My Servant System

Chapter 397 396: Monotony

Kat PoV

Just like before I had ventured into the forest, I started my day off dealing with my double edged skill [Nymphomania] and removing my stacks of [Arousal] before setting off into the world once more.

With open fields and no looming threats around me, I was back to the norm of my journey; funneling mana towards my limbs as I rushed over the snow covered ground towards the North, all while I kept myself away from any form of civilization as best I could.

As I ran, I reviewed the gains I made from the hellish days running through the forest, and I realized that those tacky, almost cliche statements of 'you grow stronger under pressure' was completely and utterly true.

In fact, my stats grew a good bit during those days, and it was... even more noticeable now; this is what they looked like now.


STR - 61 -> 64

CON - 65 -> 67

AGI - 65 -> 70

DEX - 65 -> 70

CHA - 64 -> 65

WIS - 63 -> 66

INT - 62 -> 66]

With that, I now had 77 AGI and 73.5 DEX, which made running even faster and easier, while my body could take more stress as thanks to my higher CON.

As for the WIS and INT upgrades, they made my mana easier to control and slightly more potent, which was really helpful as it helped me cut down on some mana cost while getting more for the mana I used; if I used 1 MP out of 100 MP to run a mile, I now needed roughly .66 MP for a mile.

It just cut down on what I needed and let me run longer.

Of course, my stats weren't the only things to go up because of the journey into the forest; my experience went up as well, as did the Shop Points for completing some of the daily missions.

Some of the missions gave a large amount of Shop Points, and I was now up to 878 SP, which was nice since I could eventually manage to purchase another System Made Item (SMI) soon to help further my strength.

My experience, on the other hand, was now at 253,980 of 1,000,000, so I was a quarter of the way through Level 29.

Out of curiosity, I asked 'My current stat levels and actual level; how do they stack up in terms of others my age? Or against other... system users, if there are any.'

[Compared to other system users from other worlds and the like? On par with the average, but don't be discouraged by that. Many took battle oriented systems, so their experience gains are astronomical. As for your stats compared to your true peers, well... Currently, you are around 1.5 times stronger than the average student at the Vulcan Academy, and if I had to guess you and your Mistresses are all in the top 5 of the Academy for your year. That will change though next year; as everyone becomes more accustomed to their own powers, the competition will be stiff.]

I nodded, this new piece of information giving me something to think about as I tried to break up the monotony of running.

'It's not like I truly care about those at the Academy. I mean, from the sounds of it, my time would be better spent supporting Jahi and the others down in Zhu'Rong Caverns as we get practical experience instead of learning theory. Sure, I could pick up some skills at the Academy and broaden my knowledge, but...'

[Everything has pros and cons, yes. There is no correct answer, but I will remind you that there is power to be found in knowledge, just like there is power in first hand experience. Studying a monsters physiology can give you insights into its weaknesses, but sometimes it is easier to fight it instead of studying it. I am not suggesting you spend your time face first in a book, but perhaps it would be best to learn what you can of anything, so that you can better support those you love.]

I fell silent at that, mulling over the words of my system as I ran.

There was more to life than just studying, especially now that large changes are occurring in the world.

Jillian and Ayla are - maybe - still a threat, there was that thing that was creating Gates in Tragon...

Both are dangerous things that we need to prepare for, and then there's the warning that I had from when I got poisoned after I got kidnapped years ago.

From my 'future self' that warned of something terrible happening in a decade and a half from now...

Could that have been related to the Gates?

Maybe it was related to Jillian and Ayla?

Or was it something that I hadn't managed to encounter yet?

What about Marco Sizali, the man that had piqued my interests back during our tests at the Academy?

The one who acted too mature for his age, was too experienced with a blade, and had that peculiar body that seemed far too advanced and resilient for a normal Human.

'I am the only one with a system in this world, correct?'

[Hmm? Oh, no. This continent, yes, but not the world. Don't worry though, Gaia is... much, much larger than your old planet. The chances of you encountering another with a system is slim to none. Unless you go looking for them, that is.]

'... This is just a plethora of information isn't it? What brought this on?'

[You... asked a question? Unless asked, I don't interfere with you at all. I prefer to remain dormant and watch, so... if you have a question, ask it. I've never hidden anything from you; you just never asked the right questions.]

I let out a sigh as I shook my head, before smiling wryly as I ran over the snow covered plains, muttering "You sound like some devilish lawyer, system..."

We chuckled together at that, and I kept on running.

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