My Servant System

Chapter 769 768: Fortification (2)

Chapter 769 768: Fortification (2)

"Anput, thicken this wall here by another foot."

Tapping the rock wall, I glanced at my mate and watched as the lithe olive skinned Jackalkin stomped over to me, her pout reminding me of a child's as she placed her hands on the wall and imbued it with her magic, grumbling quietly to herself the entire time.

"'Thicken this wall', 'Make this one taller'... 'Hey Anput, we need a wall here'..!"

Letting her grumble in peace, I swiftly scaled the building beside us and looked out over the city, taking in the concentric rings that protected the city center, where we had built our base of operations; really, we just had a few rudimentary tents set up for now, with all of us focusing instead on fortifying the area.

Leone, Ammit and Nakith were going around lacing the streets and buildings with traps, while Anput, Leraie, and Setem were erecting walls for us to us; Jahi, Luci and I were just roaming around to gather up the remaining gear and bring it back to the center, where we could make use of it and begin to note down what we had.

Currently, I was supervising the Jackalkin as she was doing her job, the woman not entirely pleased with how thorough we wanted to be with the defenses - though we all knew that was just on the surface, since she still went above and beyond with the tasks at hand without us needing to press her for more.

Making sure she did what was needed wasn't hard, but sometimes she needed a reminder that some of the walls really weren't that expertly created by herself, since they were just a bit thin or bit short; I could understand why she was zoning out doing this, but I still made sure to remind her.

"Am I even getting paid for this?!"

As I dropped to the ground, I snorted as the words of my mate drifted into my ears, her obsidian eyes narrowed as she glared down at the cobblestones, tapping the tip of her boot against them and pouting some more.

Rolling my eyes, I approached Anput and grabbed her hand, making her look up at me as I whispered "You're not being paid in coin, no, but if you do your job and do it well, perhaps you and I can work something out..?"

Seeing the familiar embers of lust beginning to burn inside her obsidian eyes, I smiled as she swiftly pushed me against the wall she had just made, her leg finding its way between mine while her hands pinned my wrists to the rock, trapping me between herself and her wall.

Anput leaned closer and kissed my jawline, before trailing up towards my lips as she whispered "I want the same treatment Jahi got, back in Emor... You, me, a random building somewhere within the city limits, and not a damn worry in the world..."

I met her and gave her an answer through my actions, rubbing my leg against her and kissing her back, enjoying the flood of citrus on my tongue as she gave me a deep kiss.

She released my lips and kissed my cheek again, going down towards my collarbone as she gently licked the flesh above my pheromonal gland, her eyes taking a silver hue as she looked up at me through her lashes, a heated promise waiting in those brilliant orbs.

Reluctantly pulling away, Anput freed me and looked me up and down, clearly anticipating the payment that she desired from me, which made my smile widen as I pushed off the wall and playfully tapped her cheek, whispering "Sounds good to me, my love... Though, that means you should finish up quickly here, so that we can have some time to ourselves before the sun rises~!"

Grinning back at me, Anput nodded and licked her lips, before sending me on my way with a playful swat on my bottom, which made me flaunt myself to her as I walked away, the extra sway in my hips and exaggerated strut grabbing Anput's entire mind and forcing her to hold herself back from pouncing on me, something that made me quite proud at how I completely enthralled this woman who could have the world at her beck and call thanks to her own potential and her status as Begum.

It was the same thrill I got whenever the lauded Scion of Asmodia turned to mush in front of me when I made use of her bottomless sexual appetite to 'control' her, or how enamored the Princess of our Empire became with a mere touch and a sweet whisper in her ears; both were such unique pleasures since I knew I was the only one able to make them act that way.

Making my way back to the center with a giddy, warm heart, I slipped into the silent encampment and got to work setting everything up for dinner tonight, knowing that everyone else was going to be ravenous after an entire day of travel and fighting once again; we thankfully had decided to pack a bunch of excess foodstuffs for just this occasion, so I had more than enough ingredients to turn into a scrumptious feast for ten people...

I hope, anyways; Jahi ate more than Anput, Leone and I combined, making her roughly four people by herself - Anput ate for two, while Leone and I were usually normal with our appetites - so I was hoping that the other Demons weren't that ravenous as well, since... well, we had a lot of foodstuffs, sure, but...

Not that much.

If they all ate at least double, I would need enough food for around two dozen people, and that was if they were ONLY double... 

Hopefully Jahi was the outlier in that regard thanks to her larger frame, muscles, and physical strength, leaving the others to only eat enough for two normal people...

If not, then the idea of a giant vat of stew was already going to be strained, since the hope of filling their bellies with liquids to attain that 'full' feeling was my primary plan for this dinner.

With everyone out and about fortifying the city, I was content to remain back in the middle of this crumbling city as I began a fire and started heating up a giant cauldron of water that I had Anput make before we set off to work; alongside that, I used the pots and pans to begin cooking the rest of the meal, cutting the meats into smaller cubes while the bones cooked inside the pot, creating a rudimentary stock for the base of the stew.

Besides the stew, I also planned on making some basic breeds and noodles with the dough I had brought along, which was chilling inside the ice chest attached to our carriage; I packed quite a bit of foodstuffs since I didn't know just how long we'd be gone, and I knew how much we all preferred a real meal over whatever I could just throw together haphazardly.

Preparing the meats, vegetables, and stock divided my attention really well, and I didn't notice anyone coming back to the camp until I felt the familiar giant of a woman drape herself over my back, taking her place and following me around as I continued to cook, not thinking at all about the battle to come tomorrow night.

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