My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

Scouting For My First Model

Christina was snoring on the bed, still under the effects of the alcohol. After getting home, I had excused myself to the washroom to clean myself up a bit before sleep. Yawning in the shower, I was stretching and thinking about whether I'd be able to go to bed at a reasonable hour.

On the walk home, Valentine and Eve had agreed to take me to some places I could find upcoming models. I was pretty excited to start working and was also planning on ordering some furniture and new decorations to refurbish the office to make it more official.

While I was scheming in the bathroom, the two girls in the bedroom were quietly whispering about what kind of prank they'd pull on the sleeping girl.

"I have an idea..."

They both giggled slightly, in a good mood because they'd be with me all day tomorrow.


I toweled off and wrapped it around my waist, knocking on the door to my room and entering it. Closing the door behind me, I was scratching my hair and yawned. "Hey, since we have a big day tomorrow, why don't we skip this?"

Instead of Valentine and Eve, I was met with a naked Christina in a rather compromising position, somehow still snoozing away peacefully. She also had a massive arrow drawn on her stomach with a permanent marker that I didn't even know we had. It was pointing towards her slit. I heard a couple of muffled laughs coming from the closet and walked over, opening it to find the two missing girls cramped in the space and shaking from laughter.

"Is it really that funny?" They both nodded fervently. Eve wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a peck. "It's your fault for spending so much time with her lately..."

Valentine nodded in agreement. "I get you've been trying to work on her but you never take us on dates!"

I called their bullshit easily. I lightly pushed Eve away and folded my arms with a stern expression. "And whose fault is that? The night before we agree to go on a date we end up sleeping in late because you two get too naughty."

They both turned away from me, looking slightly embarrassed. "Haha, I'm just too excited that I can't help fact?"

She pointedly tried to tug at the towel around my waist. I shook my head, removing her hand from the covering. "I'm feeling tired can we just sleep tonight?"

"I guess," Eve said, "Just a bit of kissing then?"

I nodded and Valentine rushed me before Eve could - "Hey!"

Her lips pressed against mine and we tumbled onto the bed, making out. Her hands were sticking to my naked back and she looked at me with feverish eyes before kissing me even harder than before. I let her have some fun and use her tongue, feeling the thing tickling the inside of my mouth. But once she tried to go further, slowly moving her kisses from my lips on a downwards path towards my member, I stopped her causing her to groan in slight frustration.

I grabbed and pulled Eve onto me instead, causing her to cry out in surprise as she felt my body softly press against hers. She kissed me, not bothering to take it slow and immediately sticking her tongue in. After waiting a bit, Valentine joined us, too anxious to be left behind. She was lying down next to me and leaned her head in, to try and join my kiss with Eve. She had her tongue out and I chuckled in my head seeing Eve pout but let her join.

It wasn't our first threeway kiss. Neither of them were too uncomfortable with it, having been subject to witnessing the other get their brains fucked out on a regular basis. In our more recent threesomes, it had been much more intense than normal. Before they could get too far, I pinched both of them on the butt to signal that it was time to sleep.

Breaking from the kiss, they were both panting clearly wanting more. I tapped a finger to each of their noses. "We've got a busy day tomorrow. Promise to keep you up all night afterward then, kay?"

I grinned seeing their faces light up. They both nodded to each other with determined looks.

I turned off the lamps and threw on some light clothes before joining the three of them in bed. Christina, having been out like a light for the past hour, was happily snoozing away at the far edge of the bed. Valentine and Eve had changed into their lingerie and were snuggling on either side of me. I laid down comfortably with my arms around each of their shoulders as I basked in their body heat. 

Closing my eyes, before I fell asleep I felt two pairs of soft lips brush against my cheek. "G'Night." I said, met with an echo of two similar good nights.


"The first place we're going is one of the local model competitions. There's some of the newspapers that run their own shows and since those are pretty low-key it'll be a good place to find upcomers."

Eve was explaining things as we sat in the back of the cab. Valentine, listening to Eve, was nodding and giving out a few pointers of her own.

"There's one of those not too far away from here. It's for models on the younger scale, I think it's from fourteen to fifteen years? Or something like that. Anyways, these girls very rarely have their own agents so it should be pretty easy to recruit them early on."

I thought hard. "Since they're minors how hard will it be to get gigs for them?"

Eve frowned. "It'll be tough but you could probably collaborate with Yvonne. I've noticed she's been getting more and more famous as a designer and she'd be more than willing to pay you for a girl to model in her clothes."

"How much training do the girls need?"

Valentine answered this one. "Probably very little. Since they're competing at a local level, they still need some help around the ropes but they should have the basics down as well as know how to maintain their bodies. Anything you want to teach them, we can just do it for you."

"I see." I didn't really want to 'abuse' my relationship with Yvonne. I didn't want to just hand her some chump model that I knew she'd be fine with just because I was her friend. As the cab sped towards the address of the venue, I was plotting with a smirk when the phone buzzed. It was from Christina and judging by the speed at which she was sending these messages, she was likely pissed.

Christina: < Hey...what the hell is on my chest? >

Christina: < Hello? >

Christina: < Hellooo??? >

Christina: < Adam? >

When we had left the house, Christina was still sleeping so I assumed she had seen the results of last night's prank...Not wanting to wake her up, I had wrapped her in a blanket and left a note by the bedside. Had she not read it? I was about to reply, but the cab jolted to a stop prompting me to pay the cab fare.

We stepped out into the bright sun in front of a modest building. It was some type of auditorium, a large brick building with tinted glass walls. Standing outside was a decent amount of people, all standing in line. These were clearly the families of the competitors, mostly just siblings, parents, and some friends.

As most of the people here were related in one way to an aspiring model, they obviously recognized both Valentine and Eve. Even though they were supposedly in their "casual" wear, they were still far too conspicuous to keep a low profile. Valentine was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans highlighting her long legs along with a jacket and white undershirt. She had styled her hair into long curls and was wearing some Ray Bans. Eve had on leggings with an oversized black hoodie that hid her hair. Even so, most of her face was exposed allowing the people in the line to quickly recognize her. 

At this point, we were used to the attention and the girls politely declined or ignored the requests from the parents to "please train my/our daughter!"

We tried to join at the back of the line, but the people were insisting we just cut and go on ahead. We kept declining, saying we were just curious and wanted to stay in line. But they kept insisting. We were causing a commotion and eventually, two people dressed in yellow security vests came out, followed by some man sweating in a suit. He was looking rather nervous and kept mopping his face with a towel while doing his best to avoid eye contact with me. 

Maybe it was because of the stinkeye I gave him the second he stepped out, daring him to ogle my women...

The man swallowed and laughed slightly. "T-to what do we owe this pleasure Ms. Martin and Ms. Goldstein?"

"Nothing," Eve sharply said. "We're just here as audience members."

"Well we'd like to bring you directly backstage...there's quite an uproar as all the girls heard that the famous Eve Martin and Valentine Goldstein have appeared at our venue..."

Valentine looked at me, with a shrug. She didn't really mind going back there, plus it'd be a good way to introduce me. "Ok, we'll head back there but only if he comes back with us." She pointed towards me. The man gulped and stared at me for a bit, the flicker of a glare in his eyes. 

"U-understood...Please follow us then."

He and the security began escorting us as we squeezed through the excited crowd. We entered a nice lobby and through a staircase down into the lower level of the building. There was a bright passageway at the bottom leading to a blue door that they swiped a keycard to unlock.

There was a group of teenage girls, all chatting excitedly with each other in a circle with their phones out. The second they saw who had entered, the vast majority of them began screaming like fangirls.

They swarmed the two of them like flies, mostly asking for photos, autographs, and even some tips. I looked at the two girls who were acting like nothing had happened with a little bit of appreciation. I could tell they weren't doing it just because they wanted to be "unique." So I approached the first one, a tall girl with wavy black hair who was standing expressionlessly to the side. Looks wise, she was far prettier than the other girls. Was it her overly calm demeanor? She wasn't even fazed by the group surrounding Eve and Valentine and was entirely focused on the wall in front of her. 


She turned slightly, acknowledging my presence but not responding. 

"How come you're not joining the others? It's not every day two supermodels come by."

"Other than getting to meet some of my role models, it would end up being a distraction in the long run."

It was a straightforward answer that I wasn't expecting. Nor was I expecting the soft voice she had, albeit toneless, it was still unexpected hearing such a cute-sounding voice from a cold girl like her. She seemed to take modeling seriously, something that I liked to see. Judging solely on her looks, she was a little bit better than the rest, her figure just the right size and shape. Which brought the question of what she was doing in a competition where the majority of the girls here were simply the "prettiest girl in the grade" kind of girls. 

"How come you're doing these kinds of competitions? You could pretty easily make it in the big leagues. You've got the looks and the drive."

"I haven't been lucky enough to get scouted."

"I see...How much experience do you have?"

She thought for a second before answering it, still using her emotionless tone. "Around half a year ago I started modeling for a neighborhood clothing shop."

"How come?" I was starting to sound like a paparazzi, but the more I heard this girl answer, the more I found myself wanting her in my company. It wouldn't be hard to turn this girl into an absolute behemoth in the modeling world. All she needed was just the right push. Just based on the way she presented herself, she seemed to be oozing with talent. While I would still need to see her perform, I was fairly confident that she'd measure up to my expectations. 

"It was the first time I felt inspired to. I got the motivation after watching an interview with one of the women I look up to."


"She was talking about how she modeled for the sake of her brother, the person she cared the most for. I found that a worthy motivation and came up with a similar inspiration myself."

"That's admirable."

"She's actually in the room right now."


The girl pointed and I followed the direction of her finger to one bored-looking woman in the middle of a crowd of high school girls. "Eve?"

She nodded. "Eh...."

Small world huh? I stood against the wall and kept watching the fangirls crowding around them. "Hey, what's your name by the way?"

"Ellie Chateler."

"Ellie Chateler...I'll keep that in mind. I've actually got a little proposition, would you like to hear it?"


"I'd like to politely decline."

"Come again?" I wasn't sure I heard right.

"I'd like to politely decline." She repeated herself.

"No I heard that. I just wanted to know why?"

"Well as I said before, I'm not modeling for the prestige. I just want to make someone close to me proud."

"Don't you think becoming world-famous would make them proud?"

I was trying to haggle this girl to join my agency. I had told her that I was looking for up-and-coming models to represent. I even told her that she'd get some training by the best models out there as well as pretty much guaranteed paid deals! And unlike the other agencies, the contract I had prepared with the help of some of the retainers kept by the mafia was very, very open with no hidden clauses! How could she say no?

As I had expected, she had stood out during the competition, clearly the winner. All the other girls were unprofessional or didn't know how to keep a stage presence. To them, it was just making a few "sexy" poses or giggling absentmindedly at the judges. The only one moving like a real "pro" or at least as professional as I could guess judging from all the times I had seen Eve on stage, was Ellie. 

The other girl that had been silent turned out to just have stage fright and was too nervous to realize that Eve and Valentine had joined her backstage. After seeing her brilliant performance, I immediately went to her, flanked by Eve and Valentine, asking if she wanted to join my agency.

Which brought us to here! 

Hearing Ellie decline the offer, both Eve and Valentine were snickering at my failure. 

"I have school to worry about, I can't be modeling full-time. From my knowledge, consistency leads to popularity, something I can't commit to."

"Tch. How old are you?"


I stomped my foot on the ground, rather displeased. I turned to Eve and Valentine, clearly asking for help. Kuh! They turned away, making a point not to look me in the eye as if telling me that I should fight my own battles.

"Is there any way I can convince you to join?"

"I'll be honest with you mister. I'm not too confident in the legitimacy of your so-called talent division. If it wasn't for the fact that you were acquainted with two supermodels I wouldn't be entertaining this conversation."

I was at a loss for words and wasn't sure how I'd get this stubborn girl into my company. "Sure we're a little rough around the edges, but we're not a scam..." I folded my arms with a little pout, unhappy at her attitude.

For the first time since I met her, the corner of Ellie's lips curled ever-so-slightly. 

Her parents saved me from the hole I had dug myself into. After introducing themselves to the girls and I, they immediately looked at Ellie with upturned eyebrows as she was shying away. Her mother, a woman of similar height as Ellie leaned towards me and whispered. "If you tell her Ms. Martin will be coaching her, she'll join in a heartbeat. The girl has nearly half a dozen posters hung on her wall..."

"Mom!" Ellie blushed furiously, glancing at Eve who didn't seem to care, texting something onto her phone.

"What dear? I'm just trying to help you out a bit?" she gave me a wink and nudged Ellie. "As long as you can keep going to school, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

I nodded. "It should be fine, I can schedule photoshoots and training sessions for the weekends only."

Back and forth her parents and I kept trying to convince Ellie to take the deal. With the combined pressure from her parents and me, Ellie finally folded and agreed to a trial under me. It'd take some time to properly examine the legal stuff but I shook her hand happily giving her my contact info and telling her to meet me at the office Friday afternoon.


A.N. ngl i almost was gonna post it tmr

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