My Servant System

Chapter 342 341: Progress

Kat PoV

My feet continued to pound against the stone laden road as I ran, my eyes focused on the sprawling tundra ahead as I kept the mana flowing through my body at a steady rate.

The running itself had provided on problem that I needed to address in some way or another soon, and that was the fact that my breasts - being as large as they were - made the run uncomfortable, and at times painful.

Besides that, I couldn't really feel much besides a good warmth surging around my muscles as they were constantly used.

I was sweating despite the cold, and my breathing was a bit faster than before, but in all honesty it was still really, really good for what I was doing.

Maybe this was the result of having above 60 in each stat, which even included my non physical stats since my mana was constantly keeping my body in shape and healed.

I learned that the hard way, as one small stone managed to twist my ankle as I was running, and the searing pain made me grit my teeth as I hissed.

Nothing that some simple healing magics couldn't fix, and after that I donned a low powered Water Cloak to keep the muscle tears and strains at a minimum.

I had long since passed the mountain that was probably around twenty miles away from Polaris, and as such I was now arriving at the cluster of small lakes, marking the forty mile point of my journey.

If I could recall correctly, the average human could travel around twenty or so realistically, though the more physically fit, and determined humans could travel around thirty.

So currently, with the sun slowly descending towards the horizon, I was above the 'peak' humans from my previous world, and I still had some time remaining.

Of course, this still worried me greatly; I had no idea if I could maintain a forty plus mile run each day, let alone when I reach certain areas on the map that aren't as easy to traverse as a straight road.

However, I needed to continue for as long as I could, and as I entered the lake ridden land of the Nevrokopi State, I had a choice to make.

Currently, the sun had reached the horizon, its last warming rays bathing the lakes surfaces in a brilliant gold, but those rays were rapidly disappearing.

I could maintain my pace and continue through the night for another hour or so, or I could settle down and begin to rest.

Both offered advantages; more ground covered before I stop, or getting adequate rest after my first day of pushing myself like this.

Both offered disadvantages; the potential that I step off of the road and slip into a lake, and not getting as much distance as I hoped...

Mulling over each as the sun continued to lower, I frowned before shrugging, maintaining my pace for just a little while longer.

The weather was calm and the temperature bearable, and I could still see a good bit despite the darkening sky, so I decided to continue forwards, making more progress on my journey.

If only so that I had less time to do nothing except think.

At least with running I was focusing on my spells and body, but the second I stopped...

The memories would return with a vengeance, and I would fall into a boundless void of terrible emotions that I simply didn't want to deal with.

Of course, even as I made the decision to continue forwards, I still needed to stop when it got too dark and my mana began to falter.

Finding a small spot on the side of the road, I released the spells after a few moments and sighed, dropping onto the snow and staring up into the starry sky, wondering if this looked the same as it did back home.

Leaning back onto my hands, I stared at that sky for a few more moments before looking around, getting a feel for my surroundings.

Not finding anything, I sighed as I fell onto my back, my hands roaming around as a heat permeated my sweaty body.

Uncaring of the nip in the air, I let out a soft moan as I stared into the star filled sky, my fingers getting to work as I began the arduous process of unwinding...

Despite not needing to do so for my [Arousal Stacks], I still decided to enjoy this calm moment, with only one name on my lips.



Julie PoV

Groaning softly, I winced as I felt a dull ache throbbing all around my body, forcing me to sit up from the couch.

My mind was sluggish as I stared at the cup of still warm tea that sat on the table, and I blinked a few times as I tried my best to focus past the pain.

Reaching down, I clutched my engorged stomach and frowned, my thoughts wandering about the two hybrids growing inside of me.

Chordeva and Ria's races weren't completely compatible with Beastkin, and as such this was becoming a pain for me to deal with as my body continuously shifted to better nurture them both.

A Demon-Dog and an Elven-Dog...

What an odd combination...

Stroking my stomach a few more times, I sighed as I rose to my feet, taking multiple seconds to do so.

Grabbing the warm tea, I downed it in a few sips before placing it back on the table, feeling the pains recede as the liquid entered my system.

Shuffling towards the door, I began to walk towards the kitchen, wanting to talk to Lesnera for a bit before going back to sleep; these days have been filled with nothing but sleep as I tried to escape the worry for Katherine...

All the servants bowed to me as I passed them, most giving me a warm smile as they glanced at my bulging belly.

Everyone here was indebted to the Asmodia's in one way or another, and each of them wanted to see Chordeva happy.

I could still remember the party the servants threw for themselves after the news of my pregnancy was announced, everyone ecstatic that the Mistress' were blessed with a child each.

Chuckling softly, I continued through the halls before entering the kitchen, finding the Dwarven woman swiftly enough as she shouted inside her kitchen, ordering the others around.

Approaching her station, I leaned casually on the clean counter, watching Lesnera wave her hands at the man towering above her as she shouted "What, are ye a fucking dolt?! Who seasons the steaks after they were cooked?! Come on Yusuf! Y'know better than that, don't ya?!"

The man nodded, before he saw me watching them both, and hope entered his eyes.

"O-Oh, Miss Julie! What brings you to the kitchens?"

Hearing that, Lesnera turned swiftly and stared at me, before glaring back up at the man and growling "This ain't over yet, Yusuf. GO!"

Scrambling away, Yusuf disappeared, and now the Dwarf turned her anger towards me.

"Why're ye up and about Jules?! Ye should be restin'!"

Smiling at her, I remained leaning against the counter as she glared at me, replying "What, I couldn't visit a dear friend? I'm pregnant, Les. Not injured. A simple walk won't do much to me."

Clicking her tongue, she continued to glare at me even as she stepped onto her stool, reaching around the tidy counter for her ingredients as she began to prepare dinner.

"Aye, yer pregnant, which means ya shouldn't just be a walking about on yer own! C'mon now Jules, y'know that! Lady Ria would 'ave me skinned for letting ya walk alone!"

Listening to her thick accent, I nodded as I felt the familiar warmth of the Dwarf's angry, yet caring tone.

"I just... needed to talk to someone besides Ria, you know? It's been stifling remaining inside that room, with nothing to do. Besides..."

Trailing off, I sighed as I looked down at the wooden counter, my heart clenching.

"Aye... Aye, I know. Little pup being gone and all, must be tough. But, Jules, that's all the more reason to take care of yerself now! We both know that little lass isn't gone for good! If there's a single thing I've learnt about ye over these years, it's that yer the most stubborn bitch I know! Ain't no way yer daughter ain't take that from ya! So rest, care for yerself, and make sure that when the pup comes back, she's got a pair of healthy siblings!"

Nodding, I smiled softly as I remained on her counter, watching as her hands moved expertly around the counter.

"Well, I can't exactly deny that now can I? But what about you, Les~? Any luck finding a good man to put up with you yet~?"

Hearing my teasing tone, the Dwarf allowed her knife to slice into - and through - the wooden cutting board, her eyes steely as she glared at me.

"Ya don't need yer fingers to give birth, Julie."

Giggling, I wiggled them in front of her, earning a snort as she replaced her board and resumed chopping the vegetables.

Talking to her for a while longer, I managed to leave the kitchen behind with a little more hope in my heart, and less pain jolting around my body.

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