My Servant System

Chapter 351 350: Nevrokopi

Kat PoV

With that whole fiasco happening before I entered the city, I was not entirely looking forwards to what was inside.

After all, I've already seen what the adventurers and warriors back home are like, so I feel like I have a good grasp of what they are like here too.

Greedy, lustful, crude, uncouth...

As shown earlier, before I managed to enter the city.

Handing the guard a Silver coin, I watched as they ruffled through my bag for a moment before gesturing for me to enter, moving on to the next person with bored, lazy expressions on their faces.

Walking past the gates, I looked around at the open, airy city of Nevrokopi, the buildings all spread apart and made from what looked like some kind of marble.

Windows were large and left open, while most buildings had some sort of porch and terrace to enjoy the cold weather and look down at the bustling street.

Many older people sat idly on said porches and terraces, and I took note of their pale blue skin and strikingly white hair.

They chatted with their peers or simply dozed off as they enjoyed the cool breeze that swept over the city, and I nodded to myself as I followed the crowd towards the center.

Most were likely looking to try and gain access to The Mine and earn a profit, and I wasn't opposed to a delve of my own.

As I walked the busy streets of Nevrokopi, many gave me curious looks as they noted my pale white skin instead of the blue, before shrugging slightly and carrying on.

A few of them though had derisive sneers as they glared at me, looking down at me like I was some kind of lesser being.

Ignoring those gazes, I placed a hand on my sheathed dagger as I continued forwards, my ears twitching slightly as I heard a familiar voice behind me.

The woman from earlier was trailing behind me, speaking to someone else, and I sighed as I began to look around for the more aged, run down portion of the city.

Everywhere had an area where the poorer citizens lived, and it didn't take long to catch a whiff of rotting foods, sewage, and unwashed bodies, what with the city's open architecture and building plans.

Following my nose, I made my way through a few dirty roads and broken down buildings, reaching a small clearing of rubble that was occupied by tents and shacks.

The marble like materials used for the buildings on the main road were shattered and broken here, and they had lost the brilliant luster as they lay scattered on the ground.

Some of the poorer people built makeshift homes from the rubble, while others used pieces to anchor their cloth tents.

Most sat around small fire pits and warmed themselves up, cooking some kind of meat over the dwindling flames as they tried desperately to keep the fire going.

They glanced at me as I entered their 'space', wariness in their eyes as they shifted away from me.

Striding past them, I entered one of the further buildings that was run down, slipping inside and finding a place to hide.

As I waited to see if I was truly being followed, I began to place runes and Ritual Circles around the house, before returning to the small closet that was hidden behind a few chunks of the marble.

Quieting my breathing, I listened to the rumbling and creaking of the house, before a small smirk appeared on my lips as I heard footsteps - a pair of them - enter the house as well.

They were trying to be quiet, but the wooden floorboards were rotting and the small wind runes I placed went off, creating gusts that fluttered the shutters.

Sliding my unenchanted blade out of its sheath, I grinned as I felt my heart begin to beat quicker, the thrill of hunting these two people growing and swelling inside of me.

Hearing them pass by the closet, I silently exited my hiding place and watched as they continued to sweep the house, their swords drawn and their breathing unsteady.

"Do you think she left the building?"

The woman whispered quietly to her partner, and the man shook his head.

"No, the homeless said she was in here... they'd a had a good view of her if she left..."

Continuing to look around, the two crept forwards, unaware that I was behind them.

Raising the heavy bladed dagger, I slunk towards the man and grinned, snaking my hand forwards and clamping it down on his mouth.

Before he could react, my dagger sunk deep into his throat, and I twisted the blade before releasing it, watching in great joy as his corpse slid to the floor, blood gushing from his neck.

Hearing the thud of her comrade, the woman turned towards me and widened her eyes, shock filling them as she saw her dead friend at my feet.

However, she recovered quickly and began to swing her sword down towards my head, a determined gleam in her eyes.

Stepping back, her sword missed me and instead sliced into her friends corpse, giving me an opening to rush forwards.

As she was staring down at her now bisected comrade, I lunged forwards and slammed the pommel of my dagger against her temple, knocking her out cold instantly.

Taking a deep breath, I shuddered as the smell of iron permeated the air, and I gulped as I looked down at the unconscious woman.

Reaching down, I dragged her towards the closet, where I placed a few runes around her to create a barrier.

Then, I returned to the man and pursed my lips, wondering what I should do with his corpse.

All in all, not even an hour into my visit in Nevrokopi I had already killed one person and was about to kill a second...

Maybe this would be a rather fun day or two after all~!

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