My Servant System

Chapter 882 881: Terracotta Grottos (35)

Chapter 882 881: Terracotta Grottos (35)

The white ball of flames continued to compress and condense despite the Goblin King's best efforts, which came in the form of the same invocation spat out repeatedly - "[Og Ur]" - that summoned a sphere of water that tried to quench Leone's flames, but our True Vampire Princess didn't seem to care that much about the entire 'water beats fire' idea that many people were accustomed to, since she just... burnt away the water.

Evaporation worked wonders on ridding the world of those water spheres, but the heat from that white ball of flames was slightly irritating in the moment for me, reminding my time spent walking in the deserts far to the east of the Empire and reminding me about how much I actively despised severe heat, even if my mate was barely reacting to the same heat I was feeling now...

But again, it was a momentary, idle thought that sprung up at the discomfort it provided, something that was overwritten as I told myself to just suck it up and think of the benefits of that heat, like the angel being melted into a silver puddle or the way the metal chalice was now giving the fat Goblin King some discomfort as well as it frowned down at the cup.

"Well damn... I guess we've seen it before, with that Fiend, but... that is some serious power isn't it? Even with a slight heat resistance thanks to my blood and my mana, this is almost enough to make my blood boil..."

"And think, if that wasn't controlled by her mana, everything in this grotto would be melting. From the obvious things like the grass, herbs, flesh over to the more 'obscure' things like the metals and most likely the rock too. So... I would not like to imagine what it's like to be inside that sphere. Surely..?"

I didn't even finish my sentence, not wanting to jinx myself as I stared up at the blinding white light for a moment before remembering that eye damage was a thing, turning my gaze to the side and looking towards Leone instead, who was grasping a complicated, multi layered Ritual Circle in one hand whilst using the other to stroke the ears of one of Janus' heads, the Orthrus mirroring its master as it relaxed with one head and had the other billowing flames up into the sphere, burrowing through the water spheres and aiding Leone's own death sphere.

The True Vampire version of Leone was also rather gorgeous to look at from the side, her red skin and horns giving her a devilish look instead of the Demonic appearance of the Beliali Clan - perhaps it was the aura around her, the knowledge that she wasn't a Demon, or maybe it was something else that made her appearance 'different' than a Demons, but either way, it was undeniable that this version of Leone was also far more confident and assured than her normal self.

She was assured of herself to almost an arrogant degree, similar enough to how Jahi was confident in herself and her skills to the point of being hubris sometimes, or how Anput was confident that she was able to become the most talented blacksmith ever in history; it wasn't exactly hubris, but it was certainly bordering on it.

The way her ashen hair was sparking with what appeared to be miniature runes of Fire, her rich, smooth crimson skin, the twin horns that sprouted from her temple and pointed straight into the sky... everything about her was breathtaking, down to the way she glanced back at us and raised a brow, her body oozing regality and her aura demanding respect as she asked "I might not need the help, but I would appreciate it. Perhaps you can begin working on the Goblin King now that I have the angel trapped?"

Even her voice was enhanced and 'improved', filled with unwavering confidence and grace as she so easily gave us what felt like an order, something that was so different from her normal self; something that Jahi, Anput and I struggled to grasp for just a moment as the usual shy and reserved Leone had been replaced with this far more mature and assured version of herself.

I could also tell without looking that we were all thinking the same thing, even in the midst of a battle against a giant Boss type monster; god damn is she sexy right now...

We all joined the Demons in rushing towards the Goblin King that continued to lounge inside the encampment, its large body not allowing it to move easily despite that being the clear course of action it should be taking even if it was going to rely on invocations to fight against us.

Though, the Goblin King proved me wrong swiftly as it sneered, taking its chalice and splashing the contents forwards between us and it, words spilling from its lips like that silver liquid spilled out of the cup, which was thrown forwards a moment later.

"[Fridt Hagh Tros Vuuni]"

Whatever language it was speaking - and it had been speaking this entire time - was one that none of us were familiar with, but even the battle addicted, meat headed Jahi could recall that 'Fridt' and 'Hagh' had been used the last time the Goblin King had summoned something, so we warily appraised the silver liquid even as we continued forwards, wanting to get into range of the Goblin King to attack it directly.

Ammit ignored that and instead raised her hands, tracing out runes in mere breaths as she created a complex Ritual Circle, which she began to spin and aimed at the Goblin King, beginning her attack well before ours, stealing most of its attention away as a barrage of lightning bolts were spewed out of the Ritual Circle, slamming against the Goblin King as it raised its hands as well, coughing out "[Rog Bani Do]" after being hit a few times.

Black marks marred its skin now, and the scent of burning flesh filled the air for a brief moment before the ground trembled slightly once more, though this time the roots that erupted from the ground weren't targeting us, but instead shooting towards the Goblin King, wrapping around him protectively like a cocoon.

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