirst for blood while also challenging ourselves a little with the large variety of monsters living on those vast, empty plains.

Of course, to get to those Plains we needed to first traverse the Ash Ghoul infested Obsidian Valley, which would actually be a good place to make money; the Cores and Crystals the Ash Ghouls dropped were incredibly common, but also needed for most basic Alchemical Bases and Forging Preparations.

Besides that, we might get lucky enough to run into another Ghoul King, which could drop rare materials for us to sell for a premium.

Which is why, even though I didn't particularly want to be staying here, we were on our third horde of Ash Ghouls, Jahi and Anput cutting through the dozens upon dozens of stumbling, weak monsters like a scythe through wheat.

As for Leone and I, we stood a dozen feet away from the horde, the Vampire practicing her accuracy with her spells as she sniped random Ghouls in the horde.

I stood before her, cutting down any curious Ghouls that got to close; I had displayed little interest in joining the Demoness and Jackalkin in their reaping of the weak, bloodless monsters, and so I was placed on guard duty.

However, I was given the reassurance that we would move forwards after this horde, which made me a little giddy; I wanted to know what my new dagger, the one the Countess had sent me, would look like drenched in that incredible scarlet liquid.

The dagger was heavier than my previous one, and also a bit longer, but after increasing my stats so much, it still was light to me; if I had to guess, it was three pounds, which sounds light, but when you're constantly swinging it around...

Anyways, I was rather impressed by how easily it cleaved through the Ash Ghouls grey flaky flesh, easily severing their limbs and lopping off their heads.

Of course, that was marred by the fact that nothing sprayed from those wounds, but oh well...

Leone was also much more impressive then before; her spells felt more solid and compact, and the impact they had on the Ash Ghouls was rather impressive as well.

Some would flare and explode upon impact, while others lathered the Ghouls in scorching flames.

She was also much more accurate than before; she hit every target she aimed for, but some spears or bolts impacted the Ghouls in a non lethal area, only to be finished off by the added effects of the spells.

However, after I watched her accuracy dip over the next few Ghouls, I peered back at her and said "Leone, you need to keep hitting their vulnerable spots; not every monster is as weak as these Ghouls. You need to be accurate..."

Pursing her lips, she nodded, likely recalling the fight against Lord Pele; currently, no enemy we would fight would be as strong as that, but she needed to get used to aiming her spells for weak spots, as some monsters, like Drakes, are armored, which would allow them to shrug off her spears or bolts with ease.

After that reminder, the Vampire resumed her slower, but deadlier spell casting, always aiming for center mass or the head.

The horde was wiped out a minute later, with Jahi and Anput taking deep breaths as they glanced around at the piles of ash that surrounded them.

Joining them, we gathered up the various Cores and Crystals that dropped, placing them into our various pouches and packs before following behind Leone, who we had appointed as our 'guide' inside Zhu'Rong Caverns.

Jahi and Anput flanked the Vampire, while I walked behind them, using my superior hearing and smell to guard our rear.

The Demoness no longer took these outings like they were minor excursions; she told us that we were going to treat them like we were entering the unknown, and to always be on guard.

Slowly making our way through the Obsidian Valley, we eventually reached the expansive Plains of Yama, where a few groups of Adventurers could be seen.

"Alright, let's go towards... that set of stalagmites over there; not many other people, and lots of goblins. Once we're done with the Goblins, we'll make our way a little further, towards a Coal Serpents' lair, and then we'll depart. Clear?"

We all nodded at the Demoness, and she took the lead, guiding us towards the group of stalagmites that a small tribe of Lava Goblins called home.

Licking my lips as I saw the familiar monsters, I hefted my dagger, already shivering at the thought of hearing their squeals as my blade sunk deep into their flesh, slowly snuffing out the light in their beady eyes.

While these red skinned Goblins may be slightly stronger than their green skinned cousins over in Fovos Forest, they were as weak as Ash Ghouls.

While both had something that they could use to their advantage, they were still easily dealt with; the various traps and clever tricks the Goblins were infamous for wouldn't be anything difficult to deal with.

So, as we approached their large encampments that surrounded the various stalagmites in this area, I glanced at Jahi, who was smirking at me.

"Go ahead, 'murder puppy'~ A fresh batch of small, weak monsters for you to sadistically bully as you satiate your hedonistic urges~!"

Giving her an unimpressed look, I shook my head as I turned back to stare at the dozens of red skinned Lava Goblins that were scurrying about, chittering to one another in panic as we came into view.

Should I utilize just my blade, or maybe some new magic I had thought of~?

The possibilities were endless, but one thing was certain; guaranteed.

There would be blood, there would be screams of agony, and they would all die.


The fun Kat is back~


Also, I did this awhile ago, but I'm just kinda curious again...

Leave a comment here, on this line, to let me know you're reading!

Again, just curious...

Besides that, I also wanted to pick all of your brains; do you have an idea that you think would be interesting?

Monsters that you'd want to see, events you want to happen, plot points to be used?

(And I'm not limiting it to just normal chapters, so if you've an idea for a Lemon, let me know~!)

Anyways, I'm going to go pass out for a long, long time, so see you all tomorrow~!

Happy New Years~!


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