My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

Getting Arrested By a Milf

When I entered my home, I didn't expect to see Valentine sitting on the dining table chatting away with Eve. I only gave her a questioning glance, which she pointedly ignored. Eve, seeing I was home, rushed into my arms giving me a quick smooch on the lips. Valentine shyly joined and gave me a kiss as well, though it was on the cheek.

"So, how was work?"

Eve went to an excited explanation of her day which was mainly just working on a single photoshoot for a famous magazine. Valentine had been her partner in the shoot and she had decided (forced) herself to come back here. I gave her a wink, which she shook her head at. Seems like she was still too sore for any...nightly activities.

We were getting ready for our nightly ritual of watching television while cuddling, having heated some coffee and got a few snacks out. Valentine would be joining us and I had the blankets all ready. We were just getting comfortable, when I heard a knock on the door.

Someone's rough voice was shouting. "Police, open up!"

Eve and Valentine gave me a worried look as I got up. I was confused as well but reassured them, saying it was nothing. "It's probably just a noise complaint."

Even so, I couldn't help but frown. It was rather odd for the police to be specifically called to our apartment.

I slowly opened the door and was instantly tackled and pinned. Someone had their knee against my back as I laid face-first against the floor. I wasn't prepared for the sudden assault and was taken off guard. I opened my squinted eyes to see several guns trained on me. I shot a quick worried look at Eve and Valentine who were shouting.

I turned my head around to get a look at my assailant and saw it was a stern-looking female officer with body armor. She quickly handcuffed and began to read my rights out with a vicious snarl.

As much as I didn't mind being straddled by a hot woman, I was in no mood for this. With my head still pressed against the ground, I barked out. "Excuse me officer, just what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

The woman scoffed at me. Her name-tag read Commissioner. What was the commissioner doing arresting some random guy like me?

"I'm pretty sure you know exactly why I'm here Adam Martin, or should I say Orpheus?"

I almost groaned when I heard the "street name" I had gotten during my time on cleaning duty. Behind me, I could hear Eve and Valentine gasp. I knew the girls thought I was doing shady things but I guess they didn't think I'd actually be a criminal. I could feel a headache coming from the questions later...

From the corner of my eye, I could see they weren't being restrained which made me sigh in relief. They were still being blocked from approaching me though, and the officers in their way didn't seem to care too much about being kind.

"Let me go!" Eve cried out. She tried to push past the officer but was stopped. The Commissioner got off my back and walked over to her, handing my cuffed body to two of her juniors.

Before I was lead out, I heard her speak to Eve in a gruff voice. "Adam Martin is being arrested on several charges for homicide, participating in gang activities, and aggravated assault. He's being taken in for processing and you should be aware that you may be called in as a witness should a trial proceeding take place."

Eve didn't have the mental power to process all the information after seeing me so roughly arrested. She cried out before I disappeared from vision, "I'll get you out Adam!" Valentine seemed shell-shocked and wasn't saying anything.

The Commissioner stepped out along with the rest of her officers, a triumphant grin on her face. Did I kill her dog? I didn't understand the hatred she seemed to harbor for me, as I had never seen her before. I was about to open my mouth to say something, but she maced me instead. "Ow, what the hell?" I spluttered. I may not know a lot about the law, but I sure as hell knew the police weren't supposed to just randomly mace people.

"I don't need to hear anything out of your deviant mouth." She simply said, as if that explained everything.


She personally lead me through the lobby, marching me as slowly as possible to gain maximum exposure. We got outside where nearly half a dozen squad cars were parked in an array. I was shoved into the backseat of the nearest one, where the Commissioner personally got in the passenger seat while another officer drove.

In a flurry of lights, the rest of the cars followed us forming a convoy as I only silently looked out of the window wondering what the hell had just happened.


The second the door to Adam's apartment closed, Eve ran to the phone. She picked it up and dialed a number and began biting her nails while glancing at Valentine. Valentine was still sitting on the sofa, an unreadable expression on her face.

Eve felt slightly bad and would comfort her later, but right now, she had to call someone.

"Come on pick up!"

She nearly yelled at the phone.

After a few rings, the call connected and she heard a voice on the other side. "Hello?"


"Oh, you're Adam's sister right?"

"You're in the mafia aren't you?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"Don't bother lying, my brother just got arrested in front of me!"

Her voice was rising. After hearing that, Yelena instantly became serious.


"Just now."

"I'll be right there."

The call disconnected and Eve looked again at her friend still dazed on the couch. She walked to her and leaned over, squeezing her shoulder. As if snapping out of a trance, Valentine looked up to see who had disturbed her. 

Seeing Eve, Valentine began slightly crying.

Eve sighed. While she too found it terrible, there wasn't anything she could do. She knew Adam wouldn't be stupid enough to provoke the police and that they wouldn't do anything other than wave their guns around. That didn't mean she didn't hate them with her guts. Several scenarios ran through her head which all ended with that bitch woman's carcass lying in some abandoned roadway.

It had been even more traumatizing for Valentine who had seen her lover suddenly get manhandled and have nearly a dozen guns pointed at him. Seeing Valentine's condition, Eve just gave her a quick side hug while Valentine began sobbing. She wasn't as confident in Adam as Eve was, though that would change soon enough.

They stayed like that, comforting each other, until they heard a knock on the door. Valentine froze up, remembering the last time someone knocked, but Eve said it was just Yelena. She went over and opened the door, revealing Yelena who was wearing a slightly oversized coat and mismatched boots. She had run here instantly after hearing about his arrest.

Eve explained everything as Valentine was still too out of it to be of much use.

When hearing about it, Yelena's hands began to clench and an ugly glare appeared on her face. Especially after hearing the description of the Commissioner. "That bitch!" she growled. "She's still pissed about the Johnny Incident? Holy fuck!"

Seeing Eve's questioning looks, Yelena coughed. "Uhm, I'm not sure if it's my place to say this but there's something your brother's been hiding from you."

Eve nodded. She had known long ago that Adam's new job wasn't legal. "I know, just tell me."

Yelena sighed. "Alright...well basically we're a part of the mafia. I'm the daughter of an executive and he's my second-in-command. Well he was. He was at a promotion meeting today. I'm not sure why the police suddenly are after him though. I'll call my connections and make sure his case never makes it to trial though."

Eve took some time to process the information. Her brother...was a member of the mafia? That certainly explained things. Like why he'd come home late at night sometimes covered in blood or why he and Yelena looked so badass...

While she left Eve to think, Yelena pulled out her phone, a cold gaze on her face. "Adam's in trouble. Call the Mayor. We have a favor to call in. Remind him about the polls we rigged for his election."


In a high-rise office, a phone rang. 

The man, a well-dressed middle aged man was signing through a few documents while reclining in his seat. He was remarkably fit and chipper for a man of his age but worry lines dotted his face when he saw the caller ID. It was unknown but he picked it up anyways. He knew the consequences if he failed to pick up one of 'their' calls.

To his relief, it turned out to be 'them.' "Mayor Sanchez speaking. What can I do for you Mr. Petrov."

His handsome face became ashen when he heard the phone. His normally confident self began to quiver. "U-u-understood. I'll fix it personally. No, no thank you."

He set the phone down and let out a scream in frustration. Thankfully his office was muffled or his secretary would have certainly heard it. He stared out the window of his office. Normally he'd marvel at the beautiful view but right now, he could only see red.

That bitch Alicia had done it again! 

And now they were on his ass...AGAIN.

He cursed himself for succumbing to the popular vote and making her commissioner instead of his choice candidate. He didn't realize just what a fucking pain in the ass it would be. He just wanted to sway some of the more progressive votes by giving a woman a commissioner title! He had read her file and understood her hatred for the mafia, but please woman! Was she trying to get them all killed? Couldn't she keep things professional and not go around like a jealous wife?

Apparently she had arrested some rising bigshot in the Russian mafia, arresting him in front of his family. To make matters worse, he got a notice that she was holding him in an interrogation. How deep was she digging her grave? His head spun thinking of all the possible consequences he might face. He was the mayor of goddamn New York City! But his bitch of a commissioner was going to make him lose face!

He cursed her in his heart as he straightened his tie and fixed up his appearance before calling his personal driver. "Take me to the precinct," he muttered, in a dangerous voice.



The Commissioner slammed a manilla folder on the cold desk and began pacing around with her hands on her hips. She had gotten rid of the body suit and was now wearing form-fitting pants and a vest.

I would've said something about that but I was getting pissed myself. Who the fuck did she think is, screaming in my face like that?

She was getting more and more frustrated as her questions were met with silence. In the beginning, she had been grinning viciously seeing me in such a defenseless position, but her mood swung swiftly after she realized I wouldn't talk. 

Again, she grabbed my collar, bringing my face close to hers and glared. "Fess up! Do you admit to the twenty counts of homicide linked to you?"



She slammed her fist against the table, not caring for the fact that it was metal. I sat back in my chair and watched as she threw a tantrum and started beating the living shit out of her own chair. 

A knock sounded on the door and another officer, looking extremely timid peeked in. Hearing the intrusion, the woman picked up the chair and tossed the officer!

The man squealed and shut the door as a chair smashed against it. He opened it again, and meekly called out. "Commissioner Richardson...the mayor's coming to visit."


She looked around for something to throw in a blind rage. She couldn't find anything and began eyeing me. I had a bad feeling...

Somehow she circled me in the blink of an eye and lifted the chair that I was in. Me included. 

I found myself levitating in the air and suddenly the ground started speeding towards my face. I felt the very uncomfortable feeling of having my face slamming against the concrete floor as I choked out some spit.  

"You'll be set free anyways, so I might as well take out some anger on you."

She gave me a vicious grin and cracked her knuckles. She was eyeing me like I was some very tempting punching bag. I spat out at her.

"You're turning an interrogation into a beating? Is that even allowed?"

"I don't give a fuck if I get sacked for this! I won't let another mafia bastard out of my sights!" She spat out.

She was about to throw a fist towards my downed body when the room was rushed by several men. These were different from the precinct's officers and they all wore suits and earpieces. Following not too far behind was a well-dressed man with an air of professionalism.

He glanced disdainfully at the woman and turned towards me. His cold visage was broken as he began to sweat seeing my state. He coughed and said in a frightened voice. "A-are you hurt Mr. Martin?"

No way... "Yeah I'm fine. It seems I tripped and the Commissioner here was about to help me up before you entered."

I didn't lie because I loved her or anything. Keeping her as a member of the police and the Commissioner would be beneficial for me. If she ended up being kicked out she might lash out and end up harming Eve or Valentine, and that, I would never allow. As a member of law enforcement she should at least have a semblance of control and not go for the families of her targets, right?

As expected, the woman gave me a weird look but I turned away. One of the men came over to me and inserted a key into my cuffs. I stretched, free of my restraints and rubbed at my sore wrists. 

The man, who I now recognized as the mayor, looked at me with a forced smile on his face. "Don't worry about Alicia, I'll make sure to discipline her heavily for this. I hope you ahh wouldn't mention this to your uhm higher-ups."

I had to hand it to him, his political smile was phenomenal. I returned the smile. "You don't have to worry about her. It was simply a misunderstanding."

"Hahaha." He gave a shallow laugh. "At the least, I'll have her apologize later in person."

He turned to give a pointed glare at the woman, who was looking away with hatred. Seeing she wasn't cooperating, I began to leave and the mayor hurried to follow. He ended up escorting me out of the station and was about to get a car to take me back to the apartment but I shook my head. I could get home alone. He looked ridiculously downtrodden when I finally turned around and left.

I made my way back home where I found Valentine, Yelena, and Eve all huddled together. 


Eve jumped up from her sitting position and rushed over. She started checking my body and giving me worried looks. "Are you okay?"

I hugged her. "I should be asking you that. Everything was fine, it was just a misunderstanding."

"Hmph," she took me in and then shifted her face against my chest. I also looked over at Valentine who seemed reluctant. 

I kept a side open and motioned for Valentine to join. She slowly got up and softly entered my embrace as well, as she buried her face against me. "Adam," she whispered. Her voice got stronger. "Adam, what exactly did she mean when she said you're a part of the mafia!"

She broke from my embrace glaring at me. I looked over at Yelena who just stuck a lollipop into her mouth while shrugging. "I was called over by your sister and I had to tell her about our business."

This girl...why was she so nonchalant about it?

I sighed. It was inevitable but I would've preferred them not finding out like this. "I promise I'll tell you about it later, right now I just want to take a shower."

Valentine scrunched her nose and let go, but still demanded I answer as soon as I could. I could only frown as I prepared for a second round of interrogations. 

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