My Servant System

Chapter 824 823: Assignments

Chapter 824 Chapter 823: Assignments

?"And... there we go. Six perfectly mediocre swords and one carpenters axe. Should be a nice refurbish for the minute amount of fighters these humans have..."

I smiled at the small amount of disdain that dripped from her voice, my mate shaking her head at the idea of a majority of these humans not knowing how to at least wield a blade properly... or at the very least, be able to comfortably lift and swing one.

As if sensing that, she looked up at me and shook her head again, saying "I mean, really? Isn't it kinda sad that its only like a dozen, maybe two dozen out of these hundred survivors? That's pathetic... Back home, in the Sultanate, even the cowards at least understand how to lift a blade and swing it properly! Though, again, they are cowards, so no on expects anything from them."

"Anput, they are from an entirely different culture than us, and the location is vastly different. You grew up in a harsh, deadly desert ruled by the strong, they were born into the bountiful plains and fertile lands of a temperate climate. They never needed to pick up a sword."

She just snorted, her obsidian eyes filled with derision as she replied "And that's why they lost their homes so easily to the Empire, is it not? This... weakness that permeates them?"

At that, I just shrugged as I finished shaping the hilt of the last sword, the wood no longer in the shape of a block but instead shaped like a cylinder, which would do better if wrapped with some leather to cushion the grip, but for now they were done.

"Well, not all of them are... weak or bad. Besides, now that they are apart of the Empire, they need to adapt quickly, or they'll find themselves left behind, all on their lonesome."

"Like that old bitch from earlier?"

I tried to hold back a giggle at that, only to fail as I glanced towards the older woman - Beckandra - that had tried to 'save' the children from being poisoned by me, but the audacity of such an elderly woman doing what she believed was heroic even though it was idiotic was far too amusing as I just nodded.

"Yes, just like that dear old lady... I would like to think that the youth will adapt and accept a new life beneath the Empire; the adults are another question, but one that holds little importance in the grand scheme of things."

"That's true... Oh, there's Jahi and Leone~! Could Leone be any more obvious about what they were doing though?"

Following Anput's gaze, I chuckled as I shook my head, answering "No, no she couldn't..." as I observed the Demoness and Vampire that walked back into the hall, their hips practically glued together as Jahi held Leone by the waist.

Leone had one hand on Jahi's hip and the other stroking her abdomen, which she had to be doing unconsciously as she looked around with a slightly red face, her cheeks blushed as she tried to see if anyone could tell what they did... which was made even more obvious by her actions.

And considering the way she was leaning on Jahi to walk, well, only those that had no idea what sex was weren't aware of what had transpired, which made me shake my head while Anput whistled inside the Wind Dome.

"Must've been a nice session huh~?"

Rolling my eyes, I swatted Anput's hand and cancelled the spell, picking up some of the weapons and making my way towards the table, which was the target of Jahi and Leone as well.

Mary and Satanya were still located at the table too, with the mature woman writing some things down as she listened to Satanya's low voice, the red skinned Demoness sitting on the table and watching Mary closely, before turning to shake her head as she saw Jahi and Leone.

"Welcome back~! Have fun, Princess?"

A smile loosely hung on her lips as she looked Leone over, causing the pair to shuffle closer together as they met her gaze, though as Satanya followed that up with "I do believe you were going to do some work, no?" Leone blushed some more, realizing that we all knew what had happened, much to the hidden amusement of the Demons around the table as well as Anput and I.

"We did! Most of the buildings here need desperate improvements anyways; the flat rooftops are perfect for either patios or gardens, and the streets are at least well planned. Besides that, just build upwards for another story or two on the houses and we'll be able to fit more people of any kind. Also, this city is in desperate need of districting. Here, Leone wrote it all down for you."

Jahi tossed a book onto the table and gestured at it, causing Satanya to reach forwards and roll her eyes at the other Demoness' actions before flipping through the pages, scanning what was written down.

"Alright. We'll need to take a better look anyways, but it's a start. Now, let's move on to the more important things, shall we? Refurbishing this hall - at the very least - and restocking our supplies. Food and wood are the primary goals for now, so I want the first team to head to this village here to harvest the remaining wheat and fruits from the orchard, while the other team heads to Magna Forest to begin harvesting some wood and hunting whatever is nearby. That'll let the second group of teams to go deeper into Magna Forest to hunt some monsters and clear the area. Sound good?"

Looking around at the others, Satanya nodded at the confirmations we gave her, before the woman said "We've already come up with the teams, so listen up! Katherine, Leone, Leraie, Jackie and Harry, you're team one; go to this village and harvest as much as you can before returning in two hours time. Team two is Jahi, Anput, Nakith, Amanda and Zachary; head to the forest and start hunting and cutting down some trees to be transported back. Team three-"

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