My Servant System

Chapter 803 802: Host of Demons

Chapter 803 802: Host of Demons

Taking a good, long look at the serious face of Satanya, I nodded and turned to look at the other Demons as well, wanting to see their reactions to their leaders words, wondering what they thought of this sudden pledge of their allegiance to me.

However, as I turned and looked over each and every member of the Demons gathered from the Beliali and Cimeriesa Clans, I was met with only determined and accepting gazes, each of them nodding to me as they showed their agreement to Satanya's words.

Of course... Ammit made her opinion known verbally, the previous serious atmosphere broken by her words as she said "Satanya said this was a good way to repay you. Display gratitude. Thanks. Of course, it also is in our own interests as well. Cultivate a relationship with the Scion of Asmodia. Perhaps more. Something romantic, perhaps?"

The gold skinned Demoness looked over at us with her unique eyes shining beneath the morning light, making the surrounding Demons all let out sighs and groans as they shook their heads, while Satanya clicked her tongue.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Incorrect? Unnecessary? I was only telling-!"

"Yes, I understand Lady Ammit, however sometimes... saying less is more, y'know?"

Nakith knelt beside her Lady and smiled wryly at me, adding "Please don't pay her any heed, Lady Jahi. She was simply indulging in fantasy is all."

I smirked at that, watching as Ammit tilted her head and said "No? I was hoping to cultivate a romance between Jahi and myself? Perhaps Katherine as well? Especially Katherine... Or not. Perhaps a friendship instead? Though... a union of blood would be preferable. Children."

"Lady Ammit, please! Just... quiet for now, please... let's not anger Lady Jahi..!"

"Anger? Why? Is it not logical to merge physical prowess with arcane might? Desirable?"

Seeing the confusion on her face, I chuckled as I held back the swift rising of anger and instead answered "It would be logical, yes, but I don't want my children borne out of logical decisions. The heart - and by proxy, love - is entirely and wholly illogical. My heart has already been occupied by my three fiancees, and eventually, in the far flung future, I will have a child or three with each of them."

Her confusion deepened, before she turned to inspect each of the women I had been blessed with, that confusion dissipating as she nodded, returning her gaze towards the flames as she muttered "Acceptable. A worthy mix.", making my smirk return as amusement flooded my system.

Satanya clicked her tongue again as she leaned against the crate, staring up at me as she said "Anyways, like I said before. Most of us are at your disposal going forwards, so long as its a reasonable request. A few of us need to take Malphas back to Arx Impius, as well as that Deacon. Depending on what you wish to do, I'll send more or fewer Demons back to Arx Impius to report back and begin learning what we can from our prisoner."

Nodding, I crossed my arms and glanced back at Kat before saying "It was the Terracotta Grottos, correct? That was the Dungeon we decided was the best location for us to head to? Rich in natural resources, and should be ripe for the picking now that most of Tragon's human population has been killed?"

The Dogkin nodded, still standing beside the fire and preparing breakfast as she replied "Yes, the Terracotta Grottos was the destination we had in mind. The raw materials that have formed in the absence of any mortals to harvest them should be impressive in quality and quantity. Though that means the monsters should be tougher as well."

"Not as tough as a Fiend though~! Either way, the Grottos are quite the tight spaces according to our records. Caverns connected via thin, winding tunnels... not something we would want a larger party for, but we certainly could use the manpower for the harvesting of the resources, no?"

Satanya let out a low sigh, though considering the neutrality of her gaze, I doubt she particularly cared about the adventure itself and instead was thinking on what she needed to do and what she should do to irritate me some more...

"Ronove, Setem, pick three of your Clansmen and head back to Arx Impius after the meal. That should leave us with enough bodies to make the Terracotta Grottos a cakewalk. We'll need to make our own carts though, but that shouldn't be an issue. Sound good?"

The surrounding Demons all nodded, making their way towards the fire to pick up their bowls and utensils as Satanya added "Well, let's eat and get ready!"

After that, Satanya leaned forwards and smiled up at me, ignoring Anput as she whispered "And perhaps during this time together, you and I can work out just what your reward is of me, Jahi... After all, I did say I would do~ anything if you beat me in that competition of ours... Anything at all..."

The Demoness gave me a seductive smile, only to tilt her head as Anput created a dagger from her mana and stabbed it forwards, cutting the Demoness' cheek as she hissed "Unless she wants to skin you from head to toe, Jahi's not laying a damn finger on your body! So back off before my dagger slices through your throat instead!"

"Ooh~! Feisty, feisty~! So~ scary, Begum... So, so scary..."

Reaching up to wipe away the trickle of blood that wept from the cut, Satanya just gave Anput an empty smile as she pushed off the crate, her hand reaching for her belt.

Sadly for her, I was just a tad quicker, and I snagged her wrist and pulled it forwards, making her stumble as I growled "Boundaries, Satanya. Respect them."

Chuckling, the Demoness relaxed and stared at me for a moment, before grinning as she raised her arm and looked at Anput, her voice almost singsong like as she said "Look~! She's laying a finger on me, Begum~! See~!"

Letting her go, I sighed as I watched the Demoness leap back to avoid a swift cut from Anput's dagger, before the Jackalkin gave chase with murder on her mind, something that made the Demons all chuckle as they watched from around the fire.

Both Kat and Leone were 'smiling' as well, staring at me with hollow gazes as they 'warned' me about my 'infraction', which only made me chuckle wryly as I shook my head, moving to join my fellow Demons around the fire for breakfast.

It made me realize just how utterly insane my Mom and I were for our peculiar tastes, since something that wasn't even my fault was getting me in so much trouble, but...

That trouble would be worth it the next time we had sex; their craziness was matched by their passion, which made it oh so worth it~!

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