My Servant System

Chapter 766 765: Sweep

Chapter 766 Chapter 765: Sweep

Jahi PoV

Pulling away from the soft body of my Dogkin lover, I looked around and chuckled softly as I saw Leone and Ammit walking through the scorched street, each brick and cobblestone covered in a black soot from the immense fireball they had decided these monsters and Cultists deserved.

"Was that entirely necessary? Now we have nothing to go off of for their purpose here or if there are more inside of Tragon. We could have kept it to a minimum, no?"

Ammit was the one to reply, the gold skinned Demoness tilting her head as she observed the damage done with a neutral expression, her azure tipped horns still sparking sporadically as she answered "I was holding back quite a bit though..? Weak. They were rather unimpressive for Cultists..."

We all stared at the woman for a few moments, making her confused as she joined us in inspecting the damages done to the city, which were... abundant.

Really, really abundant.

Leone was blushing slightly as she looked around with us, before shrinking in on her self for a moment as she muttered "W-Well... Y-Yes, t-they should have blocked some of the attack... right..?"

I raised a brow as I alternated my gaze between the two magically adept women, before sighing as I turned towards Satanya, who was just smirking as she shook her head, seemingly accustomed to the overkill that Ammit was capable of.

"Well, we still have a large amount of the city to pour over and search. Who knows what we'll find... and if someone was hiding themselves away from having to come forwards and fight. Groups like these always tend to have cowards..."

Satanya walked forwards and nudged one of the charred corpses with her boot, sneering down at the burnt, blackened body and giving it a dismissive kick as she looked around the area, gesturing towards the clusters of mortal bodies as she asked "These black collars... or what's left of them, anyways... these are the things that they use to control monsters, right? Something magical about them or something?"

"Yeah, I think Lady Lorelei found out it was Moon Magic that was controlling their minds or something... I don't really know the specifics, but..."

Ammit's ears perked up at that, the woman's thirst for any and all knowledge related to the arcane arts drawing her interest as she approached me, staring at me with those unique eyes as she asked "She did?! Moon Magic?! Ooh! Curious! Very very curious! What else did she say? Anything?"

The Demoness leaned forwards and ignored the soft growl coming from Kat's throat as she grabbed my arm and tried to pull me closer to herself, the woman's eyes sparkling with desire as she repeated "What else did she say?!"

She failed to even make me move, but the sheer amount of curiosity in her eyes and the way she stared up at me with a slightly innocent expression was..."

Well, I can understand why Kat growled at the woman, even more so when Ammit tried to close the gap between us to bring her face closer to mine.

Thankfully Nakith grabbed her and pulled her away, before the bristling puppy that was now clinging to my side could nip at the Demoness.

That forced separation made Ammit take a breath as she instead leaned down and picked up the fragments of the collars, forgetting me and instead muttering to herself as she studied the fragments, looking at them intently.

I chuckled softly as I gave Kat a playful pinch, reminding her that I understood who I was tied to and who I would always love.

"Well, we should go ahead and begin to search the city then, no? Perhaps we can find ourselves one of these Cultists cowards, or maybe some letters or orders that they had stashed away at one of their camps?"

Satanya just gave Kat and I a once over before giving a curt nod, turning towards Leraie and saying "Tell us what you saw inside the city before being discovered, and lead us towards any points of interest. Miss Jahi, take your group and start sweeping the city as you please. We'll reconvene at the city's center when you're finished. And if ANY trouble happens, send up a flare; I don't care how small the threat may be, we need to be aware of it. If they have access to portal magics, then who knows what could be lurking around any of these corners. Understood?"

Despite her tone being slightly grating to hear - my natural stubbornness and desire to be the one in charge showing through for a brief moment - I mirrored Satanya and gave her a nod as well, stifling my other feelings and focusing entirely on the task at hand as I replied "Got it. To make it easier, we'll take the western half of the city and make our way towards the castle before heading back towards the center."

Saying so, I gestured for Anput and Leone to join Kat and I as I set off towards the next street over, all while my adorable, territorial murderpuppy clung to my arm, a small pout on her face as she reenacted some of what happened back in Emor, though on a lesser scale.

Sensing the mood, Anput grabbed my other arm and stuck her tongue out at Leone, who pouted and blushed as she noticed me smirking back at her as well, so she walked forwards and walked just in front of me, doing her best to imitate the way Kat sometimes walked whilst keeping it slightly natural... though her red ears and cheeks made it clear she was struggling to do so.

We left the others behind and made our way onto a non burnt street, with Kat pointing in a new direction as she guided us towards one of the places she had determined as a point of interest inside the city, all while teasing me as we unwound just a tad; though considering how her ears were twitching and her gaze never lingered on me for more than a few moments, she was still alert, something we all picked up on and copied as we walked through the silent streets of Nogart.

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