My Servant System

Chapter 793 792: Tza’Orbias (7)

Chapter 793 Chapter 792: Tza'Orbias (7)

"Argh... Perhaps you aren't pests..! Damnit! [Back]!"

Letting out a shout, Tza'Orbias clapped its hands, which emitted a shockwave that did as the Fiend demanded it do; pushed everyone back a step, whilst those in the air were sent flying back before crashing to the ground, though they did swiftly get up.

"The lot of you... Who would have thought you could make ME go on the defensive?! Hah... I swear, I shall rip you all limb from limb and feast upon your Cores as primitively as I possibly can!"

As the Fiend reached up, I smirked as I finished my spell and kept my eyes glued to the silver ring, which slowly made its way back down towards the Fiend's hands where it would turn into a weapon.

The blue orb pulsed to let Tza'Orbias know it was ready, but just as it wrapped its fingers around the edge of that silver instrument I stepped out of the barrier and cast my spell, the combination of Wind, Ice and Lust powering up an initial spell meant solely to distract and stop this Fiend from activating that orb.

Leading with my left foot, I twisted my body and stepped into my throw, the heavy lance of jagged pinkish ice surrounded in a gale of green light as it revved up, only to slice through the air without a sound as that gale - paired with my own strength - sent the lance flying far faster than the barrier of sound could anticipate, and far, far faster than Tza'Orbias was prepared for.

Arcing forwards in a pink blur, the lance targeted not the blue skin of the Tza Fiend, but instead the blue orb that was housed 'within' the silver ring, hoping to give Jahi and the others a moment to work with as the lance did some damage - or at the very least, surprised the Fiend.

We could see Tza'Orbias' cerulean eyes widen as it saw the lance crack against the orb before it could react, the thunderous boom finally catching up as the lance's tapered tip met the crystalline form of the blue orb.

Mana formed a thin protective barrier around the surface of the orb, holding the lance in place as it continued to spin and dig towards the orb, its pink surface radiating a looming sense of power as it battled against the royal blue mana shrouding the orb.

Small cracks formed on both the tip of my lance and the surface of the orb's barrier, and Tza'Orbias' eyes ticked as it tried to further empower the surface of that barrier with more of its own unique mana, repairing it and then strengthening it as my 'impure' Lust-Ice spear began to crack more and more.

Even though the spear was slowly losing power though, the Fiend continued to focus on it until it eventually shattered, but by then two more were flying straight towards both the Fiend and the orb, causing Tza'Orbias to grit its beak and go further on the defensive, which...

As soon as my two spears slammed against their targets, a blinding flare of orangish red light filled the city as Leone mimicked me, hurling her own spears at the Fiend before summoning three more, which she threw not at the Fiend, but at the area around it, letting them fly through the air until they reached a certain point, the spears losing momentum and hovering around the Fiend before slamming into the ground.

Whilst Leone began to work on her own spell, Anput used her Metal Magic to summon a giant, heavy chain that she hurled towards the Fiend, wrapping it around Tza'Orbias' body and yanking forwards, bringing the blue skinned, raven headed Fiend to its knees as she staked the chain to the earth, before going on to summon what looked like metal Torii Gates to pin its body to the ground as well.

Now kneeling, the Fiend desperately tried to activate the silver ring in its hands, but before it could do so clouds gathered over head, sparking and flickering an azure blue before its contents crashed against the Fiend, a thick lightning bolt slamming into the back of Tza'Orbias and eliciting a scream of agony as the chain and Torii Gates amplified the strike of electricity.

Spells began to rain down on the Fiend one after another, this moment of inaction and loss of focus on its end bringing about a single monumental turn in the battle, one that gave us all we needed to slowly but surely kill this Fiend.

Not to be outdone, I tinkered with the new, pleasant Lust Mana inside my Core and shaped arcs of Wind Mana with them, which I sent shrieking towards the Fiend, watching as they cut into its flesh and revealed the silver bones beneath, blood splashing to the ground as each cut deeper than the last, my focus on one of its arms gradually weakening the muscles beneath before I managed to completely sever its arm, which flopped uselessly to the ground, still grasping the silver ring strongly.

The other wounds on the Fiend's body showed signs of regeneration, slowly knitting themselves back together or stymieing the spill of blood from those wounds, but the cuts caused by my Wind Blades didn't heal at all, and now that its arm was laying uselessly beside it...

Jahi took a step out, the Demoness grinning at me as she asked "Got a mirror~? I recalled a spell that you came up with sometime ago, and it needed my little puppy to work~!"

Nodding, I swiftly created a large sheet of transparent ice, its pinkish color surprising Jahi for a brief moment before she just shrugged, knowing she would get the answer later; instead, she just nudged me using our bond to give me the idea on where to place the ice, allowing her to work her magic.

Multiple sheets of ice appeared as I recalled the spell as well, a smile on my lips as I set everything up swiftly, before watching as Jahi allowed the Ritual Circle to finally cast, sending a beam of golden light streaming through the first glass and watching as it began to split into the rest, all of which were aimed at Tza'Orbias.

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