My Servant System

Chapter 827 826: Aiding Custodia (2)

Chapter 827 Chapter 826: Aiding Custodia (2)

?Besides our patrols that went out twice a day for two hours each, there was other things that needed to get done inside the city as well, things that took up a good amount of time and were just as important.

Anput was aided by a few of the Demons and two humans at the forge, which we moved to a nearby building so that they would have more space and be far enough away from us that the hammering was no longer an issue.

They were working on forging an arsenal of weaponry to arm the populace as well as getting some tools together to help in other everyday tasks, like axes, hammers, chisels and pickaxes, all of which was set aside on racks for general storage.

Leone and Ammit worked together to brew as much as they possibly could with the ingredients we had available, concocting vats of potions from very little that would help keep the people healthy and able bodied.

In all honesty, the potions were subpar and considered waste in most of the Empire, but here they were treated like an ambrosia by the humans, who had rarely seen potions, let alone potions in such abundance.

The potions themselves were slow acting health potions that helped treat minor wounds and illnesses, which was good for these people, but nothing that would be lifesaving; for that, Ammit convinced Leone to create a highly concentrated batch of 'super potions' that would be able to heal most semi lethal wounds.

Then there was myself, working with the humans to turn the meats we had an abundance of into jerky just in case, to create a store of foodstuffs that were able to withstand a few months in these cool temperatures.

Jerky, flour and nuts were the main things stored away, and we worked quickly to turn whatever we could into non perishables, before turning towards making some other foodstuffs that would last a bit longer - albeit slightly - like biscuits and nut butters, which we placed into jars and sealed with cloth and twine.

That was when the idea came to check on some of the further villages for cows or other bovines, which would be a good source of food eventually as well as milk, and to also look for any other farm animals that could be brought here to be taken care of and reared.

If we had access to milk and eggs, that would increase the variety in the menu and add another thing to nurture these people, while the wool from sheep and feathers from any birds would provide comfort.

The feathers from the Dodo monsters were being put to use already to create pillows and duvets to keep everyone warm at night, while the extra hides had been turned into clothing to replace the tattered attire of the survivors.

Meanwhile, Jahi worked alongside Satanya and Mary to go over the city and what needed to be torn down, repaired, replaced and such, drawing up new plans for the city and going over the pros and cons of every decision that they could come up with, which turned into lengthy conversations between the Demons and humans as they argued practicality against sentimentality, trying to find that middle ground that would allow harmony and inspire change, though that was apparently difficult to achieve.

Mary was willing to concede certain things for change, but some of the other humans were clearly not, arguing about the importance of structures and how the decision should be left to them, which was beginning to test the patience of Satanya and Jahi as they continued to calmly describe why change was needed.

"This isn't your city, nor was it ever apart of the Empire! These buildings - the Maxim House, Primas Studio and Aperta Theater - are all historical locations that hold deep meaning inside the hearts of the citizens of Custodia! Us! Not you!"

A middle aged man glared at the two Demonesses as he stabbed his finger down onto the new map, while a slightly younger woman beside him nodded and added "Besides, the city stood for centuries as it was! Why change what clearly doesn't need fixing?!"

A chorus of agreements came from the surrounding humans, and I sighed as I saw the humans working beside me leave their stations to go join in, leaving two Demonesses to help me finish everything up.

"Max, Alyssa! It's alright! They're not suggested everything get torn down, just that we make some changes for the future. Remember, it's not just-!"

"Really?! You call yourself a 'Custodian', and yet you're alright with them tearing away our history from us?! We make a change here, we give them this inch, they'll come back demanding a foot next! Then a yard, then a mile! Where will it end?!"

Max leaned forwards and shouted at Mary, who just let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose, the mature woman shaking her head and falling silent, her posture slumping as she expressed her exhaustion - physically and mentally - without meaning to, which gave her charges the opportunity to pounce.

Sadly for them, Satanya clapped her hand against the table and asked "Alright then smart guy. Tell me, what was the population of this city again? Roughly a few thousand, correct?"

As soon as Max nodded, Satanya pressed forwards, her eyes glued to his as she said "And the average height of a human is what, five foot eight? Five nine? Average weight varies between male and female, but lets be generous and say one fifty average between both. Sound correct? Well, let me tell you about Demons. Average height is in the mid sixes; already a head taller than humans. That adds more weight, then there's the fact that on average, all Demons are muscular. Even more weight. Which makes us even bigger then humans, and not just in height. Please tell me where you think we would fit inside this city?"

"Nowhere, because you don't belong here! It's OUR city, not yours!"

"Really? Do you honestly believe that?"

Satanya rolled her eyes as she gestured around the hall, adding "Take a look around. A good, long look around. Then tell me that again."

The man did as he was asked, and as he turned to observe his fellow humans, he caught the unmistakable horned heads of the Demons standing around the outside of their group, before his eyes landed on the carts and wagons laden with materials and food.

Others began to do the same, while Mary sighed again and leaned against the table, the woman exasperatedly asking

"Max, do you want to say that again? Can you not use those eyes of yours to see how in just a single day, we went from worrying about our next meal, worrying about the chilly nights, to being able to confidently say we have a good chance of surviving to next month? Let's not even talk about the Demons standing around us with steel sharp enough to cut through stone and mana that's even stronger. Let's not discuss the Princess of the Empire happily concocting potions - Gods be damned POTIONS - over there. Or the Caninekin that has churned out more steel in a day then we are currently armed with? What, pray tell, is our HISTORY doing for us at this point and time?"

The humans looked towards Mary as she spoke, and before the man could speak again, their Custodian silenced him with a glare as she said "You asked me why I call myself a Custodian? Because none of you were able to get your heads out of your asses when we came back to naught by ashes and rubble. I rallied us together, I organized us, I gave you direction and purpose. I gave us a chance, a hope that we could keep living, a chance to continue on in the stead of those that died. Custodia and its history is not gone, and it never will be gone.

What the FUCK does a building mean?! Who gives a damn about the Maxim House?! What do they mean without a story attached to them? Do you care about the building, or the meaning that was behind it? Maxim was a founder of Custodia, yes, but what would Maxim say now that Custoida is in ruin? That its people are slaughtered? Tell me what Maxim would say. Go on. I know YOU know it."

The man gulped as Mary continued to glare at him, sweat appearing on his brow while he wrung his hands out, nervousness settling in as he was singled out.

"As... As long as there is a... a heart beating with our peoples blood, Custodia shall continue to live on."

"Is your heart still beating? Is my heart not still beating? Are these one hundred other people's hearts not beating?! Well?! ARE THEY?!"

Max flinched at the sudden shout, taking a step back as he stared at Mary with fear, only to swallow hard and nod, unable to speak.

"Then Custodia continues to live on. Now, can you give me a reason why we should give a damn about these buildings? The people who are giving us a chance to live a normal, cushioned life again are here to stay. The people who could have taken our Justiciar and turned them inside out just for fun. Do you want to try and tell them that Custodia isn't their city again? Because I quite like the way my body is currently, minus the age.

So unless you want to try that - or any of you other weaklings - let's come to terms that Custodia is no longer just ours. It's the Empire's as well. We can keep the culture alive, the history alive, but it is entering a new age. And unless you want to claim that you are able to replicate Maxim's feats from the legends, shut up and focus on the future. The past is done, the present it fleeting, and the future is all that matters. Got that? Now, let's figure out how to make that future one that benefits us, hm? I don't know about you, but I would like to die peacefully in my sleep and not in the belly of a monster or freezing to death..."

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