My Servant System

Chapter 187 186: Letter

Kat PoV

Watching Anput stand in front of Jahi with her head bowed, eagerly receiving head pats, I pursed my lips for a moment before looking away, allowing them their moment.

Though I too wanted some head pats; I mean, I had also done well against my Professor...

However, I remained silent, watching the remaining matches play out.

Greselda had also chosen to spar Professor Thorn, and while not as fast as Anput or strong as Jahi, she was holding her own against the Bearkin, blocking, deflecting, and attacking the larger man with ease.

Her dagger flashed around, and the experienced air around her was only outdone by Professor Thorn's, as the two spun in an elaborate dance of whirling blades.

As for Hawn, he was currently facing off against Miss Grangeri, the curly haired woman using her sword to block the flurry of blows that were sent her way, before twisting her wrist and pushing the Elven Rangers dagger away.

Before she could push her advantage however, the Elf swept her feet out from under her, leveling his dagger towards her throat.

Turning from that match, I watched Rialo slither around Professor Liako, the Lamia wielding a long wooden staff.

Flicking her left arm out, she blocked Professor Liako's first swing, only to block the next with the right side next.

Rialo moved with a surprising fluidity, the woman's face serious as she weathered the various strikes sent her way, before managing to push Professor Liako away.

Not allowing her to get back up close, Rialo unleashed her own storm of jabs and swipes, making Professor Liako grunt before freezing, her leg wrapped up in Rialo's tail.

Smirking at the Professor, Rialo gently laid her staff on her shoulder, before releasing her.

Draka watched with pride as Rialo bowed to the Professor, before slithering back to her wife's side.

Seeing her getting pampered by Draka, I frowned slightly as I glanced back over to Jahi, who was now smirking as she pulled on Anput's cheeks, the Jackalkin pouting up at the Demoness.

Leone was watching on with a smile as well, and I bit my cheek for a moment, only to stamp down on those desires; I was going to get something much better than head pats or flirting when we got home...

When Jahi finally had enough of teasing Anput, she stretched herself out before pursing her lips, her amethyst eyes glued to Jillian.

The woman of so many troubles approached Hawn, and the two bowed to one another.

All four of us were watching her intently, and I studied her form as she matched Professor Hawn, the two Elves engaging in a series of blocking and striking, their styles rather similar.

They used their entire bodies in their fight, sending kicks, jabs, knees, and more at one another, and with such a flexible style, they managed to avoid those blows with ease, resulting in few hits being truly exchanged; they preferred dodging over actually blocking.

Which, admittedly, made sense; they were fluid, agile fighters, so being entangled up close would spell death in a real fight.


I glanced at Jahi and Anput, who were watching with narrowed eyes; my two wives were much stronger, much faster, and had much more control then the Elf, but in a real fight, there is more to it than just a blade.

However, those two had that covered as well; their magic might be clunky, but the two had a  surprisingly vast repertoire of spells to use, and some were rather potent; Jahi's Light Discs and Anput's newest spell being the ones that I had deemed to be the strongest offensive spells they owned.

"Do you two think you could beat her?"

We all stared at Leone for a moment, and Jahi just smirked, an arrogant pride in her eyes.

"Most likely, yes."

Anput nodded as well, before they glanced my way as I muttered "Arrogance is an easy path to fall down, and it only leads to death."

We had all learned that, and the two women sighed as they nodded, before Jahi resumed smirking.

"Still, the bitch isn't that special; her technique is lacking, her overall strenght is low, and she has little going for her. Though, of course, she could be like a certain someone we all know..."

Feeling their eyes on me, I nodded, saying "That would be a better attitude to have; imagine everyone is hiding their strenght. Because most likely, they are."

Jahi sighed again as she rolled her eyes, returning to watching the two Elves spar.

Leone stepped forwards and asked "Jahi, when will you read the letter she gave you?"

The Demoness frowned, her hand going to her pocket.

"Not here; I have a feeling that if I read it where I can see her, I won't be able to hold myself back from killing her here and now."

I tilted my head at her, and the Demoness just stared down at me in silence, her eyes hard.


She shook her head before turning back to the fights, and we all fell silent as we watched the rest play out.

No one was terribly surprising; Draka was a mediocre talent with physical combat, Poshka did decently well, and Marco performed at an average level.

When it was all over, the Professors called us all together after discussing the various spars.

Standing in the center, they looked over us with serious gazes, before Professor Liako stepped forwards and spoke up, her voice flat.

"There were only a few students that impressed us, while quite a few of you were... less than mediocre. So, our classes from now on will be harsher; you are expected to be able to hold your own in a fight by the time you graduate from this class."

A few students shivered at that, while our group remained silent, understanding that we had all passed well enough; the only one who had any need to worry was Leone, and even then she was still doing pretty decent.

"Alright, next class we'll start a more individualized training regimen, so be prepared. Class dismissed!"

Nodding, Jahi led us from the cavern, away from the murmuring students.

Exiting the Academy, we made our way over to our cottage, Anput bouncing around excitedly as she reviewed her fight with Professor Thorn with Jahi, asking for tips or suggestions on what she should improve on.

Stepping into our home, Jahi and Anput collapsed onto the couch, Jahi pulling the Jackalkin onto her lap as she watched Leone and I prepare some snacks and tea.

Setting it out onto the small table, we all took a few sips before Jahi pulled out the letter from Jillian, her lips pursed as she stared at the wax seal.

"I really don't want to open this..."

Hearing her sigh, I raised a brow before saying "Just open it; I'm curious as to what she could possibly want."

Nodding, Jahi slit open the seal and pulled out the folded letter, opening it up and staring intently at the elaborate paper.

"Here we go... hah... 'Dear Lady Asmodia, Jillian Sariel and Ayla Kameiel would like to invite you to the opening of the Spriggan Alchemical Shop in two months time; the Sariel Family would appreciate the attendance of our Empire's foremost Blade against the monstrous hordes.'..."

She paused, and we all glanced at one another before listening as she continued on.

"'Additionally, the Sariel Family would like to...'"

Balling her fist, Jahi snarled as she stared at the letter, making us all flinch.

"That bitch!"

Slamming her fist against the table, I pursed my lips as a small crack appeared on the wood, before I looked up at her.

Seeing her golden eyes flaring as she seethed, I gently stood up and lifted the paper from her hands, the Demoness staring at me with possessive eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I picked up where she left off, my voice turning flat as I finished.

"'The Sariel Family would like to purchase the services of the Zara Maids from the Asmodia Family; we are offering 20 Platinum for Katherine Zara, and 8 Platinum for Julie Zara. Please let us know your answer as soon as possible. Sincerely, Jillian Sariel'..."

Staring at the paper, I narrowed my eyes before chuckling, making the other three women confused.

"Guess I'm worth 20 Platinums~?"

All three women gave me a dry look, before Jahi snatched the paper from my hands, her palms flaring gold.

We watched as the piece of paper slowly turned to ash, and Jahi growled "I'll fucking kill her."

Smirking at her, moved to sit on her lap, making Anput move aside.

"Now now, no need to do anything that drastic Mistress~ Why don't we just ignore her for now, hmm? Focus on getting stronger..."

The Demoness raised her hand and stroked my cheek, before grinning as I added "Besides, if someones going to gut that damn Elf, it'll be me."

Leone chuckled, the Vampire's crimson eyes hard as she said "I do hope you save some of her for me, Kat?"

Grinning at her, I shook my head, saying "No, sorry~! Though, you can have Ayla~? She seems to think that you gave up quite the catch in Jillian..."

Pursing her lips, Leone nodded moments later, a wicked smile on her lips as she replied "Yeah, that'll work..."

Anput was just glancing between all of us, her ears twitching as she tilted her head.

"So... are we killing them? Like, now?"

Jahi laughed, reaching out and pulling the Jackalkin into her chest.

"No, not yet... I want to let her continue stacking up idiotic decisions so that I have an excuse to tear her Family down... all while staring her in the eyes~!"


Yeah, some people called it, and honestly, it shouldn't be that much of a surprise...

Anyways, I wonder what other crazy shenanigans this Elven Duo will get into?


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