My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

A Deal (R-18)

After Eve collapsed on my chest, twitching from pleasure, I turned around and glanced at the dark doorway. A squeak could be heard coming from there and I sighed. Eve was still conscious and saw me looking there. She smiled wearily and squeezed my hand.

With the last bit of her strength, she heaved herself off of me, tumbling off my body and cock. She stroked the back of my hand one last time, almost as if she was giving me permission.

I looked back at her. "Are you sure?"

She nodded faintly then finally passed out.

I stood up, my still woken member rising like a flagpole and made my way towards the source of the squeal. On second thought, maybe it'd be better to clothe myself. I hopped into my boxers and shirt, quickly walking over to the room.

I flipped the light switch and saw Christina sitting with her back against the wall. She was trying to hide her flushed face with her sleeved arms, but it was still rather obvious. Her smell was most pungent here after all.

I stared at her beautiful hair, slightly disheveled. She really was pretty. Even after "reuniting," we still hadn't gotten a chance to talk. Maybe this would be it.

I was about to start the conversation when I heard her tiny voice call out. "Do you remember me?"

I was taken aback. It wasn't really what I was expecting, considering her background. But from what Eve had told me, she was really nice and had seemingly changed for the better. I wonder what that reason was? The first and last time I remembered being with her, she had acted like a snooty, entitled brat the whole time.

"Of course I do. You don't forget your first times."

She blushed hearing that, clearly knowing what I was referring to. She gave me a look, showing me her full face this time. Again, she was beautiful. Her full, plump lips were twisted in a small pout. The shapely figure I had lost my virginity to was still there, though it had developed slightly. Her once small breasts had become decently sized, at least late enough to poke uncomfortably from her resting position.

"I still haven't forgiven you for rejecting me." Ah. So she still thought about that. It was the truth though, and I couldn't deny it. I was very grateful to her. She had helped Eve out after all.

Even though Eve had given me permission, I wasn't sure if I could go beyond seeing her as a friend. Maybe a sex friend? I had heard of those things from Eve's gossip texts she'd occasionally accidentally send to me instead of her groupchat.

I was definitely attracted to her, but I already had Eve and now Valentine. Did I really need more? To tell the truth, I only really wanted Eve. The others I might find beautiful or sexually attracted to, but Eve was truly the one I loved from my heart.

I wasn't so sure if I had more room in it. And I wasn't sure if Christina could take a second rejection. Seeing her without the mask of a rich girl or the façade she had put up all those years ago made her seem so vulnerable. I wanted to protect her, not fuck her.

Seeing these emotions flash across my face, Christina let out a small chuckle. It seemed she could read the expressions. Softly she spoke. "Yeah, I knew I couldn't be the one."

A tear appeared in the corner of her eye.

"Goddamn it. Why is it you?"

She started crying. I wanted to comfort her, but I wasn't sure if I should. I was the reason for her tears after all. Seeing me just awkwardly stand there, she mustered up her angered voice. "Hey! You're supposed to be comforting the beauty right now!"

All the while, hot tears poured down her face. I happily obliged, swooping by her side. I held her, pressing her frame against my body. "You warm," she whispered into my chest. "Ah. I could die in these arms."

I pulled her away after she stopped crying. Only hiccups could be heard. She started monologuing. "That girl Valentine...Does she know?"

I nodded. "I'm pretty sure she does."

She sighed. "So she accepted not being first? She was that desperate huh."


"How about this. I want something more out of our relationship than just friends. You give me one month. One month to change your heart so that it can fit more than just Eve in it. Until then, we'll act as lovers. How about it?"

Well, Eve had given me the green light. And I didn't see the harm in her trying. After all, what's the worst that could happen? "Fine. What happens after the month passes and I still haven't fallen in love?"

She snorted. "As if! No one can resist my charms!" She laughed. "Well I suppose I'll just stay in this limbo we're at right now."

"That doesn't seem to be a good deal for me," I frowned.

"C'mon you get to have this beautiful girl dote on you for a whole month. That's reward enough!"

I smiled wryly. I wouldn't mind playing this little game with her. "Fine. But, since we're this far," I looked down at the bulge in my pants, "I've got something to take care of."

I was about to leave, but felt Christina grab my hand. With a flushed face, she gave me a confident look. "Did you forget? I'm supposed to be your lover for the month, which means I'm also responsible for taking care...of that."

She gulped seeing it. "Did it get bigger since I last saw?" she muttered.

I laughed. "Why don't you find out?"

She moved to kiss me and our lips tangled passionately. Christina was beyond aggressive. It was like she had seen her lover after years apart. Which was technically true? She began sucking at my lips, sticking her tongue in and sliding it across my mouth. 

She moved apart only to mumble something. "God I've missed this."

She pulled my lips in again and I sat back, letting her do everything herself. Her loose clothing quickly lost itself as did my clothes. She had pressed me against the bedstand, sitting on top of my lap, her full ass comfortably resting on my thighs. 

She was kissing me, moaning out my name in between breaths. Her hands were moving all over my body, hugging me, stroking me, even squeezing me. "Adam...God this feels so good."

She was getting more and more aroused, the heat in her gaze giving it away. I took this opportunity to take back control once more. I lifted myself, pushing Christina down who yelped at the sudden movement. 

I moved my lips from hers and began kissing her body. Especially those breasts that were now hanging loosely. "Ahh!" I sucked at her breast, causing her to cry out. She shivered from the ecstasy and I brought my fingers down towards her pussy.

It was already wet from our kisses and was only getting wetter during the breastplay. I messed around, finding the clit and began stimulating it. Flicking and rubbing it with my fingers. Every time I moved it, she'd cry out. The warmth of her chest against my face was a blissful feeling, something I wasn't too used to with Valentine and Eve.

The stimulation of her breasts and pussy being played with simultaneously was too much for Christina. It didn't take long for her to explode. She gave her loudest cry, her back twisting as she let out a flood onto my fingers. I moved my hand away from her shaking body and wiped the fluids on the bed, silently promising Eve to wash it myself.

I held onto my dick, stroking it a little as I moved it towards Christina's opening. She cried out in fear, seeing it, shaking her out of her ecstatic delusions. "Is that really gonna fit all the way in?"

I tilted my head. "Well, Valentine and Eve can both fit it in entirely."

She muttered. "Yeah well those two have surely gotten used to it by now..."

"Why, you wanna be like them?"

I didn't give her time to respond and took her confusion to my advantage, plunging my length inside of her. Her eyes bulged when she realized what I had done and she cried out from the sudden feeling. "Fucker! Warn me next time!" 

She moaned out as I began to sway my hips, forgetting about the pain of suddenly getting penetrated. She was about to complain again, but I stole her lips with another kiss. "Ahh, Adam. I'm glad," She said with lust-filled eyes as I pounded her, "I'm glad I can say your name out loud this time."

She went in for more kisses and I groaned as her pussy twitched and lubricated my dick with her leaking juices. She released another orgasm and this time she clung to my back. "ADAM!" She screamed out. This one was her most pleasurable one yet and she seemed to be obliviously happy. It didn't take long afterwards for my own time to come. 

Not wanting to risk a pregnancy, I also pulled out of her just before I came, much to her disappointment. "Hey, I wouldn't mind if you put one in me." She rubbed her belly for added effect. "Maybe it'll get you serious with me?"

I smiled at her mischief. "Oh? Should we go another round then?"

Fear overtook her confident look. "N-n-no, are you trying to break me? This was more than enough for a reunion!"

I grinned and stroked her cheek. She pouted, clearly exhausted as she weakly held her hand against the back of mine.

I couldn't lie and say that I had no affection for this girl. But it'd take time for us to progress. 

I kissed her one final time before she fell asleep. 


I had the three girls laid out next to each other, covered in as best of a dress-up I could manage. I gazed fondly at the scene before me. 

I even sneaked in a few photos that would surely get a lot of complaints but I couldn't help it. It was just too precious of a moment to give up. As I was taking the shot, I heard the door to the room creak open.

"Taking lewd pictures of your unconscious girlfriend and her best friends. Quite the pervert aren't ya?"

I saw Yelena leaning against the doorway, her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. "Hey, welcome back."

She took out a cigarette and began to exaggeratedly puff it, giving me the finger when I pointed at the window. "Fuck you, it's a candy cigarette. Anyways I was here earlier but it seemed you were a bit busy to be greeting me."

I smiled sheepishly. "What do you know. I had an extra person to please this time."

She looked down at my dick, somehow still bulging after my session with Christina. "Apparently not everyone was fully satisfied, huh?"

"Why, you offering?"

She laughed out loud, quickly covering her mouth and glancing to see if any of the girls had woken up. Seeing that none of them did, she gave me a pointed look. "It'll take a lot more than that to get into my pants, Adam."

"It was just a joke, I wouldn't dare lay a hand on Big Sis Yelena."

She nodded, appreciatively. 

We stood there silently for a bit, neither of us saying anything. We were both just standing, looking nowhere in particular. I broke the silence first. "What do you say we go grab a drink. Old times sake?"

"You read my mind." Yelena grinned.

I grabbed my coat and wallet. After giving the girls one last kiss on the cheek, I left the house with Yelena. There was a local bar nearby that was pretty nice and I wanted to try. We entered the bar and ordered a couple drinks. 

The bartender nodded at our orders and began prepping the drinks in front of us. We watched for a little while. "There's something I need to say," Yelena said.


"I did a little investigation earlier."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, the timing of your arrest was a little too convenient."

The bartender appeared with our drinks. We both thanked him, breaking Yelena's conversation flow. I took a sip of the drink and winced at the taste. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the best either. 

Regardless, I kept drinking it, as Yelena kept talking. "I did some sleuthing and turns out they had an anonymous tip saying that your address was the home of an upper echelon in mafia society. But the only people who know you're now recognized by the upper levels -"

"Are the people at my promotion meeting."

"Exactly. Most of the trails I followed ended up cold. You seem to have a lot more support than was hinted. But the only one that lead to a definite answer was my father's."

"Let me guess, he's trying to sabotage me because I'm rising in the ranks a little too much and threatening his position? Or I'm getting a little too close to his two beloved daughters?"

"No and yes. Father doesn't care about upcoming rookies. In fact, he's usually super enthusiastic about them. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. I'm confident he's had people tailing Yvonne ever since she cut off from the family and that they've been reporting to him ever since. They've probably been mentioning you for years. The only reason he hasn't done anything to you yet, is most likely because he didn't see you as a possible "threat" to her wellbeing."

"What do you think I should do about it?"

"You don't have to worry about the police, but I'd be careful with your business deals. Just make sure to read over everything before you sign it, alright? I'm not sure how far father will go to be an obstacle against you."

"And where do your loyalties lie?"

She sighed, having anticipated the question. "Look, I'd be lying if I said I didn't give a rat's ass about what happened to him. He's still my father and even if he's a sexist piece of shit who sees his daughters as pawns to trade off, he still cares enough to not let some average Joe take them. I guess I can appreciate his concerns. But I won't be agreeing to anything he wants me to do like manipulating you or something like that."

"And if worst comes to worst?"

"I'd prefer you didn't kill him but I wouldn't shed too many tears if you did. Big Sis Yvonne might, but I'll just be a little depressed."

She gave me a cheery smile, uncharacteristic of her. I could tell she still cared for her father a lot and decided I wouldn't kill him if push came to shove. Sure, it might cause problems later, but there are many, many ways to incapacitate someone without killing them. At least that's what my time with the mafia's taught me.

I nodded at Yelena and downed my drink with a sigh of satisfaction. She followed suit and we quickly began to get drunk. Even I, despite my relatively high tolerance, got drunk. We were kicked out of the bar by closing time, our heads nodding about as we stumbled our way back to the apartment. We were singing some old folk song together, loudly, much to the chagrin of the security guard who shouted at us to quiet down. 

"Fuck you!" I flipped him off as Yelena laughed loudly while cheering. We continued our antics even into the apartment before promptly collapsing next to each other on the sofa, not caring for all the juices that had stained it from the earlier actions.

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