My Servant System

Chapter 299 298: Permission

Sitting before me was the Empress of Ash, founder of our Empire, and the strongest woman on the continent.

To the left of her sat Lady Igna, the Volcanic Dragon that calls Sanctus Ignacia home, and the protector of the Capital.

To the right of her was the Empress' first wife, Lady Theresa, the 'Saintess of Nature' and gentle, guiding hand of the Empire.

Lastly, a few thrones to the right was Lady Lorelei Presa, a True Vampire and master of the arcane, as well as the mother of my future wife, Leone Presa-Ash.

Each woman that had a throne inside this room was incredible in their own right, and each of the children that they sired from the Empress' seed was just as talented, if not more so than their mother's.

However, for the time being, I was more focused on the women present then those that were absent, as this was where we would get official confirmation for the Crusade, alongside our true orders for the West.

Whatever the Empress commanded, we would execute to the utmost degree that we could, as we were her ever loyal, ever faithful shield.

Though, going forwards, that 'shield' would become the sword she wielded to make her will known to the world.

As such...

"Jahi Asmodia, you were the one to request the Crusade, correct?"

Turning my attention back to the Empress, I nodded as I met her 'gaze', my eyes focusing on her cloth headband that covered her eyes.

Her hair transitioned from ash grey to orange and red, sparking with each breath she took, while the silver crown adorned with giant chunks of deep crimson fire crystals shone on her head.

Dressed in a pure white robe, the giant woman sat before us, her slightly tanned skin contrasting the gleaming white clothing and marble throne.

Bowing my head, I spoke with as much respect I could muster, which wasn't hard.

"Yes I did, Empress."

Nodding softly, she rested her chin on her palm as she continued to look me over, before she asked "What are your reasons for requesting a Crusade? Your Mom has already relayed the general gist of it to me, but I wish to hear it straight from you, young one. Speak truthfully."

Taking a deep breath, I felt the entire room focus on me as I began to speak, each one listening to my words intently.

"There are a multitude of reasons, Empress. Personal reasons, and reasons that benefit the Empire. For the Empire's benefit, the occupation and absorption of the Western Kingdoms expands our sphere of influence, grants us access to their valuable gold, silver, and gemstone mines as well as their fertile lands. The Western Kingdoms would become our new buffer between the rest of the West and the border of the Empire.

Alongside that, the people need a distraction from the betrayal of a Ducal House and another long standing, prominent Elven Family. In order to retain trust in the Nobility and Royalty, the common people need to be distracted from the sudden loss of those traitors, and war is always the strongest distraction, especially a war that the people themselves desire. The Western Kingdoms attacked us first, and many still recall the pro human rhetoric that the West swears by; as such, the sentiment on the Western Kingdoms is low.

Finally, the last, and most important part of this Crusade for the Empire is to learn all we can about the successive appearances of the Gates inside Tragon, to better prepare ourselves against what may come and attack the Empire next. Learning what causes these Gates is imperative, as it will better prepare us to defend against it. Is it some newly evolved monster, or a person? If it's a monster, we could potentially find patterns in its appearances and discern what it desires. If it's a person, Tragon could have simply been a testing grounds for their newly acquired power, and that would shift our planning drastically..."

The women all nodded, and Lady Presa turned towards the Empress, saying "She's right. Anything that can open a Gate, no matter how small or temporary, is worth investigating. Besides, Romagi gave us the reason to invade first, so in the eyes of the other countries we will be justified."

Stroking her chin, the Empress never once turned away from me, and I gulped as she said "It is indeed worrying; what is trapped inside the Labyrinthian needs to remain locked inside for eternity. Anything that can create Gates is a problem that needs to be solved rapidly. However, I would still have you explain to me why I should send the Asmodia's Heir off on this Crusade."

Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath again as I felt my heart clench, and I met her 'gaze' once more, not hiding anything.

"I need a distraction; I need to do something, or else I worry about what harm I might cause to myself or those around me. With the absence of... her... I don't know how to deal with her disappearance, and so I desire a distraction from the void she's left behind.

The Western Kingdoms started a war for idiotic reasons, and in doing so they provided the Sariel's the perfect opportunity to turn traitor. Now that they're gone, I'm left with no one to persecute for what happened to her besides the Western Kingdoms. My hope is that I'll discover traces of the Sariel's and Kameiel's inside Romagi, so that I can begin to hunt them down and make them pay for what they've done.

With her gone, I... don't know how well I can control myself, and the last thing I want is to become something... else. Something despicable, something that she would find revolting. To become something that would harm those close to me out of petty anger and misplaced wrath, all while I wallow in depressive thoughts and what if's. I don't desire that, and I don't want to throw away all that I've been blessed with...

That is why I will be going to the Western Kingdoms as apart of the Crusade. To vent, to atone, to better control myself. It is no glorious reason, Empress, but it is the truth."

She remained silent, her expression frozen as she looked down at me, all while the others in the room stared at me quietly as well.

I could feel Anput beside me stiffening, while Leone gently tugged at my sleeve, slipping her hand into mine.

Mom stood off to the side, her arms crossed as her ruby eyes filled with complex emotion.

Lady Presa stared at her daughter with narrowed eyes, while Lady Theresa smiled softly as she focused on Leone's actions.

As for Lady Igna, she smirked, her scarred features turned towards me as she rasped "Rage is a powerful, yet volatile, motivator. Be careful to keep it from burning you away, young Demoness..."

"Indeed... I'm of half a mind to keep you from joining the Crusade, but I've known the Asmodia's for millennia; if there is one thing that remains the same in this world, it's the fact that you're all a stubborn bunch. Leaving you alone and to your own whims is always worse then just giving you direction. Simple, yet effective Demons that crave action over anything. That's the reason your House has remained as prominent as it has over the years. I know better then anyone that you would still find yourself in the West even if I tried to keep you here; it's just in your blood."

Smiling wearily, she glanced over at Mom, who was chuckling as she nodded, her ruby eyes filled with amusement.

Lady Igna also laughed, while Lady Theresa covered her mouth, hiding her giggle.

"Therefor, Jahi Asmodia, I'll grant your request to venture to the West. The Ashen Legion is under the command of the Asmodia Family for the next year, free of charge, and new conscripts and veterans alike have been sent to bolster your ranks. Additionally, Sker will remain alongside the Ashen Legion for the duration of the Crusade, as will Nirinia Radhi. As insurance, for both the Crusade and my daughter, her personal guard Vul will join you as well.

Chordeva, I expect you to take command of the Legion if Adelina Leonisa decides to remain inside the Capital, and I expect you to get to the bottom of the incidents in Tragon. Kolia and Bellara will head the detachment of mages and researchers traveling alongside you, and Asklepios and his daughter Iaso will head the detachment of healers and priests. Further details will be provided later tonight, so until then..."

Getting up, the Empress stepped down from her throne and smiled gently at Leone, beckoning her forwards.

"Rest, relax, prepare. Chordeva, show your daughter around the Knight's area, speak with her on the responsibilities and expectations she bears, and tutor Nirinia once more. Begum Anput, join them; I'm sure the sights and knowledge will be more than entertaining for you.

You will all depart tomorrow morning, so make any goodbyes you need, since this Crusade will likely last longer then anticipated..."

With that, the Empress gently draped her arm over Leone's shoulders, smiling warmly at her daughter as she led her away, the other women all following her.

Nodding to us as we left, Lady Theresa said "Chordeva, tell Ria to make the journey up towards the Palace some day; I haven't seen her in many years..."

Bowing to the wooden Elf, Mom nodded as she watched her depart, before turning towards Anput and I, a small smile on her face.

"Well, let's go find Nirinia~! I'll show you around the training grounds, and maybe we can spar a little, hmm~? It's been a bit..."

Shivering slightly, Anput and I exchanged glacnes before nodding, deciding to make the most of this day.

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