My Servant System

Chapter 791 790: Sla'Caligo

Chapter 791 790: Sla'Caligo

Cali's breath brushed against my cheek as she whispered 'into' my ears, the Arch Fiend clinging to me from behind as she traced her fingers around my heart and Core, getting suspiciously close to my breasts.

"Well? Do you desire those things, my Masque? Is it a burning well of need inside your very soul to aid those that you love, to bring death upon those that you hate? Do you hold those desires inside yourself? A... lust to be of even greater use for your lovers, both on the battlefield and in bed? A lust to drive your opponents to an even greater despair than they already would feel when your blades slice into their flesh? Tell me the answer..."

Her words dripped with such a sweet, yet poisonous honey as she leaned against me, the pink skinned icon of lust studying my face from the side, an expression of twisted glee doing nothing to mar her beauty despite it being such a frightening expression to look upon.

Each syllable slipped into my ears and caressed my mind, their sweetness making it hard to focus on anything else as she remained on my back, the Arch Fiend of Hidden Twisted Pleasures living up to her moniker as she added "Wouldn't it be nice to be able to draw Jahi's attention just like how Leone has currently? A way to enhance your scent so that Anput couldn't even dare to turn away, completely intoxicated with your smell and taste? To make the hidden side of Leone come crawling out to claim you as her own? Wouldn't you like that~?"

Tracing a circle over my heart, Sla'Caligo giggled as her many snakes hissed and licked my cheek, each one trying to convince me further on the words of their Mistress, who continued even as I shivered, the smells, sounds, touch... all of it that was radiating off of Sla'Caligo was stoking something in me, making it harder to breathe as I felt my cheeks flush and my lower half begin to heat up.

The crest that had bound me to her was on fire, each line of the pink tattoo searing itself back into my flesh and making me shiver as the pain gave way to indescribable pleasure, but...

"C-Cali..! W-What are you... d-doing?!"

I barely managed to get that hiss out before a moan slipped from my lips, making Sla'Caligo giggle again as she raised her hand from my chest to my cheek, stroking it as she whispered "It's simple... showing you how to finally, finally harness the powers I had so graciously allowed you to have. Tell me what it is that you desire. Right here, right now, what is the thing that you want the most~?"

Blinking, I panted as I felt my legs go weak, my body refusing to listen to me as I slumped against her chest, suddenly feeling incredibly weak as I stood there and observed the battle, which had slowed down to a crawl.

Time seemed to have lost all meaning as I watched Anput glide through the air like it was a syrup, moving barely an inch even as her mana swirled around her body; the long, heavy war spear in her hands lanced forwards towards Tza'Orbias' shoulder, and yet the strike that should have been lightning fast was slower than a babe.

"We have time, my Masque... so answer me. What is it that you desire?"

Each time she spoke, I felt my mind go muddled, while the heat that permeated my body continued to rise steadily as I tried to bring myself together, but...

All I could think about was her words; what was it that I desired?

"I... I want..."

Panting, I blinked a few times as I tried to speak, the amused hisses of the snakes cutting through the haze as they nuzzled against my ears, allowing me to finally speak... even if I wanted to say something different.

"My desires... is to keep them safe, no matter what... to always have their backs, to let them continue climbing-"

"Is that truly what you desire? Just to have those three safe, and that's it~? Come now, my Masque... We're talking about your lusts now~! Do you think I don't have an inkling on what your lusts truly are~? Tell me the truth."

Sla'Caligo grinned as she lovingly stroked my cheek, the Arch Fiend making a show out of everything as she sensually caressed my body, whilst her warm breath spread her sweet scent even more, further ensnaring me in her web of comfortable bliss.

"I... I want to... N-No, I WILL k-keep them for myself..! I desire to... to be the first thing on their minds! The last thing they think about... before they go to sleep... and the first thing they look for... when they wake up!"

"Good~! Now, tell me, what do you desire to do to those that... threaten to steal away that attention? The people and monsters who threaten to bring harm upon them~? What do you lust after when you think of a scenario like that?"

Her whisper made me growl, my mind switching from the comforting, beautiful pink haze into a red one that only grew darker as I snarled "Tear them apart... They are MINE! MINE!"

"Oh~? So if a beautiful, buxom woman wanted to throw herself into Jahi's bed, to warm the blue skin of your lover and serenade her with her moans... what would you do?"

Sla'Caligo continued to stroke my cheek lovingly, slowly tilting my head to look towards the Demoness in question, who was now no longer formulating a Ritual Circle, but instead smiling down at a faceless woman, her blue hands lifting the woman's head and slowly drifting down towards her hips... before heading lower.

Chuckling, Jahi smiled at the woman before leaning down, her lips pursed as she went to kiss the woman... all while her amethyst eyes were locked to mine, an amused glint brightening them up as she watched me closely.

That previous heat that had permeated my loins spread rapidly towards my head, before I cooled down as I turned my gaze from Jahi to the woman, imagining the way she would scream not in pleasure, but in agony as I took my blades to her pretty flesh and robbed her of the things that allowed her to even think of taking what was mine...

My thoughts were filled with blood as I imagined skinning her before slowly, carefully keeping her alive as I did as I pleased to her, subjecting her to the deepest colds I could conjure up before allowing her to thaw out as I healed her body, working away at her mind instead...

Afterwards, I would find ways to-

"Now now now~! Let's not lose ourselves to it~! Come now my Masque... tell me, what would you do?"

Sla'Caligo's voice snapped me from my mind, and I kept my tone level as I murmured "Simply put... I would make her regret being born; make her regret having the ability to see my Jahi, regret having a voice to talk to my Jahi, regret having hands to feel her... I would break her down, robbing her of each sense before leaving her to rot in a random grave, a healing spell engraved into her flesh alongside a Mana Crystal to power it, so that she could live for months, perhaps years before finally dying..."

"And what of Jahi~? Did she not stray from you~?"


My mind faltered as I saw Jahi standing there, all alone as she smirked at me, her eyes golden this time as she dared me to try something.

"Ah~! You find yourself conflicted, don't you~? I would too... the sin of straying from her wives would be great, but she would always come back to you, wouldn't she~? Yes, yes she would... After all, your lust for her stems from her lust for you... You WANT to be owned, my Masque... Is that not why you've never, ever even thought about the Master-Slave bond between you and her? You say you wish to own her, and yet... She owns you~! But is she not able to be reined in through pleasure? Pleasure... only you could provide?"

Humming, Sla'Caligo chuckled again before whispering "There's nothing wrong with that, but couldn't you do a better job at this~? Couldn't you ensure she would never look elsewhere by showing her a sort of pleasure no one else could ever hope to provide? Do you recall that bliss you felt when you were tapping into Lust Mana? Imagine sharing that with them... that all consuming bliss as you join together in union to satiate yourselves..."

She let me go as she walked around this slow, slow world, looking around and raising a hand as she let her mana spill from her palm.

"Notice how the world sharpens? Colors are more vibrant, the air feels cooler and graceful against your skin... Scents are stronger and more fragrant, flavors are richer..."

I looked around with her, and we both took in this new, beautiful world, before everything was sapped away; the sharp, vibrant violet blue sky turned grey, the sweetness of the ozone turned bland, the taste of metal dissipated, while the caress of the soft breeze on my skin fell away.

"Now, notice how the world is bland and boring? Grey, with no feeling, no signs of life, of... anything. Nothing at all. No desires. Look inwards, my Masque. Tell me, what do you see? What do you feel in this world?"

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