My Servant System

Chapter 779 778: Battle Against The Cult

Chapter 779 Chapter 778: Battle Against The Cult

Satanya, Luci and I marched down the street towards the wall, each of our steps accompanied by the booms of the explosive spells cracking against the mana dome surrounding the other standing Deacon and his contingent of magically talented Cultists.

With my great sword in hand, I frowned as I continued to watch the various spells streak over head, the lightning bolts and fireballs illuminating the sky above as they constantly filled the airspace as they tried to breach the dome that protected the Deacon, though that dome proved to be quite the tough nut to crack.

If this barrage of powerful spells wasn't enough to break that dome open and roast the Cultists inside, then what was powerful enough?

Just how strong was the Deacon standing above us, and how strong were the Cultists aiding that lanky man?

And sadly enough, as I caught sight of them past the explosions for just a moment, they all were rather unimpressive specimens of physical might, meaning that should I split that barrier in two and slip inside, it'd be a swift massacre as I butchered them without much challenge.

Again though, the toughest part seemed to be that barrier, and we were still a good ways away from the wall, after which we would need to scale the wall without being blasted down by the spells from our supporting mages.

"How're we getting up there then? Just scale the wall quick, or..? 'Cause I'm going to be real honest, I don't want to get anywhere near an artillery barrage of Cimeriesa spells..."

I chuckled as I glanced over at Satanya, the Beliali woman frowning as she observed the spells flying overhead, though she maintained the jog alongside me - more of a sprint for her and Luci, but the two Demoness' were accustomed to runs it seemed.

"Well, a signal would suffice to stop them, no? Besides, we should consolidate our forces now."

She nodded, before turning towards Luci and saying "Double back, tell them to begin moving forwards. Secure that Foxkin bitch too; I don't want her biting her tongue or something stupid. She's a damn goldmine of information for us, after all. Make it quick too!"

Luci turned instantly and began to sprint back towards our walls, making me chuckle again as I watched her go before turning towards the Deacon, who was standing tall above us and continuing his chant, which was indecipherable both because of the various loud noises booming around us, but also because of it being in another language... which caused my chuckle to fade as I listened to it for a moment.

"Don't know what the hell he's saying, but it can't be good."

I nodded, before letting out a sigh as I saw a few cerulean portals appear in front of us, saying "I would assume it was a summoning spell then... damn, that's annoying..."

We both watched as monsters began to crawl on through, alongside a few extra Cultists that instantly brandished their weapons as their eyes landed on us, which made Satnaya snort as she asked "Wouldn't that excite you more, Scion of Asmodia? More things to die before your blade and whet your voracious appetite... though recently, I've been wondering if that appetite is more for lust than an appetite for battle~?"

I glanced over at the red skinned Demoness and raised a brow, the both of us taking this moment to cast as many supportive spells as we could, which for me meant a renewed, adapted Light Cloak as well as a Light Shield, while Satanya sheathed her arms and blade in flames alongside her long legs, focusing herself on speed and precision over defense.

"You could call me an omnivore in that respect, Satanya. I'll always have a 'sweet tooth' for my women; wherever, whenever, however they want to be devoured, I'll take them. But that doesn't mean I don't love the thrill of battle, or the wondrous exertion I feel as I push myself to my physical limits. And this..."

Waving my blade towards the monsters that spilled out of the portals and began to charge towards us, I smirked as I added "Is just what I needed~! Though, yeah, I am annoyed that this Fulbargn bastard is trying to waste our time with this... So let's get rid of these whelps swiftly!"

The red skinned woman beside me just smirked as well, dashing forwards and cutting through the wave of monsters as she shouted "How about the one with the most kills gets to order the other to do WHATEVER the winner wants~? No questions asked... Sound good?"

Blitzing forwards behind her, I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I swung my blade one handed, using the longer reach to cleave through a number of what appeared to be blue skinned Imp like monsters, their tall frames smooshed together to create a smaller, compact body that allowed them to leap explosively thanks to their powerful legs.

However, they were thin and weak everywhere else, though their horned heads did try to damage us as they swarmed both of us, but...

"Sounds like you still haven't given up yet despite me making it crystal clear, Satanya! What makes you think I'll keep my word on this, hmm~?"

Severing the head of a Cultist and piercing the skull of one of those Imps, Satanya just cackled as she leapt over a kick and continued to butcher the myriad monsters and Cultists, shouting back "Oh, because you're a competitive Demoness too proud to think you could be beaten! Therefore there is no risk to yourself and only something to gain~! After all..."

I couldn't help myself as I looked towards the Beliali woman, blocking a kick with my shield and snorting as I saw her arrogant, 'thirsty' grin as she stared at me, blood dripping from her cheek as she twisted her serrated blade inside the belly of an Imp.

"You Asmodia's are much more proud than us Beliali's, and with your martial prowess and the like... of course you'll accept!"

Slamming my shield out, I raised a brow before grinning, saying "Fine! When I win, I want quite a bit out of your Clan, Satanya~! Not if I win, but..."

Raising it again, I bashed the disc of golden light into the skull of the Cultist, breaking their nose and sending shards of bone back into their brain, ridding the world of their filth.

Then I swiped my great sword and cleaved two Imps in half, watching the Demoness closely and seeing her eyes lose that heated luster and instead take on a calculating light as she watched me wade into the monsters, killing more and more.

"When I win. And I WILL win!"

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