My Servant System

Chapter 809 808: Midnight Hunt

Chapter 809 Chapter 808: Midnight Hunt

"Now, what exactly is the reason we're sitting in the middle of a forest at such a late time right now? Instead of... oh I don't know, finding ourselves a nice, comfortable building and having sex until the sun comes up?"

Giving Jahi a dry stare, I rolled my eyes and gestured towards the moonlit forest around us, the trees canopy thin enough to allow the moons light through but thick enough to provide shelter for animals, meaning...

"We're here to find some more food. For us, for the Demons, and for the humans. I... might not like most of them, sure, but I don't want to eat them out of house and home. Especially not the children; they've yet to do anything that deserves the life they've currently been forced to live. They might have gone hungry before, but they shouldn't go hungry now. Besides..."

Looking at Jahi, I continued to walk forwards and whispered back "I never said this would take all night. Let's get ourselves some prey and head back before the sun gets up, hm?"

I didn't even need to turn to know that the Demoness was grinning now, nor did I need to turn to know that she had reached forwards to try and grab me to begin what she wanted, so I just leapt up into the trees to get a higher vantage point...

Coincidentally just as her hand brushed through the air where I had been a moment before.

Coincidentally, of course.

Looking around, I hummed softly as I scanned the area, looking for any tracks, landmarks, or any roaming animals to pick off for ourselves, only to let out a low sigh as I saw nothing.

Jahi remained below, staring at me heatedly from her stationary position on the forest floor, though she remained completely still, not wanting to alert any potential prey that I might have seen; of course, as I saw those amused, patient golden eyes staring up at me, I shivered before leaping to a new tree branch, leaving Jahi behind as I began to head deeper into the forest.

She stalked through the forest below me, watching both me and the area around her as she quietly trekked through the underbrush, waiting to be of any use or for me to fall into her arms; it wasn't a suspicion I had, but something I knew that would happen if I found myself in her grasp before we happened across any prey.

If I dropped to the forest floor and let her get ahold of me, then there was no hunting until she was finished relieving herself of her urges... which could take one or two rounds, or it could take until dawn.

Like I had said before, I wanted to replenish the food stores that we had emptied somewhat earlier, and even though we were going to be helping the humans out for the next few days, I wanted to get this done now with just Jahi; something like a date, I guess, even if it's not entirely what I wanted in a date.

Though, considering our lifestyle and current circumstances, a normal date was not only inefficient but also unlikely, so I was going to take what I could get.

Besides, I found it more amusing as I leapt from branch to branch then any date possibly could be, since it was a rather 'dangerous' game of tag that would only end when we found an animal or I made a mistake...

And I was tempted to make a mistake.

Really, really tempted, but as I got us even deeper into the forest, I paused and gestured down towards Jahi, causing her to freeze as she stopped to study the area around herself again, noticing the rather large, muscular monster that snarled quietly as it picked at the carcass of a bear.

Standing around seven feet tall, the monster looked much like a deer, though instead of furry, hoofed legs, it had scaled limbs that ended in birdlike talons, whilst its tail was long and spiked, much like its head.

Antlers sprouted from its skull and glittered in the moonlight, covered in a metallic sheen that clearly displayed their sharp, blade like edges, while its black furred head was nuzzling against the corpse of the bear, which it was chomping down on with razor sharp fangs as it devoured its meal.

A smile sprouted on my lips as I saw the monster, taking in its sheer size and body and knowing that it would feed even those one hundred humans for around four days if used properly; maybe a week if rationed out.

One animal, almost a week of food for such a large amount of people; that was one hell of a steal, and I wasn't doubting whether we would get this monster down one bit.

It WAS going to die here, and I would make sure of that.

As it was busy gorging itself on the bear, I began to trace out the various runes needed for a simple, classic spell of mine as I stared down the monster, while Jahi began to creep closer and closer with her own fingers twitching as she waited to cast her own spell as a follow up just in case.

Pale cyan runes flickered into existence before a large, jagged, spiked lance of ice appeared in my hands, which was hurled as soon as it landed on my palm; I reared back atop the branch and threw the lance with as much power as I could muster, hurling it towards the monster and catching it entirely off guard as I targeted its meaty neck.

The lance whistled through the air and pierced the monsters neck easily enough, the tapered, heavy tip of my lance tearing through the flesh and slicing into the muscles, causing the monster to lurch back and let out a pained, high pitched bleat that reverberated throughout the forest, though it was silenced as a golden spear slammed into its neck as well, a wet crunch taking its place as the spear was twisted, snapping the monsters neck and killing it.

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