My Servant System

Chapter 380 379: Worthy Summon (2)

Jahi PoV

Mom's large claymore sliced cleanly through the creatures fused bones, the flame coated blade burning the pus membrane away and allowing it to burn the skin and flesh as well, removing parts of the creatures runic protection.

The large skull of the Fenghuang shifted to stare at Mom as it let out a loud, reverberating chirp, the razor sharp beak it wielded slamming down towards Mom's head as it snapped its jaws closed.

Before the creature could attempt to devour Mom whole, Nirinia flew in and slammed her shoulder against its beak, cracking the bone slightly as she forced it off course, though not before grunting as the creatures green flames seared her flesh slightly, rotting it away.

Patting it out, Nirinia grimaced in pain as her skin and some of her flesh sloughed off, the Djinn pulled back as she approached one of the many healers, getting her wound healed instantly.

Not allowing the opening Nirinia provided go to waste, Mom hefted her claymore and charged the creature, before shouting "BOMBARD IT WITH SPELLS AND ARROWS! TARGET IT'S JOINTS!"

The legionnaires snapped into action, raising their weapons or hands as they began to attack the creature, which chirped in pain as Mom once more scoured a deep cut into its flesh, burning away more of its protection.

Leone joined them, her hands shining with potent crimson light as she lent her aid to the legionnaires, our shift from defensive to offensive orders being taken with ease as Mom led the way, occupying the creatures attention.

Cleaving her claymore through a thrown boulder, Mom blanketed the area around her with her own flames as the creature spewed the corrosive fire out of its maw, unleashing her domain and glaring at the creature.

As the creature raised its injured fist once more, Mom crouched down and waited, watching as the rotting flesh drew closer, before leaping into the air and enshrouding herself in her scarlet flames.

Slicing through the hand, Mom's trajectory carried her straight towards the creatures skull, all while it chirped in anger and pain as dozens of spells rained down onto its haphazardly assembled body.

The fused bones were scorched and cut by bolts of elemental mana, while the rotting flesh and muscles were melted off, already half off the creatures bones from the lack of strong, durable tendons and a 'shell' of flesh.

As for the skin and faces sewn onto that decomposing, soft flesh, they burnt away with ease as the amount of potent Fire Magics - aided by the Wind Spells of the legionnaires - crashed into the creature, enveloping it in flames as it began to burn.

It's arms flailed about randomly as it tried to stop itself from burning, and the creature walked in random directions as Mom landed on its skull, staring down at it with serious gaze as she raised her claymore, wreathing her silvery blade in scarlet flames.

Sickly green vapors wafted from its eye sockets as it stared up at the woman standing on its beak, and it tried to shake her free as it stumbled around randomly, only to let out a long, ear splitting chirp as Mom slashed her blade downwards, her claymore cracking against the thick skull with an echoing thud.

Letting out a grunt, she pushed down on the blade as she tried to destroy the Fenghuang skull atop the creatures body, but she had to retrieve her claymore and leap free as the creature slapped at its beak and skull with its three arms, forcing her away.

The Fenghuang's beak opened as it let out a loud screech, and it held its cracked skull with one hand, the other two splayed out in front of its chest as it began to push the vapors from inside of itself out, forming runes and Ritual Circles around each giant finger.

Everyone doubled their efforts as spell after spell, arrow after arrow was slung towards any and all openings the creature had, the legionnaires desperate to stop it, and I growled in annoyance as I too joined them, my fingers tracing the runes needed swiftly as I summoned a half dozen Light Discs, willing them forwards and causing them to explode on the creatures hands.

Shrieking in agony, it turned its large head towards me, and I raised the tower shield and imbued it with Light Mana, creating a barrier as I saw its beak open wide, green flames spewing forth incessantly.

Anput rushed to my side, linking her shield with mine as she growled "Don't be so damn stubborn..!", her shield flaring with dull brown mana as she erected walls of earth around us catching some of the corrosive flames.

I glanced at her and smirked, saying "I can try..!" before grunting, a bolt of that green fire impacting against my shield and forcing me back a step.

A growl reverberated in my throat as I planted my feet, ignoring the acrid scent of melting metal as the fire chewed away at the shield, glancing instead towards Mom as she shouted "NOW! WHILE IT'S DISTRACTED!"

Nirinia nodded beside her, and they leapt at the creature together, landing on one of its arms and raising their blades.

Mom burnt brightly with her scarlet flames, while Nirinia was shrouded by a gale of sharp winds, both women overflowing with potent mana as they cut into the creatures flesh, carving through the rotting flesh to get to the bone.

Screeching once more, the creature stumbled as they slowly severed one of its three arms, leaping away as the limb fell to the ground with a wet thud, the flesh flowing off of the bone, which splintered under the impact.

Half of the runes it had summoned flickered out of existence, but five large Ritual Circles still whirred around its other hand, each one adorning a finger as the creature aimed it's hand towards the larges cluster of the legionnaires, which had moved to bolster Anput and I.

Adelina joined me on my other side, hefting a shield of her own as she added her mana to ours, while the various shield bearers formed a semi circle in front of us as howling and groaning could be heard from the pit.

The mages, healers, and archers gathered behind us, still barraging the creature with spells and arrows as they tried to destroy the remaining spells, only for the Ritual Circles to begin to spin to life.

"Prepare yourselves! Healers, buff everyone now!"

Adelina shouted out her orders, and I felt various small spells layer over my flesh, imbuing me with more power as we prepared to withstand whatever it was that this Fenghuang creature wanted to throw at us.

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