My Servant System

Chapter 895 894: Rest Day (7)

Chapter 895 894: Rest Day (7)

"And a little like that... something like this... and... a bit... of this..."

I could feel my tongue poking out from the side of my lips as I tried to mimic what Anput had done, my dexterity that usually matched hers in a fight struggling slightly with these new movements as I helped her with the armor, folding and stitching the leather together to create a layered sheet that would eventually form a cuirass.

Softer leather on the inside for cushioning - both to absorb the blow and to feel comfortable when wearing it - while a harder, boiled leather was on the outside, meant to be the primary form of protection.

Then Anput wanted to layer some thin alloy scales on top of that boiled shell to make it harder to slash apart, whilst also giving it another layer of protection that would make something special; a hybrid armor that was light and comfortable whilst also providing a high amount of resistance to one of the most common forms of damage on the battlefield - slash.

When covered with a Mana Cloak or customized further to hold heavier, yet stronger plates, this cuirass would be able to withstand piercing and bludgeoning attacks as well, and depending on the element used, some magic attacks too, which made it a rather nice piece of armor to have.

The problem was the material cost and the time to make it, as well as the fact that the thing was damn difficult to get assembled, but...

"Aha! Finally got it! Here you go..."

Anput took the stitched leather from me and hummed to herself, the Jackalkin adding it to the pile before handing me another two sheets of leather, her lips curling into a smirk as she heard me sigh.

"Don't complain now Kat~! You were the one to ask if I needed help, and I said yes, to which you offered yourself to me~! Besides, we're almost done! Just another three more of these to get today's quota done before I have to move onto the more custom fits... like Jahi's, yours, and Leone's..."

Her eyes dropped to my chest, which made her sigh as she looked down at her own chest a moment later, something that made me smirk at her as I said "Don't even act like you don't enjoy the extra work... I know your mind is filled with 'references' whenever you make our armor, you horny little Jackal..."

We smirked at one another as she shrugged, not denying my accusation at all as she got back to work, which I begrudgingly did as well, though I felt a tad more comfortable in what I was doing, so I asked "Do you think that Ka Fiend will prove to be an issue, or do you think we'll be fine?"

"An issue..? Not particularly, but only if I can get some better shields forged out of the remaining tortoise shell. Something to protect against a thing that strong. Especially if we can work some gemstones into its surface to add another layer of protection, something to make Jahi's defensive capabilities rise up even more. As for the normal shields, I think coating them in mana and locking them together so that we create a wall would be more than enough, and as long as the mages can land their spells and weave them together to create something intricate, it shouldn't be that much of a problem..."

Cutting into the leather, I pursed my lips and began to layer them properly, trimming what I needed to before starting to stitch them together a moment later, making sure everything was neatly lined up and ready to go.

"You really think you can forge something that can withstand a Fiend's strength? A Ka Fiend at that?"

My mate looked up at me and raised a brow, waiting for further explanation on why I was doubting her skills, something that made me stop what I was doing as well as I raised my hands and said "I'm not saying you can't, I'm just asking to make sure you are 100% certain that you can do something like that, Anput. I mean, it's only been a few months right? You might be naturally talented and a quick learner, but..."

Those obsidian eyes narrowed for a second as she stared at me in silence, before letting out a sigh as she replied "I understand what you're saying Kat, and on one hand I get it, but... really? The answer is yes. The materials I have and the skills I know for sure I have at an excellent level are more than enough to work against something like that. Especially when infused with mana. I know the logical leap from making basic weapons and armor that would withstand basic monsters into making gear meant to withstand Fiends is a large one that seems difficult to do, but... it isn't. The same way Leone is able to handle far purer and higher quality materials to make incredible potions, I can do the same. Besides, can't I say the same for you? Are you sure you can make an enchantment strong enough and intricate enough to do the things that we want?"

Pursing my lips, I nodded my head somewhat as I muttered "Fair point.", prompting Anput to wave her hands at me like she was saying 'See?' before returning to her own work, sorting the leather sheets out and placing them into the piles that would be turned into individual pieces of armor.

"I didn't mean to question your skills and qualifications, but-"

"I know, Kat. I know. And I'm not angry or disappointed or anything, alright? Just... didn't expect it is all. Like I said, the logical leap that someone who doesn't work with those things would make would be to question it, but the reality of it is that the forging process is roughly the same with most of these metals. Nothing here is a unique material like Fiend parts or other rare ores or materials, so the process is the same; only difference is heat and how long it retains that heat. Otherwise, all Water attuned metals follow strict 'guidelines', just like all Earth attuned metals do.

I memorized and practiced with each at this point, so I know what I can and can't do. Just like you've memorized and practiced the runes you need for enchanting and how to do them. The complex enchantments aren't much different form the normal ones, are they? Just infuse the mana into the surface of the thing you're enchanting and voila, you've made a magical piece of gear."

Blinking, I stopped for a moment and looked up at the Jackalkin, who was staring back at me and wearing a small smile, which only grew as I nodded and muttered "I guess... that's right, and that makes sense..."

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