My Servant System

Chapter 400 399: Discoveries

Jahi PoV

We looked up at the large mountain that housed the city of Nogart, all of which was in ruin - unsurprisingly at this point, as it seemed that the creature had a penchant for destroying everything around it whenever it arrived at its destination.

A chunk of the mountain itself had been carved away and used to bury one third of Nogart under large boulders and loose stones, and we had no idea on whether that was on purpose or if it was an accident.

Either way, we journeyed up the path and walked over the battered, splintered gates that had crashed to the ground so many moons ago, taking our first steps into the capital city of one of our enemies.

A city that would be rebuilt and reused for the Empire going forwards due to its strategic location and access to the mineral rich mountains that surrounded it.

However, it would certainly received a makeover as we looked around at the blatantly obvious human architecture; bland, compact buildings built atop one another lined streets that were barely a dozen or so feet across, while narrow alleyways sliced through the pale grey stone that was used to construct the city.

For some reason, the humans seemed afraid of expanding outwards and growing the size of their city, instead deciding that building upwards was a better idea, so that they could live atop one another and have no free space to themselves.

At least in the crowded lower quarters of the Capital back in the Empire there were public spaces and market squares dotted all around the quarters.

Here, there didn't seem to be much except for a few select locations dedicated to public space, and even those were small.

Really, they were such an interestingly... boring race.

Anyways, we entered the city of Nogart and began to march towards the palace, which had a small chunk of it crushed under the rubble of the landslide.

Adelina ordered her troops to begin sweeping the city for clues in large squads, which we all felt slightly comfortable doing thanks to the lack of unclean mana permeating the air like back in Huran.

The road was a straight shot to the palace, and we walked over butchered corpses - civilian and soldier - as well as rubble before we reached the opulent palace that contrasted the city below.

"Well... this city is a tad more destroyed... Huran was still standing at least, while that Emor place was a mix of destroyed and still standing... This place though... whew~ The creature went on a rampage here... like a dog that was excited with a new toy..."

I nodded as I looked around, before hearing Mom chuckle as she added "By the looks of it, that rockslide was accidental too; the curvature of the cut looks like a wind blade curved upwards and sliced into the rock face. Must've been a really~ excited doggy that wanted to play with this 'toy'."

Nirinia, Anput and I snickered at that, while Leone frowned at us, her more kindhearted nature showing once more as she glanced over at the corpses, likely wondering about the pain they felt and thoughts that ran through their minds before they died.

Kolia, on the other hand, was looking towards the mountain above us to confirm Mom's theory, her slitted blue eyes narrowed as she squinted up at the rocks.

"I... think you are indeed correct, Marquess. That would be an odd angle to cut the rock away at, while also being something I doubt a creature would even think about doing. Not when it is as strong as we believe it to be... There's no reason to rely on a cheap trick like a rockslide to take care of the city... Interesting."

With that confirmed, we pushed past the lavish - yet broken - gates of the palace and took in the large hedges and gardens that had been burnt, cratered, gouged...

Bodies in all kinds of states were scattered around, their armor and weapons rusting with blood or bent into unusable shapes, while a scarce few Nobles or Officials were mixed in with the soldiers, like they had tried to escape.

All of the corpses were facing towards the gates, suggesting the contact point this time was inside the palace itself.

The large golden doors were broken to pieces across the tiled entryway, while the light from the sun barely shone into the palace, the suns rays blocked by the overhang.

Leone remedied that problem by creating spheres of bright flame that hovered over each of us, anchored to our shoulders and lighting the way.

"Let's find the contact point first, before scouring the rest of the palace. I would imagine we would find the most clues there..."

Kolia led the way into the palace's depths, and we were greeted with the stench of corpses once more, which was mixed with the metallic tang of blood.

The halls were seeped in the crimson fluids, like the creature had taken the time to paint the palace with the blood of the humans it had killed...

That, or the thing was so drenched in blood that it coated the palace when it moved outside, shaking it off before exiting.

Either way, we were greeted by another massacre inside the throne room, where the King, Queen, and the rest of the Nobility were slaughtered mid court session, all wearing shocked expressions, likely not expecting a Gate to appear randomly in the midst of the palace.

Blood still pooled on the floor from the complete rending of the human bodies, while a suspiciously clean circle of marble tile was situated in the center of the throne room, the white material gleaming a myriad of colors.

Resting my hand on my great sword, I looked around as we walked in, Kolia and Leone focusing on the contact point while the rest of us protected them.

"It looks like they all died quickly... I imagine that was a relief for them. No drawn out wounds or kills that looked... inhumanely painful. Other than the burns, of course."

Mom nodded, her ruby eyes fluttering around the room before landing on Kolia, who was studying the marble tiles.

"I would say that was a relief, yes... Though, the fear of seeing whatever it was likely traumatized them in their final moments."


I have to say lol, sometimes the problems with having a large, ongoing story is that I forget if I've named places or people and all that; like have I given the Capital of the Empire a name? I know the mountain it's on is Sanctus Ignacia, but did I name the city?

Anyways, should be reuniting soon..?


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