My Servant System

Chapter 205 204: Visit (Anput)

Anput PoV

Sitting beside Mother, I shivered slightly as I felt her gaze on my body, before realizing slightly as Mom turned her head towards us, making Mother flinch.

Poking at the pancakes before me, I found that, for the first time in a long time, I had no appetite to speak of, so I just lifted up my cup and sipped on the tea, alleviating my parched throat.

The 'smile' that Mother was giving me, paired with the intense session we had last night made that a near impossible task, as even after I finished the cup and poured myself a new one, my mouth was still dry.

"Lorelei, Miss Kio, would you like to talk to your daughters in private? Anubi and I need to talk to the young Asmodia... alone."

The Empress' words were soft and gentle, and she gave Jahi a warm smile; as for Mom, she was as stoic as ever, but her ears twitched as she looked at the blue Demoness.

Mother's smile grew wider, and she nodded.

"Come here dear~! We've MUCH to discuss..."

Grabbing my hand, Mother not so gently pulled me away, towards the front door.

My eyes flickered over to Leone, who was getting similar treatment; her mother, Lady Presa, was smiling gently at her daughter, but her ruby eyes were stern as she let Leone guide her to her room.

Jahi stared at the Empress and Mom, her amethyst eyes unwavering as the two women remained quiet.

As for Kat, she stood in the kitchen, scrubbing away at whatever it was that she was cleaning.

Pulling me outside, I stood in front of Mother, the Dogkin staring at me with a neutral expression.


Her voice was still, and I shivered slightly, before meeting her gaze.

Nodding to herself, she asked "First, the Maid. Why have you marked her as your mate?"

Pursing my lips, I thought for a moment before answering.

"She... well, Kat's always been so..."

Narrowing her eyes, Mother stared at me, waiting.

Scratching my cheek, I continued speaking, my voice steady.

"Hah... Alluring. I've always found her to be desirable, and Jahi... Jahi told me that I was allowed to... what was the word... 'court' her. Even though she is Jahi's Maid, as well as her lover, Jahi let Leone and I court the woman, and she accepted our feelings."

"I didn't ask if you wanted to bed her, Anput. Why is she marked. As your mate?"

Mother's voice was sharp, but I met her gaze, uncaring of her glare.

"A Beastkin can only mark other Beastkin; Demon's don't fall under that category, nor is there a way for other races to mark Beastkin as mates. I know, and Jahi knows, that I am her woman. She's-"

Blushing slightly, I felt a warmth flood my body as I continued on.

"Made that crystal clear; the ring, the vows, and... more. However, she has also made it clear that we, her wives, are free to do as we please, so-"

Growling softly, Mother leaned forwards and spoke, her voice low.

"I don't care if you mark the bitch or get her knocked up, Anput. I wouldn't have cared if you marked her as your mate... IF you were ACTUALLY married to the Asmodia brat. Currently, you  and Leone are just fiancee's to her. Nothing more, nothing less. I had no problem with you sleeping with your soon to be wife, but do you understand that you marking someone BEFORE your marriage can cause political problems?!"

When she had started speaking, I could feel my lips curl back in a sneer, anger flooding my heart.

"Don't talk about Kat like that!"

Snapping at her, I widened my eyes as she stepped back slightly, her own eyes wide.

But, she wasn't looking at me.

Following her gaze, I saw a silver ritual circle behind my back, one I was all too familiar with.

Taking a deep breath, I cut off my mana, letting the spears and blades dissipate into dust and getting blown away by the wind.

Controlling my temper, I stared at my mother and spoke, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Don't talk about her like that. I don't fucking care about this Empire's useless politics, not when those that would even attempt to speak would die on their first day in the Red Sands. They can talk all they want, but nothing they do will ever be more than their petulant attempts at slandering someone stronger than them. There are few Houses stronger than the Asmodia's, but none stronger than the Sultanate. I might have married away from the Steel Palace, but if I ever required it, I know Mom would aid us."

Mother grit her teeth, glaring at me.

"Mother, I know you went through terrible things when you around my age, watching your pack slowly wither out in the harsh desert. However, because of your perseverance, I have things you never did; I have the backing of an entire country should I need it. My Mom is amongst the strongest people in the world, with few able to be her equal, and only one or two above her, one of which is the Empress of my new home, who's daughter is my sister."

She nodded as I spoke, a wry smile on her lips.

"You get this from me... hah..."

Sighing, she reached forwards and stroked my ears, before pulling on one.

Flinching at the sudden pain, her smile grew again, and she leaned towards me.

"However, that doesn't mean I'll excuse that tone!"

Yanking on my ear one more time, she released my head and pulled me into her arms, embracing me.

"I... You're right, Anput. You do have more than I ever did when I was younger. It's just, I don't want you relying on your Mom and I for everything. You need to grow on your own, to become your own person. It's just, the Empire is different from the Sultanate. If we were back home, I wouldn't care what you did with Katherine; none could speak out, due to respect for Anubi and I, as well as out of fear of what you would do to them in the future. But here? Alliances are formed and broken on whims, Houses move together to topple those above them regularly; much like our hunts of Dune Goliaths, the many can overpower even something as towering as the Asmodia's."

I nodded, understanding her logic; it was why, back when Jillian had first become a true problem, I had trouble understanding why we weren't just... killing her then and there.

Stamping out a problematic woman before she had the chance to threaten us.

However, here, in the Empire, that's not how it works.

The weak can topple the strong if enough of them band together; the politics needed to get Families and Houses demoted and increase the tax doesn't care for personal strenght, only what is written as law.

Which, was annoying.

"Yes, you do have the backing of Mom and I; we've made it damn clear that should the Asmodia's be pushed into a corner because of some idiot's petulance, the Sultanate will have no problems expanding our border. And with such a marriage between you and the Asmodia's next Heir, that is entirely within our right to help our new allies."

Staring at her in surprise, I flinched as she swatted the back of my head.

"What, did you think Anubi was going to leave you? Even if I pleaded for you to be left alone, she'd send her Shadows to help either way. Damn woman..."

Even with a glare, Mother was staring at me warmly.

"But Anput, you are no longer in the Sultanate. You are in the Empire, which means you play by their rules, no matter how idiotic. So, while you might hate it, I would suggest you refrain from pumping Katherine full of your pheromones until you are official wed to Jahi Asmodia; then do whatever you want."

Nodding, I stared at her as she pulled away, her features tired as she looked at me.

"Now, your Mom is talking to Jahi about the problem you have with the Sariel's, but honestly, I could give a fuck less either way. So..."

Tilting her head, she asked "What's happening at this Academy? Still the same as when I attended?"

Nodding, I went through what's happened so far, scratching my cheek in embarrassment when I mentioned how I had almost flunked the History Test.

Giving me a hard glare, she shook her head after knocking me upside the head again, before she asked "What about next year? What classes are you thinking of taking?"

Pursing my lips, I wondered if I should tell her about what I really wanted to take or not, before nodding to myself.

"Smithing. I... I really want to learn how to forge blades."

Furrowing her brow, she stared at me in silence before nodding.

"Sounds about right. Your fixation with weapons finally reached that point huh? Well, do you know how much you need for for that? Have you started looking at the prices of metals, of anvils, of the hammers you need?"

Her questions were rapid fire, making my frown deepen with each one.

"I uh... no, not yet."

Giving me a blank look, Mother blinked a few times before sighing, pinching her nose.

"Why... Hah... You are so-"

"Much like you?"

Mother and I jumped as Mom appeared behind her, draping her arm around Mother's shoulder.

"You really are like Kio, Anput. Impulsive, passionate, living in the moment..."

Pouting at Mom, Mother stared at her before blushing, her tail swaying as Mom stroked her cheek.

"Forging huh? Your affinity would do well with it, as long as you apply yourself. I'll cover the costs for everything to start, but you're on your own after that, pup."

I grinned at her, launching myself into her arms when her raspy voice entered my ears.

Returning the hug, Mom gently stroked the back of my head as she whispered "I missed you, pup. The Training Grounds feel empty without you around; even my Shadows say so."

Nuzzling into her scarred body, I whispered back "I miss you too, Mom..."


Other two will be out tomorrow

Also, if I gave names to the palace that the Sultana lives in, or the desert itself that forms the country, let me know; It's been forever since I discussed them...


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