My Servant System

Chapter 251 250: Arriving At The Warfront

Kat Pov

The ride inside the carriage was long and boring, and most of our time was spent either asleep, thinking, or very rarely talking.

Carriages in this world travel rather fast, almost the same speed as cars sometimes, reaching upwards of 70 or 80 miles per hour.

That was mainly due to the ability of enchanted materials, stronger materials, and much stronger, magical animals, like the Dark Regal Mares that Nirinia owned, which were larger, sturdier black horses.

They looked identical to a horse, thought the main difference was these horses were well over seven feet at the shoulder, and had fangs instead of molars horses normally have.

Because of that, we managed to cross hundreds upon hundreds of miles in just under a day, but it was still so dull and boring.

I spent my own time thinking, letting my mind wander around possibilities and plans for when we reached the warfront, while also taking part in some conversations when I was asked questions, like...

"So Katherine, would you consider yourself an Enchantress?"

Nirinia was using this time to get to know each of us more personally, so that she could better utilize our skills when we did reach the encampment of the Empress' Legion.

Pursing my lips slightly, I glanced down at the three daggers that were concealed around my body; my First Fang and Protective Fang were on my belt, but they blended into the folds and creases of my maid dress.

As for the Breeze Fang, it was strapped to left calf, where I could easily reach it should I need it.

Looking back up at the grayish green skinned woman, I shrugged my shoulders as I said "I dabble in enchanting, yes, but I wouldn't go as far as to claim to be an Enchantress. I can weave the arcane decently enough, but not to the level that I believe I could make a name for myself from it."

That made Nirinia raise a brow, her eyes flickering down towards my waist where Protective Fang hung.

"Really? From what I've seen of those daggers of yours, you could open up a shop and enchant for the Silver Tag adventurers, maybe even approach some lower ranked Nobility to do some work for them."

Tilting my head, I asked "Is it really that impressive? Each enchantment is rather basic..."

Letting out a low chuckle, the Djinn shook her head, the various gold and silver ornaments clattering as she did so.

"That doesn't really matter though, little Maid. You've made some decent spells and etched them onto items, and the ease of use for said spells would be worth a good amount of coin. For instance, that shield spell on your broad dagger; not many people think to make a defensive enchantment on a weapon, so that makes it a rarity.

The market for such a blade is surprisingly large, but no one goes out of their way to enchant items like that; the process of revising multiple formulae getting a perfect spell to enchant a weapon with takes time and effort, which could be better used on just mass producing things the enchanters already know.

So, if I had to wager a guess, that dagger of yours would be around three or four Gold coins. If you were to provide the service to Nobility, that could jump to double or triple that price, thought you would need to study the materials you are placing the enchantment on to guarantee you don't damage the weapon..."

I nodded, my eyes returning to the Protective Fang.

I had an idea that it was a good enchantment, and definitely worth some good coin, but I didn't think it'd be more then a Gold or two.

Which made me wonder what some of the other ideas I had would be worth...

"So, I was thinking, if you wanted to of course, could you enchant something for me?"

Her wry smile made me raise a brow, and I stared at the proffered dagger for a moment before asking "What exactly did you want on this?"

Spinning the long, needle like blade around in her hands, Nirinia pursed her lips as she stared down at the dagger as well, before she began to balance it by its point on her fingertip.

"You have a wind spell that could increase the piercing and speed? I need this for more... precise attacks."

Nodding, I was about to grab the blade from her when I stopped, a small smile spreading on my lips as I asked "You are paying for my services, correct?"

Leaning forwards, the Djinn stared me in the eyes for a moment before chuckling, her voice low and silky as she muttered "Usually I don't pay for a woman, but in your case~..."

Placing the dagger in my hands, she opened a pouch and tossed me five Golden coins, making me blank out for a moment before swiftly pocketing the money.

The others were watching this exchange with a variety of emotions, though the main ones were exasperation and mild annoyance, though they did allow me to go about my work as I began enchanting the blade.

As I did so, I was thankful for a way to pass the time, as formulating the spell to be as streamlined as possible was time consuming, thought the enchanting bit took a few minutes at best.

Whilst I worked, we slowly traversed the countryside of the Empire, going through Duchies and Baronies alike, each one home to a beautiful, incredible view.

The others also discussed what we would be doing when we arrived; Nirinia told us that we would be part of her miniature strike force, which would be attached to either a normal hit squad or part of the main army, depending on what we were facing at that moment.

Besides that, if we wished to, and we passed Nirinia's own personal evaluation, we could take part in the counterattack and push into the Western Kingdoms to try and quell this war before it could truly start.

Each of us were filled with mild trepidation at that thought, not knowing just how strong a soldier in this enemy army might be.

Would we be almost out of our depths here?

Or were we ready for such a conflict to unfold?

Was our current level of strength enough for this blood soaked war we would find ourselves in?

All four of us had our own fears, our own worries, but all four of us all knew that the other three had our backs, that should one of us slip up, the other three would help pull them back up and get them ready again.

It was with those thoughts in mind that we felt ready to step out of the carriage when we arrived at the Empire's Western Border, our carriage surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of tents and tens of thousands of soldiers.

The border itself was located beyond a set of mountains, so looming behind us were towered spikes of snow capped peaks, while before us laid a cleared out forest, the only signs of the previous lush environment being the stumps.

The ground was scorched, the air filled with the stench of blood, ash, and smoke, whilst the sky was laden with gloomy grey storm clouds, threatening to drench the fields in a deluge of rain.

Around two and a half thousand feet away from us was a giant encampment to rival the one we were in now, the only difference being the amalgamation of colors compared to our blacks and reds.

The giant expansive field in between us was sloped just slightly in our favor due to the mountains looming behind us, so we held a minute advantage.

When we exited our carriage, the surrounding soldiers fell silent, each one staring at us in awe and confusion.

They were made up of all races and sexes, each one looking every bit a grizzled veteran used to fighting; they all sported the same black metal brigandine and crimson surcoat, thought they all did have various weapons, each wielding a non standard issue weapon.

Spears, swords, axes, katanas, maces, hammers, staves, clubs...

I could already feel Anput's excitement skyrocketing as we exited the carriage.

Stepping foot onto the soft dirt ground, we each looked around before turning towards Nirinia, who was searching the camp for something or someone.

"Ah! Come on, follow me."

Gesturing at us, she began to walk deeper into the camp, before shouting "Touch my carriage and I'll tear you apart~!"

With that little warning done, we traveled deep into the labyrinthine encampment, searching for whatever Nirinia was looking for.

Every tent we passed was filled with soldiers lounging around, be it playing games, chatting, sleeping, making out, or caring for their weapons.

Quite a few tents were rather... busy as well, and Nirinia seemed to take interest in those tents before continuing further in, towards where a gigantic flag was hoisted into the air.

The same 'E' symbol that was emblazoned on her chest was stitched onto that flag, and when we finally reached it we found a large command tent.

Guarding the entrance were two soldiers armored in full metal plate armor, while they wielded giant halberds, which they crossed over the entrance flap as Nirinia approached.


They shouted in unison, which made Nirinia roll her eyes.

"Surely you haven't forgotten me already Gerina, Kakaos?"

The two still held their halberds across the flap, not saying a word to that.

They looked stiffly forwards, unmoving and unresponsive as Nirinia stared at them.

"Really? I have to speak to Adelina, so just-"


Raising a brow, Nirinia looked between them again before sighing, stepping forwards anyways.

"Hey, Adelina! Come on ou-"

Whilst she was shouting, the two guards stepped forwards to try and quite her, but Nirinia continued to shout.

We all frowned as we looked between one another, wondering what was happening, before we all jumped back as someone burst through the tent flap as a golden blur.

Something crashed in front of us, and we all stared down at a prone Nirinia in shock, the Djinn coughing slightly as she rose to her feet.

"Really Adelina... f-for fucks sake..."

Whilst she stood back up to her full height, I turned my gaze towards the golden blur, which turned out to be...

Well, obviously, a woman.

A long mane of fluffy golden hair grew around her head, while two brown fluffy, rounded ears sprouted from her skull.

Her sharp golden eyes were narrowed as she glared at Nirinia, and her sharpened canine teeth gleamed in the light.

Draped in a golden mantled cape, the woman wore bright green metal armor with golden accents, while a shining gold hilted sword was in her hands.

She panted slightly as she looked up at Nirinia, her long, sleek tail topped off by a bulb of light brown fur.

"Don't you dare speak my name again, you..! YOU..!"

Gritting her fangs, the woman's eyes were ablaze with fury as she clenched the hill of her sword, almost like she was preparing to strike.

Nirinia let out a sigh, and...

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