My Servant System

Chapter 786 785: Tza'Orbias (2)

Chapter 786 785: Tza'Orbias (2)

"The first of many to come, pests... Now, you can make this easier on us all and drop those barriers, or..."

The raven headed Fiend leaned down and stared closely at the barriers, its cerulean eyes laden with maligned amusement as it softly cooed "We can do this the hard way if you'd prefer... I can crack these shells and pulverize the tender meat waiting for me inside at my leisure... Perhaps I could interest you all in some of my experiments? I have been in desperate need of some worthy test subjects..."

Inside the silver ring, the blue orb displaying that spiteful ancient rune as it regurgitated mana onto us en masse, using no sort of technique or elegance to attack; just raw, unadulterated mana that poured onto us like a tidal wave crashing against a beach.

Cali frowned as she looked up at the blue skinned, blue feathered raven headed Fiend, her pink Lust Mana slowly moving to encompass us all and give us equal protections from the perils of this Fiend's unique way of attacking, which made Tza'Orbias click its tongue in annoyance, growling "On second thought, I'll keep the bitch alive and flay her in front of you, Sla'Caligo. Watch as you lose your power thanks to an idiotic bond between mortal and Fiend."

Her frown deepened, before the Arch Fiend just rolled her eyes and said "You talk too much. All Tza Fiends do... so damn proud of being so~ smart and clever... you're just insufferable, you know that? More of you die due to your own self induced stupidity than the other Fiends do to legitimate threats! Pathetic!"

As the Arch Fiend bought us time to regather our wits and regather our mana, the Tza Fiend clicked its tongue before retracting the silver ring, allowing the orb to lose its momentum and 'shut off' as the rune dissipated.

"You think I'm not wise to your tricks, Sla'Caligo? Could you be anymore obvious with what you are attempting to do? Do you think I am so stupid as to allow you to buy yourself some more time to prepare for this fight?! Let me tell you, I am a-!"

"Shut up, for the love of all that is lustful! Quiet! Are we fighting or debating?!"

The raven headed Tza'Orbias recoiled backwards at the vitriol in Cali's tone as she growled at the Fiend, before it raised the silver ring and blinked backwards, creating space between us and it.

"Very well then. I shall silence myself and allow my actions to speak for me, for they are to be the harbingers of change for this world!"

"And it still... whatever."

Letting out a sigh, Cali shook her head and stroked the hissing snakes that flicked their tongues out at her, nodding and muttering to them before gesturing towards the Fiend, saying "Careful; the path chosen by Tza'Orbias is a deadly one to face off against, but it is not without flaws. Sadly, those flaws are hidden to me since it is a different one from that bastard, but... I believe in us~!"

We all nodded, before Satanya growled "We'll feel this bird head out and learn its weakness quickly enough... nothing is without weaknesses...", the red skinned woman's eyes smoldering with anger as she briefly glanced towards the dead Demon beside us, causing her anger to swell before it cooled as she took a deep breath, turning back towards the Fiend and staring at it calmly.

The silver ring remained raised as the Fiend observed us from near the wall, its wings flapping lazily behind itself as it waited for us to make the first move.

"Altogether? Sounds good!"

Jahi just leapt forwards without a care, making my heart lurch as I swiftly darted behind her, my mana covering us both as I glared at the Demoness before focusing on the Fiend, who tilted its head as it watched us grow closer.

Anput followed swiftly behind myself, with the Beliali Demons just a moment behind her as they nodded and rushed the Fiend in a wave, wanting to feel out the abilities of this foe of ours whilst Cali, Leone and the Cimeriesa's began to weave together a protective safe haven for us to retreat to...

My Khopesh remained steady in my hand even as I watched the silver ring begin to rotate, the runes engraved into its surface glowing at random as the blue orb reopened, revealing yet another rune of unknown origin as the Fiend observed our approach.

Mana coalesced around the orb, gathering in immense quantities as the Fiend aimed the silver ring at us, releasing it from its grasp and allowing the instrument to do as it pleased as it hovered just out of touch from its owner.

Ritual Circles appeared around the edge of the ring, and we all scattered and donned our own Mana Cloaks as we focused on the spells forming around the Fiend's weapon, only for our eyes to widen as the raven cawed "[Perish]!" in a booming voice, activating all the spells at once.

Fireballs, lances of rock, water crescents, and spirals of condensed wind shot towards us at astounding speeds, each one cast with the entire might of an average mage behind them as they tore into the city of Nogart without an ounce of care, ripping the cobblestone street, brick buildings and tiled roofs apart as the spells were cast at random.

Grasping the Khopesh tightly, I stared up at the Fiend and coated my blade in Ice Mana as I sliced up into the stone lance, shattering it and redirecting the worst of the shrapnel to the side as I continued forwards, a burst of Wind Mana on the soles of my feet allowing me to launch myself into the air and above the spiral of wind that threatened to rip apart my flesh and rend my meat from my bones.

I raised my blade and glared at the Fiend who had appeared before us, its cerulean eyes unreadable even as I began to cut down towards it, the Khopesh singing as I swung it through the air with all my strength.

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