My Servant System

Chapter 781 780: Tricky Cult (2)

Chapter 781 Chapter 780: Tricky Cult (2)

Reading that notification, I pursed my lips even as I pulled my Khopesh back and slashed it out towards another of these monsters, its clean, sharp curved edge cutting easily through their leathery skin and chopping through their bone as I cut down another.

An 'Imp of Change' was an interesting moniker for these things, suggesting that each of the Fiendish Groups - Tza, Nua, Ka, and Sla - had their own group of monsters derived from their respective Domains... or these were some kind of altered Imp monster that the Cult repurposed for themselves...

Either way, all I knew was that these monsters pouring out of the cerulean portals were NOT going to remain near enough to Jahi that they could damage her, and I knew for damn certain that I wasn't going to let Jahi remain near that irritating, smirking Demoness just a few feet away.

It was NOT happening.

Especially not because I could feel that amusement in Jahi's portion of the bond as we were wading through the sea of blue skinned monsters and Cultists, our swords rising and falling as we chopped and cut and stabbed whatever moved around us.

It wasn't that I didn't trust her, but instead that I didn't want to put the idea to the test that this harlot was able to worm her way into Jahi's mind with her word games and the like to secure herself a place in MY Demoness' bed; that space was already filled, and it would only ever be occupied by our children whenever we all slept together as one big family at night.

That was it; no other women were ever going to claim a spot near Jahi.


That single thought fueled me more for this fight than any potion of spell could ever manage to do, and I growled softly as I flicked my free hand to the side and sent a barrage of icicles shooting off into the awaiting face of an Imp, littering its cranium with a few more 'horns' that promptly exploded a few moments later, shattering its head and splattering its blood around itself.

Raising my Khopesh, blocked the axe of the Cultist that tried to surprise attack me and flicked my free hand toward her, watching with suppressed glee as her blue eyes widened as she stared at the ethereal, frigid cyan of my Ice Magic spell as it activated on my palm.

A shotgun blast of sharpened ice erupted from my hand and streaked towards the woman, and she had no time to do anything as she felt dozens of slivers of ice stab into her torso, piercing her armor and sinking into her flesh as the 'poisonous' frost linked to my ice began to take effect, killing her slowly whilst sapping her strength.

Dropping to the ground, the Cultist stared at me hatefully, opening her mouth to say something only to have one of the Imps nearby stomp on her skull as it leapt towards me, the simple creature not even caring as it killed its ally.

My blade made short work of the hopeful monster, slicing straight through it as I severed its skull in two and used its momentum against it, my blade cutting deeper and deeper until eventually it exited the monsters body, leaving it in two halves behind me somewhere, where it would eventually dissipate into dust.

Looking towards Jahi, I watched as my lover and owner raised her dual metal blade and swung it horizontally, slicing through three monsters in one swing before she expertly pulled back and stabbed forwards, moving fluidly as she wielded her giant blade with one hand.

Her golden shield moved reactionary to whatever was happening, going from motionless to fluidly intercepting whatever wanted to attack her as she blocked their blows, creating an opening for herself to exploit that resulted in yet another dead monster or Cultist.

More and more monsters poured from those portals, and I frowned as I noticed that even as more of our reinforcements came to our aid - Anput included - the numbers were severely weighed in favor of the Cult, so I turned my gaze towards one of the larger portals and began to make my way towards it, cutting down whatever stood in my path.

In such close quarters, and with such limited movements available to us all, the monsters and Cultists were the ones at the disadvantage as their strengths were significantly below our own, and for me, while I wasn't the strongest - and sometimes wasn't even stronger than the Cultists - my magic made up for that fact as I butchered everything around me without much difficulty.

A gale of frozen winds spun around me at high speeds, and with simple redirection I could cut down whatever decided to get in my way; besides that, the 'shotgun' attached to my palm was proving to be deadly enough for this crowd of enemies, each blast from it taking at least one enemy out of the fight and leaving them to die eventually.

If that wasn't enough, my Khopesh was dancing in beautiful arcs as I extracted the blood of my enemies with swift slashes and pinpoint stabs, using as little of the blade as I could to inflict the most amount of damage; control was where I bested these monsters and Cultists, the control I had over my body and blade coming in clutch as I cut down whatever was around me before they could try to overpower me with their superior strength.

Each and every step I took towards one of the Cerulean portals was grueling, accompanied by a half dozen to a dozen deaths as I cut and stabbed and slashed and blasted, trying to open up a path that was less perilous the closer I got, but that was proving to be near impossible to do.

What I did know was that Anput was cutting her way towards me, my mate silently alerting me to her presence through the more primal bond we shared as she grew closer, the scent of citrus drifting through the air past the metallic tang of blood and the musk of sweat, bringing with it enough 'information' for me to know that she was going to aid me in whatever I was doing.

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