My Servant System

Chapter 763 762: Battle Begins

Chapter 763 762: Battle Begins

Pain erupted from my back as I crashed against the ground, and the impact sent shockwaves through my body as I laid there, the air pushed from my lungs and escaping my lips in a forced gasp.

My vision darkened and spun for just a moment, but that moment was enough for me to lose concentration on the spell above, the wind dome losing its connection to me and beginning to fade.

A volley of explosive, powerful spells slammed against the wind dome, draining it of its power and slowly whittling down the defenses that I had erected, but thankfully I had placed enough mana into the spell to give us a few seconds to try and collect ourselves, Leraie and I slowly pushing ourselves off the ground and getting to our feet.

As I stood up, my finger danced in front of me, and a cool blue light descended over my body, easing the swelling of the bruises and filling in the cracks that had spiderwebbed around my bones from the fall.

Healing Leraie as well, we both began to instantly shore up our defenses once more, this time taking some more care to ensure there would be no more surprises for us should they begin to utilize some magics that we had no idea about.

To say I was confused by what the earlier spell was would be an understatement; I could understand what happened and that it was casted by the Cultists, but I had no idea on how they did it.

It was like the mana in the air was not only multiplied, but made heavier so that they could turn it into a weapon utilizing gravity; not something that seems possible, but this is a world of magic, and that could definitely be a lost magic...

I certainly was intrigued by it, but my desires to learn more about the wonders of the arcane world were stifled currently by the fact that the people wielding that magic wanted to kill us - just like we wanted to kill them, I suppose - so I had no time to ponder the causes and intricacies of that spell; instead, I needed to prepare to kill the ones who had almost done serious harm to me.

And Leraie, I suppose; the Demoness was growing on me a bit, but she was still THAT woman's follower, and I really didn't like that woman at all...

The wind dome above began to buckle beneath the power of the spells slamming against its surface, the Cultists determined to pop the bubble and bring about another wave of that pressure down onto us to restrict our movements and make us easier to dispose of - or capture.

So, Leraie and I worked together to create protection for ourselves, with the Demoness summoning a dozen of those pillars to support a gigantic, thick slab of rock above us, before connecting the pillars with a latticework to ensure that the pressure wouldn't break the slab and rain stone down upon us.

On my end, I summoned another dome of wind and shored up the underside of the slab, before focusing most of the power of the dome on its sides, which were facing the street; I then began to pull the other dome down even further, layering it atop the slab and sandwiching it between two layers of wind.

With that, we had created a miniature fortress, and Leraie began to box us in on all sides except the 'front', where we were staring at the Cultists through the cracks of the rubble.

Most certainly the other Cultists in the city had heard the noise of our battle - even as short as it was - and were making their way here now, whilst Jahi and our group was rushing up the mountain to come to our aid.

Until then, we needed to keep ourselves safe, and with the Elf having spotted us, we were now stuck inside the city until they came to help us take down this Cult.

Shouts rang out from the street as the Cultists began to coordinate once again, and the ground rumbled as spells moved from bursting against the wind dome above to instead clearing out the rubble in front of us, hoping to find a weakness on the sides instead of on top, where they had been targeting before.

However, Leraie and I began to weave together a new set of spells as we watched the rubble get blasted away, and I held back a smile as the ethereal blue mana of my Ice Magic illuminated the inside of our fortress, a spell ready to cut down the Cultists outside.

Shaping a disc, I inlaid dozens of runes and began to fuel it with a large quantity of mana, making the glow brighten as the disc laid in my hands, ready to be used.

Stones and tiles shattered and flew away as more spells slammed against the rubble, revealing more and more of a hole that we were going to be using to engage in combat with one another, and as soon as it was a decent size, I threw the disc out and arced it up into the air, copying my spell from earlier that dropped wind down into the barrel, but this time...

The Cultists stared at the disc and ducked, avoiding it and turning back to stare at me as they began to sling their own spells, but after another moment they all cursed and hastily erected barriers around themselves again, staring up at the disc hatefully.

Icicles crashed to the ground and shattered, the shards slicing through the air and threatening to deal damage as I enveloped their group in a storm of ice, forcing them to defend themselves against its onslaught, all while Leraie let the brown Ritual Circle in front of her flash as she began to cast her own spell; this one targeted them not from above, but from below once more.

Spikes erupted from the ground and stabbed at the Cultists, the rock shattering against the mana barriers but drawing the attention of the Cultists as they defended themselves from this new attack, before they shouted again as they tried to create a haven in this sea of attacks.

Ice arrows shattered against the barrier, while lances of solid rock threatened to pierce the barrier as they joined my arrows, the barrage now hitting the Cultists on all sides.

Attacks from above, below, and the sides threatened to eradicate this group of Cultists, but their reinforcements reached them before ours did, coming in all shapes and sizes.

Cultists stood at the end of the road, coming from deeper in the city and looking down the street to see our battle, and before Leraie and I could react, we saw blue and violet colored portals open up in front of those Cultists, with monsters spilling out and swarming the streets.

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