My Servant System

Chapter 211 210: System Update (2)

[Are you sure? Once an Evolution is selected, you cannot reverse that change. Think this through first bef-]

'I have. Please evolve my Servant System into Shadow Guard.'

[Very well. Commencing system evolution... updating...]

Leaning back against the baths wall, I sighed as the ice cold water lapped at my skin, blanketing me in a comforting feeling.

Shadow Guard...

Someone who protects those they care about while remaining unseen.

Their skills, unknown.

It fit what I wanted to do perfectly, it really did.

Jahi was an immensely talented woman, her skill in combat unparalleled amongst our current peers.

Add her Light Magic onto that, and she is quite literally a rising star of this generation.

Future Marquess to the Asmodia Estate, potential as a warrior to match her Mom, the current Marquess, who is a Knight of Cinder.

Standing by her side are two other immensely talented women; the Princess of this Empire, Leone Presa-Ash, daughter of the Empress and skilled mage, as well as the Begum of the Sultanate, Anput Sera, daughter of the Sultana and incredible swordswoman.

Both would be women receiving the worlds undivided attention, for both their talent and beauty, but they were outshined by the woman they chose to marry; Jahi Asmodia.

All three were going to be influential, important people in the future, whereas I...

Without a system, I would likely be struggling to keep up, but I DO have a system.

And I intend to take full advantage of it to help them realize their own goals.

I have no grand ambitions like them.

Leone wants to push the boundaries of the unknown Arcane's, discovering new uses of magic and new fields entirely.

Anput wishes to eventually become a master smith, her blades to each be considered at the same level as Jahi's own sword; a masterpiece, to be lauded and used only by those so far above the rest.

Finally, Jahi; she wants to be the strongest, to protect us from everything in this world.

The simplicity of it is what makes it so grand; we've seen the women who've reached the pinnacle, and currently, we are so far away from that peak...

But Jahi wants to scale it anyway, to carve her own spot as the strongest person in this world.


My ambitions are small, personal things.

I want each of them to be happy.

I want each of them to love me.

I want...

A family.

I would be content settling down in a few years, letting our love culminate into a child and watching them grow; that is all I truly want from this life.

I have no desire to stand at the peak, to be able to mold and shape this world with but a thought.

That idea, and many others from various stories I have heard, have never resonated with me; they all sound so bland and lonely.

Why aim for the peak, where there is but room for one, when I could build a sturdy bunker below that peak, living and loving with my family?

However, I will help each of them reach their goals, and if they want to reach that peak, I'll turn that into a place worth living; that is my own goal.

I don't need recognition from the masses; they matter not to me.

I only want these three women by my side to look at me, and only me, for the rest of our long lives; to help and love with me as we raise our children over the next decade, century, millennia...

That is all I want.

So I will be the woman that stands behind them and helps them onto their feet should they ever fall down; to be their support whenever and wherever they need it.

If someone wants to attempt to shatter the peace that I helped create, then the solution is simple.

They need to disappear, with none the wiser as to where they went.

My place in the dark didn't bother me, since my light came from the tall Demoness who I was bound to; from the radiant smile of Leone when she discovered something new; from the arrogant laugh of Anput whenever she drew her blade.

That was all I cared about, and I would protect each as best I could.

[Shadow Guard evolution... complete.]

[Servant System: Lvl 25

Class: Shadow Guard

Xp: (0 / 1,000,000)

Stats: (Expand)

Skills: (Expand)

Skill Points: 15

Stat Points: 0

Shop Points (SP): 0]

[Active Quests:


Cook a Meal that your Mistress' enjoy - 150xp per meal

Clean the Cottage - 500xp (once a day)

Satisfy your Mistress' cravings (Sex Quest) - 500xp per ejaculation; Capped at 10,000xp per day

Help your Mistress' train -  1xp - 1,000xp (Depends on the amount and quality of help; can do daily per Mistress)

Train your Dagger Skills - 1xp - 1,000xp (Depends on the amount and quality of improvement)

Train your Stealth Skills - 1xp - 1,000xp (Depends on the amount and quality of improvement)

Train your Ice, Water, and Wind Magic Skills - 1xp - 1,000xp (Depends on the amount and quality of improvement)

Train you other Skills - 1xp - 1,000xp (Depends on the amount and quality of improvement)

(Additional Note: Each Daily Quest *MAY* award 1sp - 10sp upon completion)



(Additional Note: Each Quest *MAY* award 100sp - 10,000sp upon completion)]

Looking over the list, I asked 'What would a normal Quest look like?'

[For example... <Protect Mistress A as she shops>, and the reward would be based on how well you concealed your strength during that shopping trip; other examples could be <Prevent Target A from harming Mistress B>, or <Kill Monster A before Mistress C has to intervene>

You technically don't have to do any of the Quests, so if there's one that you feel isn't worth it, you can ignore it. Additionally, sometimes you'll be forced to reveal your strength, which could result in the Quest lowering the rewards you get. However, just know that each Quest is within your capabilities when given, so I would suggest you try them when they appear.]

'Okay... okay, what about the experience I need per level now? Wasn't it a 1.5x growth per level?'

[Yes, but that uh... very quickly grew to insane proportions, to the point where leveling past 30 would have been near impossible. So, the process has been streamlined; every 5 levels increases the experience needed by 250,000xp; so for levels 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 you need 1,000,000xp; from levels 30 to level 34, you need 1,250,000xp per level, and so on and so forth.

This retains the challenge for leveling, while making it... possible. Besides that, the experience given out for monsters compared to quests has remained the same, and your Growth Skill still works as it did previously. So, whether or not you level fast depends on your own effort put in, as well as your focus. I'm sure you noticed that currently, your Training Quests, including Training with your Mistress' can grant you 1,000xp maximum, but with Growth, you can get 1,750 maximum, since it has a 75% boost.]

Nodding, I stared at the screen before me, thinking over a good routine for myself; the meals and cleaning was something I already did, so...

How would I go about training with each woman?

Bladework with Anput and Jahi, while I practiced Magic with Leone?

Though, the Quest never specified what I was helping them train in, so Anput and Leone could be where I train my other Skills, while Jahi and I spar?

As for my Stealth Skill, I guess for now I just needed to practice keeping my movements quiet as I worked, or when I left the Cottage.

It would also be easy to train during class, as I could try to conceal my presence there...

Of course, I would also very easily be able to get maximum experience from my Sex Quests if I put my mind to it; it was only 20 a day...

Chuckling, I nodded to myself as I decided to just let a day or two play out like normal, to gauge how much I made without attempting to min-max everything I did.

'Alright, now to the shop...'

[Window shopping huh? Actually, I'm rather curious as well... never know what's in stock...]

Opening the Shop tab, I looked at the items available, scrolling through everything.

'Monster parts, potion ingredients, potions, metal ores, metal ingots, weapons, enchanted weapons, armor, enchanted armor, techniques... alright, nothing terribly insane in here; no God Orbs that will level a mountain...'

[Is that relief or disappointment?]


There wasn't anything that would make me incredibly over powered; even the techniques were more so guides on how to cast certain spells that I could figure out on my own, if I spent the time to study for them.

Each thing was useful, and adequately priced...

I think.

[Steel Dagger - 75sp]

'Is that average price?'

[Above average; the materials to make a Steel Dagger are in here for cheaper. Finished items and elaborate techniques are going to cost way more than if you buy the parts that make that thing. If we convert SP to coins, 1sp is 1 Silver.]

'A Steel Dagger is around 35 to 50 Silvers, so... alright, I mean, it could be worse. At least this seems to put more importance on learning to do things yourself. I mean, look at that price.'

[Enchanted Steel Dagger (Frost) - 500sp]

'The enchantment for an element of your own mana type is relatively easy, and it raises the price by so much! But, if I just learned to enchant my own weapons, I could buy a Steel Dagger for 75sp and enchant it, saving 425sp. Not bad...'

[Indeed. There are a few more things to learn, but they'll be more like... on the job training; things you'll discover as you start completing Quests and training.]

'Very well. Now, you might want to uh... turn away? I'm going to go let loose for a bit...'

[Thanks for the warning... see you tomorrow, Host.]


Anything that you can think of adding?

The system is more so a... background program, if you will; she needs to do most of the work herself to get stronger, while the system can make that journey a little smoother.

Anyways, that's that, and as a recap for last month:

1994 Privilege Chapter Unlocks put us at 5th for 'New' Female Lead Novels.

~500 Golden Tickets.

~800 Power Stones a Week.

Thank you all so much for the support, and let's keep going~!


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