My Servant System

Chapter 316 315: Start Of The Siege

"Everyone ready?! The Breaching Group has already begun to open a path into the city of Goron, and it is our job to follow behind them and clear out the first ring! Remember, you are working with your squad mates only! Do NOT expect timely backup from anyone else, so move smart, fight smarter! If anyone gets injured, retreat to the previous gate and await healing!"

Standing at the forefront of the assembled troops, Adelina Leonisa, Commander of the Ashen Legion, cast her golden gaze over her troops, nodding to herself as a loud shout echoed around us.

"Goron will be the first of many to fall under the Empire's might! The Empress has placed trust in us to be her sword; she desires to let the world know that the Empire is unafraid of combat, of war, and will retaliate when provoked! As her sword, we need to display just how lethal it is to go against us! Believe in yourself, believe in your comrades, and keep your edge honed for the battles to come! For the Empire!"

Luna beside her hefted and unfurled the banner of the Legion, earning the roar of the soldiers as they brandished their weapons, thirsty for blood.

Unsheathing her golden sword, Adelina turned and pointed the intricate weapon at the burning gate, shouting "All squads forwards! Let us display our prowess for the world to see!"

Another roar filled the plains between Goron and our temporary fortress, before the rumbling of armored Legionaries storming forwards joined the cacophony of sounds.

Giving a nod to the others, I set the pace of a leisurely jog, deciding to allow the more enthusiastic of the Legion to have their fun first.

This first ring would be filled with weak troops and civilians; it was the agricultural district of Goron, and while it was something they would want to keep under a siege, the problem lied with the fact that Lady Sker and Nirinia had already breached their first gate, allowing us access to said farms.

They weren't going to put up much of a fight to keep them, especially not when they could tell that a Knight was leading the way...

Anyways, I glanced to my right to find Mom mirroring me, yawning lazily as she jogged with four armored men and women behind her, each one attempting to hide the reverent gazes that they sent her way.

We had discussed it earlier, and Mom decided she would take the North of each ring, and I would take the South; it had been decided by coin flip since neither of us cared.

Continuing to jog forwards, I maintained my pace even as the more enthusiastic reached the rubble of the gate first, excited shouts echoing around as they streamed forwards, ready to fight.

What laid behind the destroyed gate were fields upon fields of crops waiting to ripen; greenish gold wheat covered vast portions of the land, but trees and bushes filled with fruits, berries and vegetables were rather abundant as well.

This city was almost self sufficient with this excessive amount of farmland, and it would become one of the breadbaskets of the Empire going forwards, especially when the city is expanded.

Anyways, even though this ring was 85% fields, the remaining 15% were farmhouses, barns, storage silos, and other buildings, each of which could be hiding soldiers or civilians.

Jogging up the main road with Anput, Leone, Iaso, and Liga behind me, I nodded to Mom as she veered to the right, heading to the North, while I turned left, leading my squad towards the South.

Seeing the enthusiastic soldiers breaching a large manor, I nodded to myself as I made my way towards the next building, which was a small collection of cabins situated around a fire pit.

There were eight cabins in total, and without a word we all separated, standing before our selected cabins and readying our weapons or magics.

Anput and I grabbed our blades; Anput picking a curved scimitar and a short dagger, while I drew a dagger of my own, not wanting to destroy the house completely as I searched it.

A great sword wielded by a Demoness as large as I am would turn the cabin into rubble in mere moments...

As for Leone, Iaso and Liga, the three mages all shone their respective in the color of their respective elements, readying spells as they reached for the doors.

Double checking our surroundings, I took a quick breath before kicking the door open, sending it crashing into the wall opposite.

Striding inside, I quickly checked the various corners and small rooms before returning outside, finding nothing besides items and clothing strewn about.

I proceeded to go through the remaining cabins swiftly enough, clearing them and sighing as I rejoined the others, each of them shaking their heads.

Wordlessly, we waved a squad over and had them remain behind us, double checking the cabins before waiting for us to clear the next building.

Working our way down the long road of houses and storage facilities, we found nothing inside, only knickknacks, foodstuffs, clothes, and other things that weren't able to be carried with the families as they escaped.

Few valuables remained inside the buildings either, adding credence to the belief that all the citizens of Goron would be located inside the second ring; maybe even the third, depending on the nobles currently in power.

With the first ring firmly under our control, we made our way to the next gate, which was reduced to rubble just like the first one.

Stepping over the shattered stone and splintered wood, we moved into the residential district of Goron, and the sounds of clattering blades and shouts of pain or anger filled the air.

Bodies were already strewn on the main road, the brown leather armor of the humans stained darker with their blood; some weren't soldiers, but weapons were strewn on the ground beside them, likely from a hastily formed militia.

Large buildings made from stone and topped with colorless tile roofing rose from the ground all around us, leaving little space to move.

Buildings were compact and joined together, utilizing the most of the space they were given as they towered up three stories.

Mom stopped beside me, sighing as she looked around the claustrophobic city, muttering "Humans... always such ugly, bland architecture... Be careful though; they might be weak, but they can be as crafty as a goblin sometimes."

With that, she beckoned her squad forwards as they approached one of the side streets, swiftly disappearing from view.

"Come on."

Following her example, I led my own squad towards an alleyway, my eyes scanning the shut windows and locked doors.

"We have a city to subjugate."

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