My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

Girl Talk and My First Contract Kill


Eve woke up in her brother's arms much to her delight. Though she wanted more, she couldn't help but grimace at the soreness in her pussy. She was a little bit depressed at the sight of Adam's still raring member.

She had long noticed the peeping girls last night. But she didn't mind as long as they didn't do anything more. After all, at the end of the day, she was the one getting fucked by Adam. Now, after seeing how intense his libido first-hand, she was a little worried for her own safety. She loved being the only one for Adam, but she was worried she wouldn't be able to satisfy him on her own.

Christina's scream roused everyone awake. She had wobbled over to the noise, followed by the rest of the gang. Everyone was yawning and shuffling their feet to investigate the noise. Still thinking about how sore she felt, Eve came across Adam pinning down her friend Christina.

He looked cute with his nervous eyes looking for her reaction.

Normally she'd be enraged or feeling jealous, but right now? All she could think about was last night's event. As much as she'd love to just fuck him every second, she didn't think her pussy could handle it. She felt only mildly miffed seeing how Adam's boner was brushed against her friend.

But she decided to tease him a little.

"'re still not satisfied?" She faked some tears and spoke in a trembling voice. He looked panicked and immediately got up from Christina and hugged her. She could feel his strong arms holding her and she melted in the embrace. This warm feeling...she could get addicted to it.

Christina's eyes were rolling and Eve left Adam's hug to help her up.

"Sorry about that Chris, this is Adam, my brother."

Christina blushed.


Eve frowned. She was using an unusually high-pitched voice. Don't tell her... Did Adam seriously make her friend fall in love at first sight? As her twin brother, it was only natural that Adam also was extremely attractive to the opposite sex. Though he didn't seem to realize it himself, she wasn't the only one turning heads around town. Even for models and women with high standards, Adam was a treasure, so it made sense that he'd be able to make a girl instantly fall in love with him. But Christina? Christina had never mentioned a man since Eve had met her, asides from joking about the man she had lost her virginity to.

To see that Christina suddenly act like a school-girl was a bit of a shock. She decided to ignore her friend's reddening face and looked at the rest of the group that had gathered. She suddenly got a plan...


He turned at the mention of his name. She gave him a sweet smile. "Can you get me something from the store real quick?"

He seemed a bit confused but hurried out of the door after putting on some clothes.

Once the door closed, Eve turned around to the group that she corralled in the living room.

She cleared her throat. "Now, while my brother is gone...there are some things we need to discuss."

Yelena spoke up rubbing her sore neck. She had slept on it funny and was wincing as she talked. "Does everyone need to be here for this? I don't even know the majority of you..."

The others chorused their agreements. "Hmm. Okay we'll go around in a circle. I'll start. Eve Martin, model. I'm Adam's sister."

Yelena went next.

"Yelena Marie. Her," she pointed at Yvonne, "younger sister and Adam's boss."

Eve still wasn't entirely sure on what Adam's new job was. It seemed shady as hell and she had suspicions it was related to some sort of criminal activity. She could only hope Yelena wouldn't put him in danger.

Yvonne cleared her throat. "Yvonne Marie. Adam's coworker and friend."

The rest of the girls went one by one.

"Carol Hutchins, Eve's comodel and friend."

"Rachel Smith, also one of Eve's comodels and friends."

"Lindsey Richards, model and Eve's friend."

"Valentine O'Hara, model and Eve's best friend."

"Self-proclaimed!" someone called out. 

Christina was last. She was in awe at the assortment of women and felt a little out of place. "Uhm. Christina Ford. Heiress of the Ford group and Eve's friend."

"Ford? As in Ford models?"

There was a dark expression on the faces of the models. They knew what kind of company it was. Seeing this, Eve quickly snapped her fingers to take everyone's attention.

"Though Christina's father might be involved, she shouldn't be held accountable to all the things they've done. If it wasn't for her I might still be working under them! It's thanks to her that I got to find Adam!"

After hearing that, the others relaxed. They began to make small talk but Eve quickly brought up the topic she had in mind. 

"Alright, now that we got those out of the way, we're here to discuss about my brother."

Everyone was silently staring at her now. 

"All of you are in some way shape or form related to Adam. Now I'm not okay with sharing him but I've come to the realization that I may...not be enough for him alone. So I guess you could say I'm looking to recruit some sisters-in-arm..."

That bombshell brought everyone back to reality. Valentine was the first to speak.

"Uhm...when you say sisters-in-arm..."

Eve nodded grimly. "Unfortunately I'm gonna need some help in bed."

Yvonne was the only one to visibly brighten. The others were either confused or on-the-fence. What Eve was basically asking for, was for Adam to have several lovers. Though they could accept the relationship between Adam and Eve, they weren't sure of whether they could accept polygamy. Only for Yvonne, who was deeply and surely in love with Adam, was this option even remotely acceptable. Yvonne had long since given up any hopes of claiming Adam for herself. Seeing just how much love he had for his sister made her nearly fall into a depression. But there was hope! Though it pissed her off that she couldn't be his only one, she was okay as long as she got to be with him.

So it wasn't a surprise when she stood up in support. Eve looked around and saw that the others weren't so willing and sighed. "Look, I'm not saying that you have to be lovers. I'm just saying that in the future, if you ever do fall for him or fall even deeper," she pointedly looked at Valentine and Christina, "then there's always the option of joining our family.

However," she glared at them all this time, "don't ever think about taking him for yourself. Do you understand? I might tolerate sharing him but to give him up entirely? I'd rather kill myself!"

The others began arguing until they heard a ding. Yelena's phone was ringing and she hurriedly answered it after checking the caller ID.


Yelena stood up in a fury. She was practically raging at the person on the other end of the call. "CANCEL IT NOW."

Her face paled at the answer she got. Eve looked questioningly at her but turned her attention to her own phone that buzzed with a text. It was Adam who was saying he wouldn't be back for a while.

Yelena quickly finished her call and immediately raced out of the door, leaving behind a bewildered group of women. Though they weren't sure of what was happening, they assumed it was something important. 

Without anything else to talk about and with the absence of one of their number, the meeting between the women ended.



I was halfway to the grocery store when I realized Eve hadn't even told me what she wanted me to get. Well, I could make a somewhat educated guess. Maybe she wanted some of those fruit-nut medleys she was always snacking on? 

I entered the grocery store only to find someone waiting for me. It was one of the surviving members of Yelena's group. Once he had spotted me he swaggered over and handed me a note before walking off.

I unfurled the piece of paper and read the note.

[Higher-ups are satisfied with your recent performance. Cleaning confirmed for 10:30. This time you'll be making the mess. Eliminate any pests you find around the location. Coordinates sent to your phone. P.S. Make sure to wear your mask. - M]

It was pretty clear what this message was telling me. But wasn't there supposed to be no assignments given to the members in our group? I could only shrug at that. This would be my first contract and I was eager to start earning achievements. Milkovich had said to wear a mask. Judging by that the location would be at the nearby garbage dump that was a breeding ground for weapons deals and alliances.

I took out my phone and checked the time. 9:30. I only had an hour before the job! I was frowning at the suddenness of it all and texted Eve that I wouldn't be back. Hopefully, the others would be gone by the time I came back.

I quickly turned around and went to the nearest mafia storehouse which was only a block away. There I nodded at the doorguard and entered the weapons room to pick out a random gun from the arsenal. My personal piece was still with Yelena so I'd have to make do with this. 

Among other things, I found a half-broken bulletproof vest. It wouldn't protect much but it'd be better than nothing. I also got a mask from the counter. 

I made my way to the location with the gun packed away in a guitar case and masked up. 

The garbage dump was an impenetrable wall of solid stinky trash. At least on the surface. I walked over to one of the piles and shifted around in it until my hands brushed up against a door handle. I cleared away the trash and entered down the ladder built into the wall. I climbed down the final rung and stepped onto the ground, finding myself in a dank underground room. 

It was more like a cave, stretching into darkness from all I could see. There were lights but it would be best not to bother with them. It might alert the people scheduled to arrive and cause them to flee. Instead, I used the light from my phone to find a good hiding place. Thankfully there were a ton of good spots, thanks to all the boxes that were stacked around the room.

My phone dinged. It was from an unknown number and in it was a single photo. It was of a man with a handlebar mustache and no hair. His beady eyes were mockingly smiling at me and I assumed it was my target. I took out the rifle from my case and casually set it on the floor.

And so I waited.

Eventually, I heard the sound of voices and the loud clang of the metal door opening. 

"Heh. I don't know what that bastard Igor wants. I already told him we'll stop doing business with his group after that last incident! Two of our guys were shot dead from the police his group attracted!"

A whiny voice entered my ears as someone jumped from the ladder and onto the floor. There were several more thuds. I frowned. This would complicate matters. At least they were clearly his henchmen. If I wasn't sure then it'd be a disaster trying to complete the job and get away. 

The lights whirred on and I spied on my target from the shadows where the light didn't reach. My hand slowly went to the gun as I waited for a signal from my phone. I had on an earpiece that would ding with the arrival of a text message ordering the shot.

The man began pacing around while talking animatedly. His two henchmen only looked on with stoic expressions, though their hands had moved slowly to their sides.

"This is what I'm saying! They never show respect to me these days! Who the fuck do they think they get their guns from! If it wasn't for my guns, the Marie family would still be a little shit in the mud getting ass-whooped by every rising star in town!"

The phone dinged. I didn't have to read the text to know what it said. I aimed my gun and fired twice, killing both of his guards almost instantly. Thankfully I had gotten lucky and the bullets had entered their heads, disregarding the vests they wore. 

Upon hearing the shots, the man instantly got up and began running towards the exit. He was making good use of the obstacles as a way to block a clear shot from me. Unfortunately for him, I had already planned ahead for a potential escape. Instead of aiming for him, I focused on the little switch that you pressed to leave the room. I shot off the safety cap and blew its circuits apart. 

Now the man was stuck and he took out his own gun, pointing it at me. "Well, well! I should've known this would happen! When did they order the hit? After I broke relations?"

I didn't answer and just kept my gun trained on him. I wasn't confident if I could outaim an arms dealer so my only option was to stall for time while thinking of a different plan. I got a pretty stupid idea but it was worth the effort.

I made a move to drop my gun and instead dove to the floor while simultaneously shooting at one of the light fixtures. My aim might not be good enough to get a fatal shot from across the room but I could easily hit a motionless large baylight. Two shots went off, from our respective pistols. Mine shattered the light fixture while the man's just barely grazed over my head. It was close but my plan was working.

The room was shrouded in darkness which meant guns wouldn't be usable. I took out one of the backup weapons I had brought, a long knife with a wicked edge. I wasn't really planning on using it but I had brought it as a "just in case." I could only pray that the man wasn't too talented at hand-to-hand or close-quarters. 

And he wasn't. He was panicking at the sudden darkness and firing wildly. Once I heard the click of his empty chamber, I rushed at him with my knife, crashing through the furniture and boxes that stood in my way. He was backed into a corner and only the dim screen of the phone served as any source of light. 

I stood over him and simply slashed my knife across his neck as cleanly as possible. He was in the middle of saying something but I didn't spare him the honors. I sniffled at the dust that had kicked up after he had fallen to the floor and called a number specifically made for "clean-ups."

"Requesting for services at the Dump, Type I."

The operator gave him the affirmative and I ended the call. Then I turned the page on my list of contacts and called another number.

It rang once before getting picked up.


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