My Servant System

Chapter 855 854: Terracotta Grottos (16)

Chapter 855 Chapter 854: Terracotta Grottos (16)

?The Wurm let out a long hiss as it tugged back on its whips, retrieving their length and shortening them some as it raised its arms again, beginning its assault once more as it glared down at all of us melee fighters.

Turning my Khopesh, I activated the enchantment on the inner crescent and created a heavy discus of ice, using the blade as a launcher as I slashed at the Wurm, sending the discus flying straight towards its face, catching it in the midst of its swing.

With no time to deflect the discus with its whips - which were snaking through the air horizontally and crashing against the shield wall - the Wurm snapped its jaws shut and tried to twist its head away, aiming to avoid the headshot from the projectile coming its way.

Its eyes were clenched shut as well, the Wurm protecting its weak spots as best it could even as the discus slammed into its wooden helmet, the razor sharp edge cutting into the woven root plate mail and trying to chew through the armor to reach the flesh beneath, only to shatter before that happened, the slivers stabbing into the roots and lodging themselves there for now.

While the discus had been flying through the air, I launched another two, one towards its skull again and the other towards its torso, my projectiles buying the others a few seconds to launch their own attacks, capitalizing on this moment as the Wurm raised its whips up, trying to block anything that might come and attack it whilst it was temporarily blind.

As such, my two discuses slammed into its whips instead, though they almost managed to cut through the gnarled roots, only to shatter once more as the force of impact finally cracked their surfaces.

Jahi was the first to recover, the blue skinned Demoness rushing forwards once more, her shield still raised and ready to defend against those whips should the Wurm begin attacking again, whilst her sword was pointed straight forwards, unwavering even as she ran.

The others recovered a split second after her, shaking off the worst of the damage they had taken from those whips and charging forwards, covering the ground between them and the Wurm in just a few breaths, their weapons shining with the colors of their mana as they began to attack, all while the mages in the back moved forwards as well, getting a bit closer as they started to support the fighters with support magics.

As for myself, I maintained my position on the in between, remaining close enough to jump in and help any of the Demons who seemed to be getting ahead of themselves or were in imminent danger whilst also being far enough away that I was able to continue launching projectiles at the Wurm, peppering it with discuses of ice and observing its reactions as I searched for weak points in its armor.

The Wurm shifted the whips into straight, fixed blades as it began to fight us at closer quarters, hissing and snarling at us as it continued to swipe its long weapons around itself, clearing space and giving it some breathing room to continue attacking, whilst also further funneling its mana into the wooden carapace that covered its leathery, scaly flesh.

Those blades rose and fell with deadly efficiency as the Wurm slashed and stabbed at the Demons around it, while the wooden armor continued to block the worst of the projectiles, the mending capabilities of Nature Mana ensuring any damage we dealt was repaired within moments, making it difficult to locate a weak point to target.

Slashing at Jahi, the Wurm hissed as its sword was blocked by her shield, though it continued to push and place it weight down on that weapon as it pushed the Demoness back, all while its second sword hacked and slashed at the other Demons, keeping them at bay for just a moment.

When it found the opening it was looking for, the Wurm took its other sword and tried to stab the pillar or roots and stones down at Jahi's head, but as it was pulling its arm back I launched another discus at it, aiming for its arm.

Instead of attacking, it was forced to defend and pull its first blade away, swatting the discus out of the air and hissing once more as it glared at me, only to have its attention snatched by Jahi as she took the opening I gave her and stabbed forwards, her great sword thunking against its armor before splintering the wood, allowing her to stab the flesh beneath and make the Wurm shriek in agony as it was finally wounded.

With another discus heading towards its face, and a few other bolts of magic racing to slam into its body, the Wurm was momentarily frozen as it tried to determine what was more of a threat, staying its hands for just a heartbeat before deciding to target Jahi, deeming her to be the bigger threat.

Sadly, the Wurm wasn't able to make a proper choice as Jahi yanked her sword free and stabbed it forwards again, further cracking the wooden armor around its lower body and revealing the flesh beneath, before it was hidden again as she pierced its skin and buried her blade into its flesh, the Light Mana almost able to shine through its body.

It shrieked again and tried to bring its wooden weapons down on her again in retaliation, but the other Demons stopped it from attacking, blocking its strikes and redirecting them elsewhere, allowing Jahi to twist her sword and yank it back out, another slew of blood erupting from the wounds and drenching the ground in front of her before she stabbed it again.

Then the discus slammed into its helmet, knocking its head back and making its shriek disappear as it tried to hastily shut its mouth, only to swallow a few thick shards of ice and begin to choke on its own blood.

Those bolts slammed into its upper body and splintered the wood, impacting against its flesh and jostling it around some, before the Wurm fell limply onto its back, the sword stuffed into its stomach and the blood in its throat taking it down.

A monster that would prove troublesome for even just half of us was trivialized thanks to the numbers, the sheer amount of attacks and different angles those attacks came from, rendering its incredible abilities useless thanks to the amount of people attacking it.

Something that would not always be the case, but an advantage we were going to make use of in these upcoming days.

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