My Simulated Road to Immortality

Chapter 442 - 414: Matters After Death Are Not Empty

Chapter 442: Chapter 414: Matters After Death Are Not Empty


The daring promises Li Fan made in the past in the Roaring Abyss seemed to be still clear in his mind. However, this ambitious cultivator, who seemed to have a strong backing, had died so abruptly.

He only had enough time to hurriedly leave an incomplete will before he passed away suddenly.

Thinking about this, Huang Fusong first felt a flood of emotions, then a wave of confusion welled up in his heart.

“This guy… didn’t seem like someone who could die so easily…”

His eyes narrowed slightly as he stood in front of Li Fan’s body.

He began to carefully inspect it again.

After a while.

“He’s really dead.”

The look on Huang Fusong’s face was complex.

“It’s good that he’s dead. It also spares the higher-ups from having to worry about what to do with you.”

His gaze shifted to the storage ring in Li Fan’s hand, recalling the contents of the will conveyed by Li Fan, Huang Fusong’s heart skipped a beat.

“I’ve only been cultivating for a hundred years, and only met two or three close friends.”

“He Zhenhao is one, Xue Mu is one, and Huang Fusong is a half.”

“Today, although I am dead, I leave behind a contribution of one million, one Ethernal Life fruit, and some magical artifacts made of spirit stones.”

“You brothers can take whatever you want.”

“This kid’s fortune is so considerable it’s a little scary.”

“One million contribution points are good, that Ethernal Life fruit is a really good thing.”

A trace of greed flashed in Huang Fusong’s eyes, and he entertained the idea of taking everything for himself.

At this moment, a commotion and cries came from outside the secret room.

“Daoist Li Fan, how could you die so suddenly! How am I supposed to repay the kindness you showed me back then!”

A figure arrived beside Li Fan’s body, after a moment of identification, they confirmed the identity of the body.

He then threw himself on it, tightly holding the body, and burst into tears.

This person was dressed in the uniform of the Defense Camp, and Huang Fusong recognized the other cultivator who came with him.

The leader of the Defense Camp in Tianyun State, Jingxuan the Taoist.

This person was a direct descendant of Lu Junyi, the former commander.

When Lu Junyi was promoted to the general commander of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals’ Guarding Camp, this man was quickly promoted as well.

Even though his position was higher than Huang Fusong’s, the Defense Camp and Array Strategy Hall were not the same department.

So, Huang Fusong wasn’t afraid of him.

But out of politeness, he saluted him.

Jingxuan nodded his head, looked at Li Fan’s body, and sighed softly.

After the Defense Camp got involved, Huang Fusong’s idea to swallow Li Fan’s legacy failed.

Following the procedure, several items in Li Fan’s storage ring were inspected. After finding nothing unusual.

They were then divided equally between Huang Fusong and He Zhenghao.

As for Xue Mu…

Huang Fusong said he had tried to defect to the Five Elders Organization not long ago, was captured on the spot, and then killed.

Jingxuan investigated and found this to be true.

So he didn’t ask any further.

1.68 million contribution points, the savings of Li Fan’s life.

He Zhenghao got an exact one million, the rest belonged to Huang Fusong.

Accordingly, the Ethernal Life fruit belonged to Huang Fusong.

The rest of the magical artifacts made of spirit stones were given to He Zhenghao.

Except for an [Array Breaking Round Disk], the value of the other items was not that great.

Both Huang Fusong and He Zhenghao were very satisfied with the division of the inheritance.

After witnessing Li Fan’s body being cremated, the two men went their separate ways.

Returning to Tianyun State, the suddenly wealthy He Zhenghao was feeling a bit sad and lost.

He recalled the contents of Li Fan’s will.

“…There’s one thing I’ve always been hiding from you.”

“Actually, I’m not a cultivator from Yuandao State, but a mortal from Small World.”

“Back then, it was you, Daoist He, who helped me to sneak in from Small World.”

“Heh heh, but I assume you wouldn’t care much about those mortals from the past.”

Thinking about it, He Zhenghao couldn’t help but blush.

The number of mortals from the alienated world who had slipped through his hands over the years were well over a thousand.

And how could someone of He Zhenghao’s temperament care about what those mortals looked like.

“So, it turns out that Daoist Li Fan and I share such a deep connection.”

“That explains why he kept looking out for me. It all makes sense now!”

“It’s just a shame…”

Thinking of this, He Zhenghao couldn’t help but sigh regretfully, his heart filled with sorrow.

After a while, he remembered Li Fan’s last wishes.

“In Shilin State, there are descendants of those from the alienated world.”

“I hope you will take good care of them.”

He Zhenghao looked at the legacy he had just received and felt torn.

Finally, he sighed, took out more than half of it.

After taking a leave and disguising himself, he headed straight for Shilin State.

Xiao Heng was highly alert to the inexplicably appearing cultivator from the Alliance of Thousands of Immortals.

However, it was undeniable that the many spirit stones and magical tools the other party had given him were genuine.

This person claimed to have been entrusted by a deceased individual.

After much thought, Xiao Heng presumed it to be a legacy from his senior predecessor and accepted it.

As for He Zhenghao, according to Li Fan’s testament, this group from the alienated world not only did not join the Alliance of Thousands of Immortals but seemed to have joined some mysterious organization.

To avoid getting involved with them, He Zhenghao left quickly after delivering the inheritance.

Thus, in the 41st year, the [Array Breaking Jade Disc], transformed by Li Fan, successfully arrived in Xiao Heng’s hands through He Zhenhao.

No one from the alienated world was proficient in the Array Technique.

They only regarded it as a regular Array Breaking tool and kept it in the storage ring.

In the 45th year, Han Wuyou reached adulthood and successfully established his foundation.

Xiao Heng presented the Array Breaking Jade Disc among other magical tools to Han Wuyou as a gift.

Han Wuyou loved the Array Breaking Jade Disc deeply, carrying it with him everywhere and nourishing it with his heart’s blood day and night.

In the 46th year, Han Wuyou and the [Array Breaking Jade Disc] formed an inexplicable connection.

A rush of knowledge about the Array Technique suddenly appeared in his spirit consciousness.

Upon reporting this matter to Xiao Heng, a detailed investigation was carried out among the people from the alienated world, but they found no explanation for this occurrence.

They only instructed Han Wuyou to take good care of it.

In the 48th year, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals announced that within ten years, any cultivator within their territory who did not join the Alliance would have to suffer the consequences.

The news sparked dissatisfaction among many solitary cultivators.

But the people from the alienated world received a message from Shuo Feng, instructing them to cooperate.

In the 49th year, the Faceless Demon Venerable suddenly attacked Shilin State.

Though a Soul Locking Array Light Column quickly locked onto its incarnation target, they still did not manage to capture it.

After causing havoc for half a month and causing the deaths of over a hundred cultivators, the Faceless Demon Venerable casually left.

In the 50th year, Han Wuyou broke through to the Mid Stage of Foundation Establishment.

In the 51st year, a resentful roar echoed through Heaven and Earth from Dao Origin State in the distance.

“Who is it?”

The reverberations lasted for several days.

To the horror of the people, the owner of the voice turned out to be Immortal Lan Yu, who was believed to have fallen long ago.

Seven days later, the voice disappeared, and Immortal Lan Yu never appeared again.

In the 53rd year, Ling Huchang of the Medicine King Sect was persuaded by Xiao Heng to join [Immortal Revival].

Ling Huchang and Xiao Heng, among others, discovered the ruins of the Heavenly Machine Sect in the Hundred Stone Cave Heaven on the outskirts of Shilin State and obtained several techniques from there.

In the 55th year, a natural strange phenomenon occurred.

Green lines filled the sky above.

It lasted for three months.

The people were terrified but did not understand why.

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