My Servant System

Chapter 312 311: Assembling My Squad (3)

With the suggestion of the spar, both Liga and Aurae turned to look at one another, sizing up their opponent for this match as they made their way towards the open field.

Some of the other mages began to gather around to come and watch this duel, hoping to see and perhaps understand something in the way the two women controlled their spells and mana during the duel.

It was unlikely, but who knows when or where inspiration could come from!

Stepping onto the field, the two women nodded at one another as Kolia said "Alright, simple dueling spell, using your natural element. Ten paces back, start on my signal!"

Standing beside me, Leone watched on with interest, her eyes alternating between the Tigerkin and Wind Djinn.

"Who do you think is going to win, Leone dear?"

Hearing my light whisper, my Vampire peeked up at me before returning her gaze to the two mages, her lips pursed into a thin line.

"I... I don't know. Wind Magic is volatile and sharp, but Nature Magic is durable and powerful. It will all honestly come down to who is not only more in tune with their element, but who has the better control."

Nodding, I watched as they both readied a simple Ritual Circle before casting the spell when Kolia shouted 'Begin!'

A flash of a deep and pale green filled the clearing, before a burst of wind ruffled the tents around the perimeter.

Slamming together between them, the two green beams of raw mana collided with a loud clap, forming a sphere of varying green hues in the center.

Both women grunted as they began to fuel more mana into the spell, though Aurae bit her cheek as she tried to plant her feet firmly into the dirt, only to skid back a step.

Watching on with interest as the emerald beam began to warp around the Wind Djinn's magic, I nodded to myself as the duel slowly came to a close; no matter how she tried to fight back, Aurae found herself outclassed by the Tigerkin's Nature Magic.

Of course, that wasn't to say she wasn't strong, but I do believe that there was a certain edge that Liga had over her due to her element.

Panting, the two nodded to one another as they released their spells, evidence of her being overpowered shown on the skid marks that went back a foot or so.

Approaching Leone and I, the two women gave me varying grins; Liga a wide, excited grin, while Aurae sported a wry, disappointed grin.

"Well then Liga, seems like we'll need to get to know one another better~! Congratulations on that; for now, grab what you need and meet me at the Command Tent; we'll need to go over what we'll be doing for the Siege of Goron. Be there in ten minutes, alright?"

Wiping the grin from her face, the Tigerkin stood ramrod straight as she saluted me by slamming her fist against her modest chest.

"Yes Ma'am!"

Nodding, I smirked as she turned and marched off, before I looked back at Aurae.

"Listen, while it did suck that you didn't win, think of it this way..."

Gesturing at her, I made sure Kolia was just out of earshot when I whispered "My mentor over there, Arch Mage Kolia? She's a tad bit... lonely, y'know? Reads smut in her free time, probably does worse when she's alone~ Anyways, think she might be into you, so why don't you... 'stick close' to her for now, hm~? Could you do that as a favor to me?"

Aurae looked towards Kolia, who was making her way over, a small frown on her face.

"Sure, I think I could manage... would be lying if I said I didn't dig the tats she's got... gives her a rather unique charm, don'tcha think?"

Returning her smirk, I nodded as I stood back up, all while Leone rolled her eyes at me playing matchmaker.

"Well, I'll be seeing you Kolia~ Don't miss me too much now, alright?"

Patting one of my pockets, I grinned at her as she blushed again, her hand mirroring my placement as she felt the outline of her book, only for her to glare at me.

Those slitted blue eyes would have scared me before, but now...

Waving back at her, I led Leone over towards the clean white tents of the healers area, my mind drifting around for a moment.

"Jahi... really?"

Glancing down at Leone, I chuckled as I saw her peering back at Kolia, who was blushing as Aurae said something to her, a smirk on her face.

"Yes, really~ Seems like she finally found someone to crush on, thought I could help it along~ Besides, if Aurae tries something on Kolia, well... there will be a repeat of that murder she committed, but in reverse this time~!"

Sighing, Leone shook her head before gesturing towards Mom, who was waiting at a tent.

"C'mere brat! Took you long enough; were you asking about their favorite garnish on steak or something?!"

Raising a brow at her annoyed tone, I pursed my lips before shaking my head.

"Nope, I was spending your money instead."

Letting out a sigh, Mom half glared half grinned at me, her amusement obvious as her ruby eyes sparkled at my words.

"You're asking for a beating, brat. Just cause your my daughter doesn't mean I won't smack the ever-loving shit out of you."

Nodding, I replied "I mean, you can try. Might pull a muscle or two though..."

"Must you always have a quip?"

"Is your age making you incapable of responding?"

Sighing again, Mom rolled her eyes at me as she turned towards Leone instead, who was frowning.

"Teach her a lesson for me, dear. Anyways, I got you your last member; Asklepios' daughter Iaso made it clear that it's her Goddess' will or something. Don't worry though; she can handle herself. Pretty deadly too, funnily enough."

Pursing my lips, I glanced at the tent flaps as a woman walked out, revealing the final member of my squad.

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