My Servant System

Chapter 279 278: A Look Outside

With my convictions set and made, I took a deep breath and got onto my feet, ignoring the pain from my lame right leg as I began to move.

Once I was up and leaning on my crutches, I pursed my lips as I stared at the long, uneven rock walls around me that led up towards the cavern above.

Turning, I stared at the small outcroppings for a few moments before hesitantly grabbing ahold of the wall, wondering if I could climb up like this.

My first thought had been to use magic to create platforms to scale up, almost like stairs, but the problem with that was that I wanted to let my core refill itself with the mana in the air so that I could heal myself completely...

So, that easier method was sadly off the table for the moment, and the next option available was to free climb the rocks and hope I could manage with a lame right leg...

Doubtful, but I wanted to give it a shot.

Obviously, if I was a 'normal' person, this would be a difficult, near impossible task, but...

With all my stats being so high, I thought that this was a feasible idea, so I gently laid the crutches against the wall and began to go up, my fingers securely lodged on the handholds I found.

Trying to keep my right leg as motionless as possible, I began to pull myself up the rock wall, my left leg straining as I used it to stabilize myself, all while my abdomen and arms began to strain as well, the strength required to pull my entire bodyweight up on my own being rather... great.

It would seem that for a woman with my figure, pulling yourself up a steep rock face would be quite torturous, what with many sections of my body being heavier than normal...

Though, for me, I was willing to deal with the two ample 'curses' situated on my chest, so while I did grumble about the strength I needed to climb now, I wouldn't trade them away at all.

Anyways, as I distracted myself with random thoughts, I continued to scale the side of this humongous pit, slowly but surely making my way towards the top, towards reaching the first step in my plan to return home.

I had an idea that I would need to be up high and in the open in order for the Soul Bond between Jahi and I to work enough to point me in her direction.

Considering I had no idea where I was, I couldn't just 'head north' or any other direction just yet; I had no idea if 'north' led towards the Empire or away from it.

The continent we were on was... impossibly large by my old worlds standards; again, the Empire was many thousands of miles wide and 'tall', and that was just ONE area on THIS continent.

In the middle of the continent was the Labyrinthian, which was a bit larger than the Empire, and it was surrounded on all sides by various countries and territories, bodies of water and mountain ranges...

There's no telling where I could be just yet, so picking a direction to move is just... wasteful.

As for the mark that Leone put on me, it was just for her to benefit from, so I couldn't use it like I could the Soul Bond.

I was really, really hoping that our Soul Bond could act like a GPS for me to navigate this world, but if it couldn't, I would just need to find some civilization and get a map, which might hold some familiarity for one country that I remember...


With that on my mind, I briefly looked down, and blanched instantly at the height, swiftly turning back towards the ceiling that grew ever close.

I just had another dozen some odd feet left...

And quite the fall if I messed up, so no pressure me~!

Clawing at the lip of the pit, I pulled myself up and began to look around, making sure the coast was clear before I exited the relatively safe, sheltered hole.

Looking this way and that, I was greeted with the sight of a frost covered cavern, the various rocks and stalagmites coated in a glistening sheen of ice that glittered in the light streaming in from the opening a few hundred feet in front of me.

Various other holes were scattered around the ground, which confused me for a moment, before  I pulled myself out of my pit and recreated my crutches.

Silently making my way forwards, I took in the vast cavern that I had been transported to, a sharp breeze blowing in from the caverns opening.

The air had the familiar sharpness of winter whilst also being crisp, and the lack of any scents besides the moisture and mild earthen undertone made me think that I was in a mountainous area.

What that meant in terms of location was still unknown, and I had no idea what kind of threats lingered inside, or outside this cavern.

So, I had a choice to make; either continue forwards and leave the cavern and take my chances outside, or remain inside and continue to heal up in this empty area.

Both had merits and risks; this could be a den of some sorts, or it could just be a really old, completely empty cavern, used by nothing.

The outside could be riddled with powerful enemies or it could be a barren region of snow and wind.

Those were the choices I had laid before me, and I needed to pick one soon.

Either heal up inside the cavern before heading out and pray that nothing comes near, or go outside and hope I can find something to eat, something to enhance my bodies ability to draw in mana faster.

A poorly maintained body wouldn't be able to retain mana as well as a normal person, and considering I needed mana desperately...

Gritting my teeth, I looked around again, before sighing as I made my way towards the entrance.

At the very least, I wanted to take a peek outside, to see where I was and what I had to work with.

Besides that, I would need the strong breeze and cold air to facilitate a quicker mana regeneration thanks to my skills, so maybe I create a miniature shelter near the entrance to help with that...

Clacking along with my crutches, I made sure to keep my ears honed in on any sounds and my nose perked, wanting to make sure I wasn't caught off guard by a monster, animal, or person.

Weaving around the various rocks and boulders inside the cavern, as well as the other pits, which I looked inside of, I gradually made my way towards the entrance of this empty cavern, greeted by a sight that made my mind blank out for a moment.

Reaching the entrance, I was prepared for a breathtaking view of some beautiful mountains, but...

Oh, it was so much more than I could possibly describe.

Long snow filled canyons ranged out below me, various deep green trees dusted with white dotting the landscape below, while mountains that towered into the heavens rose around me, all surrounding a gigantic frozen lake that radiated an ethereal blue light, spots of violets and crimsons speckling the surface.

Off to the left was a large arch that led into another valley, one that was riddled with towering pillars covered in ice.

To the right stood a mountain taller than the rest, a mountain that was hidden by the clouds.

Down at the base of that mountain were long, curved spikes that formed over the winding valleys that branched off of it, one of which connected to the lake.

Birds with dazzling blue and white feathers flew in the sky, their melodic calls echoing around as they soared around calmly.

The landscape was just so... serene and majestic, the snow laden, frost covered mountains and valleys making me feel...

So at home, so welcome and cozy.

The chill didn't bother me at all; in fact, I welcomed the breeze and nip that it carried, enjoying the way it ruffled my hair and felt on my skin.

It was... beautiful.

If only Ja-

Suddenly, the wondrous distraction that the mountainous region provided fell away, and once again I was left with the sobering realization that I was alone in this breathtaking place.

No quips from Anput about the cold, no gasps of wonder at the formations or geological marvels that this place produced from Leone...

No doting smile and warm touch of Jahi as she held me close to her, looking out at the snow with her as we quietly stood together, taking it all in...

The wonder shifted to feeling hollow, and I slumped to the ground as I continued to look out over the region, my heart clenching painfully tight in my chest as tears sprang to my eyes again.

Swallowing hard to keep it all down, I settled onto the ground and focused on my mana regeneration instead, all whilst my fingers played with the collar that had never once left my neck.

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