My Servant System

Chapter 185 184: Test (Kat)

Kat PoV

Leone's fight against Professor Liako had been decent enough.

Our resident Vampire was, and would likely always be, more of a mage than a close quarters combat fighter; while her freakish reaction times up close was, again, freakish, she simply wasn't that fast or strong anywhere else.

All the potential talent she could have had for the blade and footwork instead went to her magic and control, which, honestly, was more important my my opinion.

More people would die to a skilled mage than a skilled martial artist.

After all, in order to use that blade you're so proud of, you need to first reach me.

Which would be extremely difficult; for me, I could create an expanding domain of ice, which I could control at will, as well as an entire blizzard of insanely sharp icicles.

As for Leone, she could summon that giant flaming sphere and rain hellfire down on you as you attempted to approach, and very few people could even attempt to cut apart one of her spears or fireballs.

Even if they managed to, the amount of strenght required to do so was enormous, and frankly unsustainable.

So, I thought that, while we still needed to drill the basics into Leone, she was fine with where she was.

Against people of her own level, she was capable of holding them off long enough for one of us to aid her.

Of course, should we run into another entity that's too strong for us...

Or a group of them...

Shaking my head, I let out a sigh as I rid myself of that thought; with how cautious Jahi was now, running into a group of strong opponents would be near impossible.

Thinking so, I glanced towards the giant Demoness, pursing my lips as I watched her attempt to sneak behind Professor Thorn.

The two were engaged in a lightning quick dance of blades, and they looked evenly matched.

Watching their figures blur before slamming into one another, I sighed as I turned back to the finished fight between Professor Liako and Leone, the Princess stumbling forwards onto the Snake Woman's chest.

Rolling my eyes at her loose footing, I glanced around and narrowed my eyes as I saw a few of the students around me ogling the scene.

Holding back the desire to rip out their eyes, I drew in a shaky breath and calmed myself, before hearing Professor Liako bark out "Next, Miss Zara!"

Approaching the Snake Woman, I nodded to Leone as she walked away, her eyes conflicted as she stared down at her wooden sword.

Stopping a few steps away from Professor Liako, I nodded to the woman before raising my dagger, preparing to fight.

Pulling her long raven hair into a ponytail, Professor Liako gave me a nod as she raised her sword, her blue slitted eyes meeting mine.

"Whenever you're ready, Miss Zara."

Focusing my mind on the woman in front of me, I searched her stance for any openings, instantly finding two.

Professor Liako was holding her blade down by her left hip and had the tip crossing across her body and reaching her right shoulder, which left two gaps open.

The first wasn't as large as it seemed; her left shoulder.

She could swiftly straighten her blade towards her left side by just tilting her hands slightly.

However, her other large gap was the right hip area; she would need to move both arms to block a strike there...

Deciding to hit both, I launched myself forwards and left my eyes on hers, attempting to read her through her eyes.

Seeing them flicker towards her exposed hip, I stabbed my dagger that way, watching as the woman lowered her blade and met mine.

By doing so she left her left side exposed, and my fist hurtled through the air towards her side, Professor Liako narrowing her eyes as she pivoted her body away from the blow.

However, as she moved I pulled my dagger back and slashed towards her left arm, landing a solid blow even as she tried to move away again.

Professor Liako took a few steps back at that, her eyes landing on her now bruised forearm.

Raising a brow, she stared up and me and spoke, her voice low.

"You know, my sister speaks more highly of you than she does Lady Jahi... now I see why."

Narrowing my eyes at her, I remained silent as we stood opposite of one another, waiting for her to continue.

A small smile sprouted on the Snake Woman's lips, and her low voice entered my ears again.

"She was right; you're more of a monster than Lady Jahi, at least currently. You're magic is lethal, your control decent, your bladework is solid, and I can barely hear your movements as you walk. And yet..."

Launching herself forwards, Professor Liako slammed her sword against my dagger, placing us in a deadlock.

"You hold back. Painfully so as well. I can see the expertise in the fluidity of your movements, how your eyes flicker towards the most lethal spot... If I didn't hear that from my sister, I would think you were little more than a skilled maid."

Pushing her sword away, I flickered forwards, unleashing a flurry of swift strikes.

My voice was as low as hers, and I growled out "I AM just a skilled maid; my life is my Mistress' to use as she pleases."

Narrowing her slitted eyes at me, Professor Liako blocked each of my rapid strikes, her sword moving just as fast as my dagger.

"Is that your Soul Bond speaking, or is it Katherine Zara saying those words?"

Stabbing my blade towards her heart, I glared at the Snake Woman.

"The answer would be the same either way; my Mistress is free to use me as she pleases, be it as just a housemaid or as a bodyguard. My blade is hers. My body is hers. My skills are hers."

Her smile widened slightly, and she said "Very well then. A concealed blade is more lethal than one in the light. I understand your desires, Miss Zara... While I might disagree with the method, it is not my place nor my right to demand you change. Your beliefs are yours and yours alone; I would assume that only your Mistress, Lady Jahi, is capable of altering those beliefs."

I remained silent, making her chuckle slightly.

"I do have to admit, should you continue to hone these skills of yours, you will be able to fulfill your duty quite well as a... hidden blade for the Asmodia's. Though, you should be aware of what happens to a blade that becomes dull..."

Slashing my dagger towards her throat, I grit my teeth as it was intercepted by her blade, before I slammed my foot into her knee, buckling it.

Taking that momentary advantage, I then swept her feet out from under her, only to suddenly find myself on my back as well.

Rolling to sit on my stomach, Professor Liako raised her sword and pointed the tip at my throat, her voice going back to a normal volume as she said "Good job, Miss Zara; like I told Lady Leone, your entire body is a weapon. The problem with your technique lies in experience; you need to learn how to press that advantage quicker and safer. However, you pass!"

Standing up from my torso, Professor Liako lifted me to my feet, and before she could shout for the next student to come forth I whispered "A dull blade can always be resharpened; a broken blade can be reforged. I've nothing to fear, Professor. I'm well aware of my worth, as is my Mistress."

She gave me a surprised look before chuckling.

"Now I know why my sister likes you; you're more mature than most people your age. Though, as a counter point, should a blade be shattered one too many times, nothing can ever reforge it, for it is little more than scrap. Either way, good luck, Miss Zara. With the path you've chosen for yourself, you're going to need it."

Nodding to her, I walked away and joined Leone, who was staring at me with curious eyes.

"That was pretty good, but there were a few moments where it looked like you two were talking?"

Standing beside her, I assumed my normal expressionless face, my voice low as I said "It was nothing more than tips and suggestions for improvement, much like how she advised you. I guess she just didn't think they were lessons for everyone to learn..."

Nodding, Leone then said "Come on, let's go join Jahi and watch Anput! She's been keeping up with Thorn for a minute or so now!"

Following behind her, I glanced back at the Snake Woman, my thoughts turning to her sister.

Just what did Kolia think of me?

Did she just tell her sister, or did she say that to others?

Sighing slightly, I continued to ponder over what just happened as I stood beside Jahi, the large Demoness watching Anput's fight with interest.


So the hyper detail in the beginning of the fight was because Kat is more analytical than the others.

Leone was from a beginners perspective, while Jahi's was from someone who uses raw power and technique to fight.

Kat, to me, was more of a calculated fighter, in the way that, in spars, she would attempt to finish it as quickly as possible, and in real fights, she would target weak areas to inflict as much pain as possible.

Does that make sense?


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