My Servant System

Chapter 843 842: Terracotta Grottos (10)

Chapter 843 Chapter 842: Terracotta Grottos (10)

?Dinner was an... interesting time, most certainly... which came as no surprise since I had to not only manage such a large quantity of food, but also because I needed to ensure that things were balanced enough for such a large group of people.

Cooking for just the Demoness I was to eventually marry - despite already feeling like a wife since we first confessed our feelings to one another - was already an arduous task, especially with the added Jackalkin who had a rather large appetite as well.

Even when I cooked for the Marquess too it never got to this size, so this was a rather challenging endeavor, but I was able to pull through and make some delectable cuisine for us all, as well as make sure that the cake that Leone had requested was done correctly as well.

Multiple different pots, pans and skillets were being juggled as I zipped around my open kitchen, and I would occasionally see the area around me being changed as the Demons prepared for dinner as well, creating tables and chairs for themselves as well as other dinnerware too.

All in all, by the time that I announced that everything was finished and ready to be eaten, I was far more exhausted than I had been with the mining, scouting or the fighting, which made me wonder if I would have been capable of this without mana..?

Probably not, which was something that made me both proud and bemused as I stared at the rapidly diminishing mountains of meat, cauldrons of stew, loaves of bread and - of course - the various sautéed vegetables and salads, which I made sure everyone got as I stood behind the counter, smiling at everyone and pointing towards the greens.

I was able to do something that I wouldn't have been able to do as a normal human - hells, probably not even as a normal Dogkin either - which was something to be proud of, but to think that my greatest use of my body's strength so far today was ensuring this entire group got fed was... conflicting at best.

By the time that I had managed to throw together my own plate, most of the Demons were already going back for seconds, and I got to watch as an hour or so of hard work and dedication was slowly fading away before my very eyes, disappearing into the bellies of the Demons we had partied up with.

Everyone ate rather swiftly, and by the time I finished my first plate, they were heading back for thirds...

Thankfully I had stashed away a second plate of my own since I had known something like this would happen, so I still got more than my fair share of food to help replenish the energy from today's activities.

And for tomorrow, we still had more than enough meat to feed us all of tomorrow as well, and I was thinking of using the tortoise's meat in a stew tomorrow with a myriad of herbs and vegetables, which would replenish our mana and give us a little excess as well, something that would help us strengthen our Cores.

Honestly, each meal here was more than just replenishing our energy; they were strengthening us with each bite we took of anything, and that was something I was excited to think about as we spent more and more time here.

Being able to get somewhat stronger just by eating?

Who would say no to that?

Of course, by the time that dinner was over, they all turned their hungry gazes back towards me, and I sighed as I began to take the cakes from the oven and place them on the now clean countertops, cutting them into portions and ensuring that everyone here got a piece, watching as they all happily scurried away and settled back down, chatting and joking with one another as they waited for everyone to get a piece.

Satanya came at the end with Jahi, the two making sure everyone had their own before grabbing their slices, with Satanya turning to look at her Clansmen whilst Jahi slid over to my side of the counter, standing behind me and resting her chin on my head again, the larger Demoness wrapping me in her embrace.

"Now, besides being a nice little treat to end the day with, this cake was made with that nectar that Jahi and her group obtained. What does that mean, exactly? Well, it means that after you finish eating it, each and every single one of you are going to focus on absorbing the Nature Mana inside the cake and tempering your own mana with it. When you finish, drain out your Cores however you please; cast a bunch of simple spells, enchant something, just let it pour out of your palms, I don't care. No one is going to get overloaded on mana here, right?"

Her gaze raked over the crowd, and everyone shook their heads as she looked at them, before she continued to speak, redirecting all of our attention off to the side.

"Coming around now is a special tea that we will be drinking every night. You get one cup, and that's it. The herbs that Ammit and Leone turned into a healing potion earlier is laced into the tea to help heal any internal damage that you haven't discovered just yet. It's just enough to mend small wounds, and after discussing it some more, we decided that this was a good use of the potion; hells, the two of them brewed enough for a year or so anyways..."

Ammit and Leone were walking around with pitchers of hot tea, which they poured into everyone's cups, the Demons grinning at one another as they realized the extravagance of our meal now.

"Yeah yeah... you're eating like kings and queens! Get over yourselves. Make sure to drink every last drop of that tea, and you'd best like those damn plates clean, you hear me?! Now, let's eat!"

A cheer filled the air as everyone began to dig into their dessert, and I leaned back into Jahi with a sigh, enjoying the mixture of hard muscle and soft breasts as I did so.

"Good job today, Kat... everything was delicious~!"

I just hummed softly, before raising a brow as I saw Jahi's fork make its way to my lips, the Demoness trying to feed me as well - something I didn't deny as I took a bite of the cake I had worked hard on making.

Compared to the savoy meats and wonderfully neutral flavor of the bread, the sweetness that exploded on my tongue as I took a bite from the red gold cake was more than welcome, especially when it was followed by a rush of mana that swelled inside my stomach, further adding to the experience.

Taking another bite, I moaned softly as I felt my stomach warm up with the mana whilst my tongue experienced bliss in the form of sugary greatness thanks to the nectar, which was far more potent than normal nectar, but not overpoweringly so.

Each bite was absolutely perfect, from the fluffy, airy cake to the sweet nectar that permeated the entire pastry; when Jahi brought the teacup to my lips next, I was able to wash down the sweetness with a slightly tart citrus flavor, which paired well with the cake, the two different flavors adding to one another instead of detracting.

I enjoyed it even more since the scent of my Demoness lover was washing over me as well, that sweaty musk that I had come to appreciate mixing with her now natural sweetness as she embraced me from behind, and I could tell that she was also enjoying this moment, if the way she held me was any indicator...

Especially with the stiff thing poking my back, as well as the way she was burying her nose between my ears and kissing my head; she was doing all the things that let me know just how much she needed me at this moment, and I loved it so very much~!

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