My Servant System

Chapter 797 796: Bountiful Rewards

Chapter 797 Chapter 796: Bountiful Rewards

Eventually Satanya walked away with a haughty, grating bout of laughter as she waved back at us, the red skinned Demoness' hips swaying side to side as she tried to entice Jahi some more, though the blue skinned Demoness just gave me a deep kiss and dragged me into a building instead, defusing the situation by injecting me with some of her love...

We made it quick and only had a round to ourselves, the Demoness having me clean her off before she left me to clean myself off and rejoin everyone eventually, though she had made that difficult since my legs were currently numb and my brain a tad scrambled.

Something that made the Demoness quite proud of herself as she let the building, which I could feel clear as day inside our bond as she left me alone in the dark, knowing that I would need a moment to myself to gather my thoughts and emotions before making sure I was able to deal with Satanya without wanting to kill her for her transgressions...

Which would take me a few minutes, and to help take my mind off of her and how irritated she made me, I focused instead on the gigantic influx of experience that I had accumulated during these last few hours, which turned out to be a rather... large number.

Like... really, really large, and something I had never exactly thought I would ever see all at once.

[16,822,078 Xp earned!]

[40,800 Sp earned!]

[Summary available!]

[7,500,000 Xp earned from : Killing Fiend Tza'Orbias]

[2,791,048 Xp earned from : Killing Cultists (Assorted) x34]

[3,510,030 Xp earned from : Killing Imps of Change x156]

[3,021,000 Xp earned from : Quests]

[Summary Available for Quests; View?]

I let out a sigh as I took in the sheer number of experience I had gained, shaking my head to ease the headache that I could feel coming on thanks to the numbers and trying to comprehend everything... especially since I was currently tired, drained, and coming off of an orgasmic high.

[Level 60 : 834,323 / 2,750,000]

[Awarded : 20 Stat Points]

[Awarded : 12 Skill Points]

[Stats :

STR : 110 -> 120

CON : 118 -> 130

AGI : 120 -> 140

DEX : 120 -> 140

CHA : 82 -> 85

WIS : 125 -> 130

INT : 125 -> 130]

[Skill Awarded : Blade Dance (Novice)]

[Blade Dance (Novice) : Consecutive attacks executed with precision increase damage slightly and boost speed slightly]

With the skill points, I increased [Sword Proficiency] up to (Expert), which improved my abilities and efficiency with my sword... which was currently shards of metal on the ground, so I needed to get that replaced soon.

Then I increased a skill that worked in the background, something that would shore up my foundation and further empower me going forwards; I raised [Crystalline Core] from (Novice) to (Expert) as well, giving my Ice - and subsequent Water and Wind - Mana a bump in potency, in regeneration speed, and adding the effect that my frost would linger for a little longer as well.

It made my Core stronger in general as well, allowing me to hold more mana and improving that mana too, which was a nice buff to have.

Finally, I placed the last of the points into [Enchanter], going from (Expert) to (Master), which would help me further perfect my enchantments, make creating those special pens easier, and continue to deepen my foundations, which was sorely needed going forwards.

Before I could focus on earning and purchasing new skills for myself, I needed to make sure that my base was as strong as possible, so that when I got those new skills, I could make the most of them; anything related to enchanting would go ahead and be boosted by this skill, whilst all my magic skills were boosted by the increase in [Crystalline Core] and so on and so forth.

All in all... this was rather lucrative, and I couldn't help but giggled as I leaned against the wall, taking in the sheer amount of experienced I had gathered today pushing me up into a new bracket of power as my stats increased and my skills increased as well, though...

[Do you... even remember what half of your skills actually do?]

'I... Yes, certainly. I do indeed know what they-'

[Skill : Crucible]

[Tell me, what does it do?]

Blinking, I stared at the wall for a few moments before snapping my fingers, saying 'It's for the Dual Cultivation! Hah! I remember that one! Improves the mana injected inside me and makes it more potent for whoever is retrieving that mana for themselves! Heh, I kno-!'

[Skill : Studious Mind]

[This one?]

'That's uh... helps... me... think better? Right? Concentration and understanding is deepened, or something like that...'


'Was I... right? Wrong?'

[Hah... Yeah, I'll ask you again when you're not maintaining consciousness through willpower and lower levels of adrenaline, alright? So until then, have some fun and rest. Just saying, the damage done to your body and your Core are still lingering just a little bit, so be careful.]

'Hey, was I right or wrong?!'

Not getting a reply, I rolled my eyes and let out a huff, before pouting and kicking my foot out when I noted that my skills section was locked out as well, not letting me verify my answer.

'Cheeky little System! So I might've forgotten a skill! Hmph! Doesn't mean you need to be rude!'

When it remained silent, I sighed and stood up, only to groan softly as I reached towards my lower back and rubbed at the muscles that seized up slightly from the movement, making me murmur "I'm only like... a decade old! Why's my back hurting like this?! Isn't this just too much..?"

Stretching, I groaned again as I felt my back crack a little, sending jolts of pleasure through my torso and making me shiver as I tried to crack it again, only to sigh as the pressure and tightness in my back lessened, making me feel better.

"Wow... I really need to take a rest huh... Ow..."

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