My Servant System

Chapter 902 901: Spectator

Chapter 902 901: Spectator

"Ooh~! That's an interesting weapon you have there, Miss Kat~! It's a older design of a blade from the desert, right? From the Sultanate? I believe it was two, three centuries ago that the Sultanate's warriors wielded that blade over the scimitars of today, to help accentuate their brutality and strength, correct? Interesting, interesting..."

Belian's voice came out from behind, the Demon standing somewhere nearby and watching all of us fight against the vast horde of Undead monsters that were pouring out of the nearby caverns and coming to attack us.

My Khopesh sang a sharp song as I chopped and cleaved through the various decaying monsters around me with wanton strength, the blade coated in ice and spreading a frost over the already diminishing monsters that further robbed them of their abilities, allowing me to leave them to die on the ground as I danced forwards and set a rhythm, ensuring that my blade rose and fell on a timer to keep the experience flowing in.

Of course, I also relied on my off hand often as well, the familiar explosion spell waiting on my palm as I aimed my hand at a nearby Deer that had one of its antlers cleanly snapped off, the blood vessels that ran through the bone oozing a nasty pus onto the smooth surface, coating it in a disgusting liquid that the Deer used as a weapon, shaking its head and sending gobbets of that pus flying in hopes of distracting me with it.

As it did so, I aimed my hand at its head and sent a dozen small spikes of ice into its skull, shattering the bone and sending the remaining brain matter splashing across the ground as I stopped its deranged rampage quickly, giving me a brief moment to glance towards the source of Belian's voice, only to fail to see the Demon.

"Ah, don't bother looking for me, Miss Kat~! Even Chordeva has troubles finding me visually, so I sincerely doubt you will be able to locate me with your eyes! The wonders of an insane genius single mindedly pursuing as many different magics as they could! The 'Mantle of the Trickster' or something like that... nifty thing, isn't it~? Oh, on your right."

My head snapped back towards the battlefield, and I grit my teeth as I flicked my dominant wrist, sending my Khopesh snaking through the air and into the thick neck of an Undead Bear monster, slicing through the rotted meat and sending a deluge of curdled blood splashing to the ground.

"Anyways, it is a Fire enchantment if I remember correctly. Something about heat being able to displace and alter visual stimulus or something... Honestly, Ammit might be able to figure out some of its workings, and I know Hathor spent a long time studying it. Nifty thing though. Cancels the ability to see and smell the wearer, but not hear them, feel them, and you can technically 'taste' the heat, I guess..?"

The Demon rambled behind me about his stupid coat, watching as I sidestepped the Bear's forward momentum that threatened to send me flying, its charge almost hitting me thanks to said Demon behind me that was STILL rambling, something that he refused to stop doing ever since we arrived here.

Criss crossing two thick gashes in the Bear's side, I moved onto the next even as Belian added "Back to your sword. It's dual enchanted, correct? Meaning, it has two 'primary' enchantments that work as spells? Fascinating. Usually people cap it to just one, but... I do believe that is entirely thanks to the limitations of both the metal and the enchanter themselves. Of course, I have seen some weapons and some staves that have more than two; the staff that Hathor made for herself has six spells etched into it, each one with a very different use."

Stabbing a snapping Wolf in the throat as it leapt at me, I used its momentum to throw the monster behind me and aimed it towards the source of the voice that was nagging me, which only made the man chuckle as he kept watching and speaking, taking that hint and throwing it back at me in response.

"Perhaps that should be your next goal, Miss Kat. Instead of relying on your off hand to cast a new spell, you should invest in a wand; something to trace out runes still, yes, but primarily to use as a medium for your two favorite spells. That blast spell is powerful but limited to being extremely close range, so a long range spell would do wonders. An ice bolt maybe, or an arrow? Ooh, or you could use it to quickly cast your Domain spell! That would be a dangerous tool to have in your arsenal! Gods, I am SUCH a fountain of ideas today aren't I?"

My right arm left behind a blur of cyan as I swatted aside a Snake that lunged towards my throat, sending it crashing into the ground with an agonized hiss as its bones crunched from the force of the blow, while the diving Avian let out a caw as it tried to claw at my face.

Raising my left arm, I stared at the grey skinned, barely feathered abomination that somehow was still soaring through the air even with wings that were mostly long hooks of bone and skin, though I was only able to take in its appearance for a moment before it was turned into a bundle of gore that crashed to the ground in front of me as I blasted it down.

"Lord Belian, respectfully, do you EVER shut the hell up?!"

My growl caught the attention of the Demons near me, and each of them shook their heads as minutely as they could even as they continued to fight, something that made the man behind me snort as he said "No, no I don't, and you can't stop me! I'm stronger than you, wealthier than you, older than you, more important than you, far more handsome-!"

"And MUCH more of a chatterbox, apparently... If you need to bother someone, why not go nag Satanya about how terrible her leadership ability is with how she constantly tries to snatch what isn't hers? That seems to be a better use of your time, hm?"

Splitting my focus between Belian and the fight was difficult, and it was hard to ignore him since his voice was always just close enough to make your brain prioritize its sound but far enough away that it allowed room for you to keep fighting, a skill that he had likely honed thanks to his peers trying to do what I did earlier...

"Hmph, youngsters these days... just try to offer them advice and they snap at you! This new generation is doomed, I tell you! Doomed!"

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