My Servant System

Chapter 820 819: Downtime (4)

Chapter 820 819: Downtime (4)

Leone PoV

"That was... very much needed~! Thank you so~ so much, Leone..."

My cheeks darkened as I looked up at my blue skinned lover, her satisfied expression and warm amethyst eyes making me shiver slightly as I watched her clean herself off before pulling up her pants, signaling the end of our fun times for right now.

And considering the scorching heat that was permeating my insides currently, that was likely for the best as I began to clean myself off as well, all while she watched me with an amused smirk from above.

"Now, since we've gotten that out of our systems, let's get back to surveying this... fine city, shall we?"

Helping me up, Jahi gave me a playful pat just below my waist before pulling me into her side, leading me out of the building and taking a deep breath of the non sex filled air as we resumed our tour of Custodia.

"It really isn't a bad city though, Jahi. Just... damaged."

"And inefficient. The layout is far too... hurried, too cluttered. These buildings are also rather... hideous. I mean, look at the architecture! Flat, boring surfaces, few windows, the rooftops are flat yet aren't being utilized as gardens or patios... Everything in this city just screams unimaginative and boring."

I took a look around and eventually nodded, finding it difficult to justify the style around us even though I knew that these people were likely trying their best to create something wonderful for their home, even if on the outside it looked... bland.

"Well, the city has some upsides though. The positioning and some of the land around the city is perfect for supporting a growing population, while the buildings inside can be upgraded easily; keep the rooftops and just add gardens and the like to each, so that each family can grow their own vegetables, herbs, or just some pretty flowers."

I nodded again, taking note of the buildings themselves and deciding which ones were truly unneeded or which ones needed desperate repairs to begin the effort of restoring Custodia, and potentially turning it into something more.

"Besides that, there is the potential to expand not only outwards, but upwards as well. Depending on the amount of people that want to come start a new life in Custodia, I think it might also be prudent to work from the city's center or at least one of the quadrants and add a third and potentially fourth level to those buildings. Use them for governmental work and potentially for merchants as well? Something to help keep jobs in a single location..?"

My pen scratched at the paper of my notepad as I walked beside Jahi, doing my best to ignore the sweet scent that clung to her skin, or the way there was just a tinge of musk that her rudimentary cleaning couldn't get rid of.

Or how her big her hand felt on my hip as she kept me close to her, reminding me of just how closely we had been locked together minutes earlier when she had demanded pleasure from me... which I had willingly provided.

"Then there is a need for a few market squares, something to bring people together and create an area for trade and commerce, as well as dedicated districts to said things; mercantile districts, housing districts, recreational districts of any~ kind..."

Jahi squeezed my hip as she said that, making me jump slightly at the sudden lustful action, only for me to moan as she muttered "Honestly, I think we can just say most of the city needs to be repurposed and reimagined for more efficient utilization of space, so how about instead of touring the city, we make better use of this hour and get back to it my love~?"

My blush deepened as she looked down at me with a smirk, those hungry amethyst eyes tracing out my body as she held me closer, her hand firmly attached to my hip before it began to move elsewhere, all while she started to walk me back towards one of the buildings, that hunger growing and growing, displaying the voracious, boundless appetite that the Demoness never deigned to hide from people.

"W-Well... I-If t-that's what you... what you want..."

Chuckling, she pressed me against a wall and leaned down, her lips finding mine as she kissed me gently, before murmuring "Oh Leone... that is what I ALWAYS want... be it you, Kat, or Anput, I always, always, always want to have a taste of my wives... Anytime, anywhere, I will ALWAYS want to have you... The question is, do YOU want ME?"

Kissing my cheek, she moved towards my neck and kissed me some more, all while her hands enjoyed themselves on my waist, the Demoness slipping them beneath my shirt as she added "I will always ask before hand, unless the answer is as clear as crystal... So tell me, Leone, do you want me?"

Moaning softly at the warmth of her hands on my skin, I tilted my head to the side and gave her better access to my neck, the Demoness greedily kissing and nipping at my flesh and doing as she pleased, marking it for herself despite not having fangs like Anput or I.

"W-Well... I... I..."

The need for me made her movements and kisses slightly rough, stoking my needy, submissive side perfectly as we enjoyed ourselves against the side of a building, the open air around us and the bright light of the sun keeping everything thrilling as I wondered briefly if we might get caught, but...

"Yes, my Princess? What is it~?"

The amused tone of my Demoness made me shiver, before I finally managed to say "W-What did y-you and Kat do, l-last night..?"

She paused, before her eyes sparkled 'dangerously' as she whispered "Oh, we had ourselves a nice time in the forest... I pinned her down and beat her into submission before trying to get her pregnant... I used her for my own pleasure and sought out even more as I tried to get her knocked up with my child..."

Gulping, I blinked a few times as the Demoness' smile grew sharper, before I was barely able to let out a moan as she pulled me into the building to show me exactly what she had Kat had done, all while we were supposed to do some touring and note taking of the city.

Though, I think anyone could argue that what we ended up doing was far more important, this hour being spent in the best way possible...

Well, we both agreed on that, at least...

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