My Servant System

Chapter 815 814: Differences

Chapter 815 814: Differences

"Was that..."

Mary trailed off as she stood beside me, the mature, conflicted woman alternating her gaze between me and the elderly woman still cleaning everything up from the floor, her old bones working against her as she tried to make amends for her mistake, trying to gather pity from everyone else, but...

Sadly for her, those that had influence here, those that mattered, had no pity to spare for an ignorant, idiotic old woman; not myself, not Jahi, not the other Demons, not the Vampire Princess, and not even her own leader.

No one was able to help her, for fear of being punished themselves of a severe lack of care as they continued to eat their own meals - and interestingly enough, some of the humans fell into the latter, staring at Beckandra with disinterest, whilst a few even had smugness in their eyes.

It was interesting, seeing some of my knowledge of psychology being validated thanks to their reactions - how most found the scene pitiful and wanted to help, how some couldn't care less, and how some simply found it thrilling to know that they were above this woman.

"Was that entirely necessary? Was that what you were going to ask?"

I used the ladle to fill a bowl with some of the stew and handed it to the woman beside me, staring into her eyes as I added "Because if so, then yes, it was. On one hand, I'm a petty woman. I spent time making that food. Time preparing a meal to sustain you and your flock. Specifically, I did it for the children; they've been through enough, and I didn't want them waking up to no meal because we ate most of what you had for dinner last night."

Mary's eyes dropped to the bowl that was now in her hands as I began to make up another plate, this one for myself as I continued to speak, not caring if she had understood what I had said or not; uncaring of the way she might view me for what I was saying.

"On the other hand, that sort of behavior is not tolerable, least of all in someone as old as she is. Someone who should have seen those wars that you humans seem to believe held any importance to us. What you saw as wars, as battles against a greater force trying to take your land, the Empire didn't view as anything more than a border skirmish. The records of the Empire's wars and significant battles only mention the Three Kingdoms in passing. That is the difference between us, and you. We look at your 'wars' and scoff, because any random bandits inside our borders could have likely pilfered and destroyed many villages and some cities within yours.

Do you understand now? How utterly insane and self absorbed you humans have to be to believe that we would need to stoop as low as poison to remove you from the world of the living? Your average citizen is weaker than some of our children. Why would I need to poison your children? Do you see how stupid that sounds? That comparison?"

Mary continued to stare at her bowl for a few moments more, before looking up at me with gritted jaws, making me scoff as I met her gaze, uncaring of the mixture of emotions that rested inside.

"You look and act like someone who's seen those wars first hand. Maybe not a soldier, but you certainly felt the impacts of them. Tell me then, Custodian, do you think we need poison to get rid of you? Us? A host of Demons, a Princess of the Empire, and a Begum of the Sultanate? Tell me."

Silence rose between us as Mary kept staring at me, only to let out a sigh as her shoulders sunk, shaking her head and muttering "No... Just one of you would be enough to kill us all. Former soldiers, former adventurers, none of us would stand a chance."

It was my turn to sigh as I observed the defeated expression of the woman in front of me, though they began to brighten slightly as I rested my hand on her shoulder and said "Then it's a good thing we're not enemies, right? We're here to help you now, not harm you. The Empire is different than your Kingdom, sure, but I think you'll find that we're more alike than you believe. Just because you are no longer Tragon does not mean you are third rate citizens. Unless you commit a crime, you remain a free woman able to do anything within your means that respects the laws. All of you, even her.

Just understand that your 'position' has changed; you are no longer relatively the same strength, same value as everyone else. You're weak, and that's alright. Not everyone needs to be strong. Just understand that there are certain things you shouldn't do to earn yourself public ire and you'll do well! It's the same as your old life, just... a tad more power focused."

She nodded again, this time wearing a wry smile as she looked back down at the stew, replying "I... understand. I'll make sure everyone else understands as well. It's just... I worry that stubbornness and anger might make things difficult, and-"

"And they'll learn through their mistakes. Maybe they'll think of it as prejudice, maybe they'll realize that they can't do certain things without consequences. Where you might have been able to bad mouth someone and not worry about repercussions, in the Empire you'll learn that you need to be able to accept that there are repercussions, and so long as you aren't maimed or killed, there is nothing a Guard will do. Make sure they understand that. It's a tad barbaric, but it's effective; if you can talk some smack, you can take a smack."

Her smile widened a tad at that, and I smiled back at her as I patted her shoulder, only to gesture to her bowl as I said "Eat. It's getting cold."

Looking towards the rest of the humans, my smile faded as I shouted "Eat while its hot! Or don't; you're all adults, capable of making your own damn decisions. You can either eat or starve... not like I care."

With my own plate now properly made up, I made my way over towards Jahi and sat beside her, starting to eat even as I continued to watch the struggling woman from afar, wondering just how long it would take before she cracked.

When would she snap and demand aid, or plead for forgiveness and desire to be granted mercy, to have her punishment rescinded?

I was curious, so I continued to watch, observing not only her, but the rest of the humans as well.

How would they all react..?

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