My Servant System

Chapter 852 851: Upgrades People, Upgrades (3)

Chapter 852 Chapter 851: Upgrades People, Upgrades (3)

?Wiping off my lips, I smirked at Anput as she laid sprawled out on the bedroll, my mate utterly drained and exhausted after being taken for the ride of her life, something she requested of me as 'payment' for the new Khopesh leaning against the tent pole.

I was now feeling full in more ways than one as I laid down beside her, cuddling her into my chest and enjoying the way she nuzzled into me instinctively, burying herself into my bosom and embracing me back as we cuddled together, indulging in some fuzziness together.


Looking down at her, I raised a brow as she popped out from my breasts and stared up at me, before I sighed as she asked "Can we do that again sometime? Like... tomorrow? Maybe tonight? Or... right now..? Yeah, can we do it again right now?"

"No, no we cannot, Anput. We have to head out into the Dungeon soon, and the last thing the two of us need is to be completely and utterly drained of all our energy before joining everyone on the larger excursion. You know that..."

She pouted at me, poking me a few times to try and convince me otherwise before sighing, puffing out her cheeks even more as she huffed "Fine... be that way... I go out of my way to make such a masterpiece of a blade, and I get-!"

I silenced her with a kiss, surprising the Jackalkin for a brief moment before she kissed me back, trying to take that as me relenting and giving into her whims; to a certain degree I was, but even as she slipped back inside and snuggled closer to me, I leaned down and whispered "You can finish now and seek out Jahi or Leone for tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night, or you can hold it in and be a patient girl..."

She blinked a few times, before grumbling as she reluctantly pulled out, making me chuckle as I added "I'll make sure it's worth it, my love... I promise. Now, let's enjoy a few more minutes of quiet before getting prepared for the excursion, hm?"

"You promise..?"

Stroking her ears, I chuckled some more and smiled at her, nodding as I whispered "I promise... When have I ever broken a promise, Anput..? And when have I ever~ left any of you three feeling unsatisfied..?"

My mate stared at me in silence for a few moments more, eventually whispering back "Never...", her obsidian eyes filled with such need and want that I was tempted to give in so that we could both feel good, but we really did need to get prepared soon...

"Which is what's making this so difficult right now... I want you so badly, and yet... I gotta wait! Hmph!"

In 'anger', she buried her face into my bosom again and this time, making me gasp as she bit my chest before biting my shoulder, sinking her fangs into my gland and pumping me full of her pheromones once more in retaliation.

When she finished, Anput pulled away and smugly grinned at me, licking the blood and clear fluids from my gland away as she whispered "There... now you have to suffer alongside me~! Now you WILL be here again tonight, no matter what..."

Those black eyes were like voids as she said that, and I shivered as she kept her eyes focused on my own even as she licked the wound she created, healing it for me and doing exactly what a mate should in this situation: remind the submissive of their position and make it clear what is going to happen.

An interesting feeling, having your instincts shape your mind into a certain set of thoughts and feelings for you... and not an unwelcome one either since I agreed to this arrangement.

My arms wrapped around her muscular body and held her close, though as she did the same, I felt myself instinctively allowing the slightly shorter woman to hold me instead, fluidly switching from who was embracing who and using this moment to unwind as we gave in to our instincts somewhat.

The scent of citrus filled my nose, and the heat from her body as she stroked my back and rubbed her face between my ears was refreshing to say the least.

When it was over - by the time we both felt back to normal and ready to begin preparing - she reluctantly released me and got up, leaning into my hands as I cleaned her off with my magic before getting dressed, kissing me once and making her way out of the tent.

I cleansed myself as well before taking my Khopesh and sitting in the tent for a little longer, deciding that the best course of action for now was to enchant my new weapon and make myself stronger that way, so I took my Magic Pen and began to create a spell that I thought would make proper use of the weapon.

One big spell, or two medium spells..?

Or I could do three smaller spells as well, to give it some variety?

The gemstone really opened more doors for this weapon than I could have imagined, but I decided that doing anything more than two would be creating unnecessary clutter in battle for me mentally; I would still have an 'offhand' to cast spells with anyways, so keeping the Khopesh 'simple' was a good idea.

To that effect, I came up with two ideas; both medium range spells, but one for single target damage, and the other for area of effect and crowd control, both of which were Ice Magic and both of which would be placed alongside the crescents.

The inside crescent was going to be used for single target ranged attacks, with the spell being a rather simple one, a favorite not for me, but for Jahi instead; I was going to create a discus of sharpened ice to launch at people at great speeds, utilizing both the razor sharp edge and the fragility of the ice to deal an incredible amount of damage.

Hopefully, if I use some Wind Magics alongside it, I can control the trajectory of the discus and launch it forwards at an angle, arcing it through the air to curve back into the target; something to just catch people off guard and try to attack weakpoints.

It was an easy enough enchantment - after the basic enchantments were put in place, being the mana battery, durability enchantment, and the keen edge enchantment - and it took up a relatively small portion of the Khopesh since I was now able to make the runes smaller thanks to the Magic Pens.

Then there was the second enchantment, which came as an idea after fighting the bovines; couldn't I send icicles erupting out of the ground in front of me to push enemies away or trap them in a field of ice?

This one took much more planning and a deeper, detailed execution as I engraved the runes along the outer edge of the Khopesh, the sequence of runes leading up towards the tip where I would be able to cast the spell in a rather... showy movement, but one that was sadly needed at this moment, since I required an outlet for the spell.

My discus was able to nestle inside the crescent and launch from there, but this wave of icicles, this condensed and directed Domain spell required contact with a surface to cast, and the easiest way to achieve that was raking the hooked tip of the Khopesh along the ground.

So I finished the sequence out on the tip of my new blade, engraving the icy cyan runes onto the oceanic blue and green metal with control and precision, letting out a sigh of relief as the enchantment took to the material and was accepted.

Though I yelped when Leone entered the tent suddenly, my partially covered body surprising the Vampire before enticing her as she approached me, 'pleading' for me to take care of her before this excursion.

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